Chapter 1: How I Met Him

Welcome To Seoul, Home Of Vampires...

My name is Lee Blaze. I am 17 years old and I really love music. My whole life has been about music so I thought why not make the rest of it about music? 


I prefer to think that way, yes indeed. I love music. It's the only thing I care about in this world. If anything else it's doing well in class. That's how my life went. Music and school. Up until I turned 15 and my mother and father got a divorce and my father gained custody over me. Problem is, he didn't want me around. He was an alcoholic and a drunk yard. He wouldn't get off his lazy to go to work to make money. I made my own money working 5 different jobs. Full time each. I would call my mom every now and then but never got to see her again. She was living a better life I guess. She would tell me about how if she had gotten custody over me, I would be living the life I dreamed of. Great. Why didn't she gain custody over me? Why did she leave me with this no good idiot I call dad? 

Well there's nothing I could have done about it. Well I thought like that for the past couple of months until a week ago. I signed into a high school/ college called Seoul University of the Wicked. It sounded cool so I signed up, and strangely enough I got in. Why did I sign up in the first place, you ask? Well one: I didn't want to live with my failed hobo I called dad and 2: free food and a place to live. I was desperate okay? Anyways, today is the day that I'm going to get going. I packed whatever I had-which isn't much really-and went outside waiting for my ride to the school. My dad was gone, like always, and I left him a note with some left over money. He'd probably use it for beer or something. Whatever. He isn't my problem anymore. I just wanted to get out of this rathole. 


As I waited for my ride, I noticed it was getting dark. I sat for about 4-5 hours waiting for my ride. It didn't come until midnight. When ! Here I am freezing my off for my ride and it comes right when I'm about to give up! Ugh! Well at least the driver was cute. And his skin was flawless and his hair was flawless also! He has a comb in his back pocket and he helped me up. "You must be Ms. Blaze. Please let me help you out." His voice was soft and silky, it almost had a nagging tone to it. I allowed him to take my things and he put them in carefully, tossing one and it hit one of his co-workers. "Hey!! Watch it Key!! That's the third effing time!!" He seemed annoyed by Key, I believe. Key turned and growled, "We'll maybe if you weren't in the way all the time then maybe I wouldn't have hit now would I?! Anyways show her to her seat. It's a long ride back to S.U.T.W!" The other one growled and huffed annoyed walking to me, "Come this-" he froze as he spoke, "H-h-hi! Um please follow me..." He turned quickly and I was confused and shrugged it off following him. 

"So... What's your name?" I tried starting a conversation as we walked. "My name is Taemin. Nice to meet you." He winked at me and I just nodded at him, "Im Blaze. Lee Blaze.. Nice to meet you Taemin."  He smiled and showed me to my area. It was nice and it had a complete bed set and a table and the bed had blankets!!! And there was food for me. I was so excited! I got to eat, sleep, and, live a bit better than I ever thought I could! Seoul University of the Wicked, here I come!



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