The Vietnamese Bathroom Curtain

Digging Your Own Grave - Teen Top Stories



December 8, 2012

“This is Vietnam. Let’s take a look at the scenery outside.”

I smiled to myself as Niel walked around with the camera. Manager Hyung said it would be a good idea to make another “On Air” episode since we hadn’t made one in a while, so Niel took the liberty of volunteering us.


I was lucky to be rooming with my adorable dongseng. Manager Hyung usually puts the louder ones together, but he was too tired to put up with Changhyun’s fussing this time (he and Chanhee often fight over who rooms with Byunghun. I’m not sure whether I feel worse for Byeongari*, who’s stuck in the middle of them, or Jonghyun who constantly fails to get Changhyun’s attention), so he let us pick.

“Oh, you can see me filming myself; how embarrassing.”

I chuckled. Niel-ah~ you’re making me crazy! Can you hear my heart or are you just pretending not to?**

“Huh? What’s that? You say today was boring?”

Alright, I’ll humor you. “Yeah~”

“It was boring?”


“Is there something you want me to do?”

“Yeah!!~” You’re wearing too many clothes though…

I watched him walk over towards the wall separating the bathroom from the rest of the room. He handed me the camera and thought for a second. What was he up to?

                “I will lift up this wall.”

                You’re going to do what?

                “After I go in, I’ll lift it up from the bottom.”

                “Okay, understood.” I replied without really knowing what was happening.

Though I gave manager Hyung a look of confusion, he smiled back at me. Was I missing something? Suddenly, I heard a few grunts, and the wall started to rise! And there was Niel!...behind a glass wall with a curtain in front of it that manager Hyung was raising. Ooohhhh….I need to stop zoning out.

After “pulling the wall down”, Niel took the camera back and had me do some handstands to make it look like I was “lifting up the world”. Again, I humored him, if only because I got to see that beautiful smile of his.



Not too much later, manager Hyung left, reminding us to be awake by eight. Exhausted, I collapsed onto the bed, ready for sleep despite Niel’s protests for me to bathe.

“Well,” I mused.

“If you left the wall curtain up while you bathed, I might stay up.”



The next morning I had to deal with manager Hyung and the makeup noonas fussing over a big bruise on my face, and explain the red marks on my neck.



Damn fish lips leave giant hickeys.



You could get into all kinds of mischief with a wall and curtain like that~

Word Count: 433


*Byeongari - Baby Chicken. This is just a fan name for Byunghun since they have similar spelling, and his hair is usually the shade of a baby chicken's feathers.


Based off of this:







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Chapter 1: Hahahhahahaha, I love that gif. I've been hunting for that gif for months.
Chapter 3: these are cute! update soon!
Chapter 3: Byunghun .. Byunghun ..
Chapter 1: Update soon ...
aerin01 #5
Chapter 1: felt like reading the chronology of changniel....which happened to be true in some points xDD