
A New Life As A Guy


Tiffany's POV

One day. It is only a day I will spend my time doing a project with him. He will be gone for two days since he was suspended and I will be from him during that two days. I can find a new date or maybe meet up with Uncle Kim's daughter.


I saw the midget standing at the gate with a big grin. He had a bouquet of flower in his hands and aviators on to hide his eye. I had to compliment him. He does know how to make a girl fall for him. I am not saying I am falling for him. I was only complementing.


"Here are some flowers for you. I hope you like them," he said and handed the bouquet to me. I took it from him and muttered a thank you. "Let's get to my car now," he said and held onto my hand all of the sudden.


"What are you doing and what do you mean by your car?" I asked coldly as I yanked my hand away from him. He could not just do anything he wants to me.


"I'm sorry," he said with a sigh. "Can't I own a car? Why are you looking at me like I'm a poor kid?"


How am I supposed to answer this? I only glared at him and he grabbed my wrist. "Before we start doing the project, tell me why you hate me so much?" he asked me seriously. There was no escaping this.


"I don't really hate you okay. You just irritate me. I dislike people who are irritating me," I answered and pulled my wrist from his grip.


"That will do. Let's go now Miyoungie~" he chirped and walked to his car with a dorky grin.


I was surprised when I saw his car. I knew it was expensive just by its look. "It's a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X. I bought it with all the money I saved," he told me.


"Don't need to brag. Let's just get this project over with," I said and entered the passenger seat right beside the driver's seat.


"Yes ma'am!" he saluted and entered the car. The more comfortable he gets with me, the more dorkier he gets. I wonder if he likes me or something. He did not show any interest in me though. Even if he confesses to me, I would say no anyways. He started the engine and drove to our destination.


The library? Why are we here? I hate reading. He looked at me with his head tilted and dragged me inside since I did not want to move at all. "Come on, the library isn't that bad. I'm going to do all the readings anyway. You are only going to write," he told me and that calmed me in a way.


Okay, it that Taeyeon is busy reading. I am bored to death! I took a glance at him a few times and he was serious in reading the thick book. I fished out my phone from my bag and played with it to entertain myself.


I rolled my eyes when I saw Taecyeon's message. It was his fault for being a jerk. I was not in love with him anyway. I don't think he even loves me at all. I deleted the message and went on to play a game in my phone.


An hour had passed and my battery was left with only half. Blame Taeyeon for reading too slow. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. He closed the book and did some stretching. "Sorry for taking a long time to read. Are you ready to write now?" he asked and handed me a notebook and pen.


"Yeah," I answered casually. He smiled and began to tell me about the book and wrote down the important points. Half an hour later, we were already finished with the written task and was left with photo taking.


I wonder how much Taeyeon earns. He owns a bike, a car and now a camera. Is he actually from a rich family? If he is one, I would have seen him at balls or parties already. So, it is out of the list. "Hey Tiffany," he called out. "Can you stand there and pose for the camera? This will be the last shot."


After we ended the project, he invited me for dinner but I rejected his offer and told him to drive me home straight away. Halfway through the ride, I heard his stomach grumbled but chose to ignore it. It was his fault that he did not have a heavy lunch.


"Can't we just go and get some food? What if I faint in the car and get us into an accident?" Taeyeon whined and pouted afterwards.


"Let me drive then," I said to him and unbuckled my seat belt.


"Fine," Taeyeon whined again and continued driving. "You're cold and heartless. I wonder why I even want to be friends with you when you are treating me like this," he muttered. I rolled my eyes at his statement.


"Give up then," I said to him. I heard him sighed. I put in my earphones since the car was silent and blasted the songs playing in my phone.


We were almost reaching my mansion but the midget stopped his car and went out. He must be really hungry. He entered the crowded marketplace and was gone from sight. I looked at the driver's seat and saw the key still hanging. I was debating whether I should just drive away with his car or wait. Daddy told me to take my time with Taeyeon but I did not want to. I wanted to be as far as possible from him. Why am I feeling empty all of the sudden though? I got out of the car and decided to explore the marketplace. It will only be my luck if I see him.


Krystal's POV

I woke up still feeling sleepy. Jinri was still sleeping soundly although the sound of my alarm clock was ringing. I planted a light kiss on his cheek and went to take a quick shower before waking both Jinri and my sister up.


My face flushed and I held onto my towel when I saw that Jinri was already awake. He was rubbing his eye, not aware of my presence at all. When he did, he smiled at me and stood up from the bed. "Can you lend me a towel?" he asked. I nodded my head and told him that it was in the bathroom. He grabbed his uniform and entered the bathroom.


I pinched my cheeks and shook my head. Jinri saw me with only nothing but a towel. I quickly put on my undergarments and uniform. I went to my sister's room and locked the door. "What's wrong with you?" she asked me.


My thoughts were left aside as my jaw hung low. Jessica unnie is already awake? She hit my forehead and I snapped out. "You're awake without my help unnie?" I said to her in shock.


"So what? You should be happy. Anyways, what's wrong with you?" Jessica unnie asked in an annoyed tone.


My face heated up and I covered my face with my hair. "Jinri saw me only in a towel," I answered shyly.


"He what? Did he touch you or do anything to harm you?" Jessica unnie shouted. I covered my ears and glared at her.


"Keep it down will ya. He wouldn't do anything to me. He didn't look flushed at all," I said to her.


"Is he gay?" Jessica unnie asked bluntly.


"I thought of the same thing but I don't he is since he blush every time I kiss him," I answered her question.


"I'm done Krystal! When are we leaving?" I heard Jinri's voice from my room.


"Your boyfriend's calling. Better go," Jessica unnie said and pushed me out of her room.


"He's not my boyfriend yet!" I shouted at my sister as my face turned red.


I felt a pair of arms embracing me and I melt into the hug. I smelt my scent on Jinri and grinned. "Shall we go now, Krystal? We'll get our breakfast along the way," Jinri said to me. I nodded my head and held onto his hand.


"Unnie, we'll be going first~" I chirped.


"Take care of my Soojung, Jinri. Don't let anything or anyone harm her," Jessica unnie said icily.


"O-okay noona," Jinri stuttered. Why is everyone afraid of my sister except for Tiffany unnie, my parents and I? Even our cousins are afraid of her.


"Let's go now, Jinri," I said and we walked out of the school and walked to the bus stop.



"What do you want to eat Soojungie?" Jinri asked me as he grinned at me. I felt my face heat up when he called my Korean name. The way he called me was so cute that I could die! I'm exaggerating too much.


"I will just have a sandwich and juice," I answered.


Jinri nodded his head and ordered. A few minutes later, our orders arrived and we ate while continuing to walk to the bus stop.


Taeyeon's POV

I don't care. I have to eat. I should have taken a heavy meal during lunch if I knew this was going to happen. I stopped the engine and went out of my car. I entered the marketplace and went to search for food.


The place was really crowded. A child could get easily lost in this place. Carefully watching my steps while making my way to the food stall, I bumped into someone. The person managed to catch me before I fall to the ground.


"You should really be careful Taeyeon," the person chuckled. I looked up and saw that it was Wooyoung. I pushed him away from me and looked down in embarrassment.


"That wasn't cool dude," I told him.


Wooyoung shrugged and ruffled my hair. He put his arm around my neck and asked, "So, where to?"


What is he doing? Does he like me or something? He is always clingy whenever he is with me. He looks jealous too whenever Tiffany is being close to me.


"I'm hungry. So, I left Tiffany alone in my car and went here to buy food for my empty stomach," I replied and made my way back to where I was going.


"I'll treat you Taeng. I bet Tiffany won't even treat you," Wooyoung said and pulled me to the tteokbokki stall.


"Thanks Wooyoung," I said and walked happily to the stall.


After filling up my stomach, I spot Tiffany from a distance. She was queuing up for food. I grinned and squeezed my way to her spot. I felt my heart break when I saw her making out with a random guy. I clenched my fist and grabbed her wrist. "What are you doing out here? You're supposed to stay in the car," I said to her angrily.


She rolled her eyes at me. "Why would you care? You're not my boyfriend. You're supposed to send me home by the way. Not leave the car just because you're hungry," she said to me coldly.


"You know what. That's it. I'm sick of trying. I give up for real now. Do whatever you want," I gritted and walked away. I had been patient all this while but she does not seem to appreciate it. Goodbye, Tiffany Hwang Miyoung.


"Thanks for understanding Kim Taeyeon. We're only university mates from now," I heard Tiffany shout.


How weird...we were never even friends in the first place. I treated you like one but you didn't. I hate you Tiffany! Why can't you even try to like me?


Sulli's POV

After having our breakfast, Krystal and I boarded the bus. She was seated on the inside while I sat at the outside. She was leaning on my shoulder and was hugging my hand. If people saw us, they would think we're a couple.


After thinking for a long time, I don't mind if Krystal and I were together. I don't object to same gender relationship but here in Korea, it is not allowed. However, it was complicated since I like Minho oppa at the same time as well. Maybe my relationship with Krystal is only sisterly love?


'No it isn't idiot. You love her. L.O.V.E,' my mind told me.


That was not true right? It's crazy! How did I even fall for Krystal? Was it because of our first kiss that I got attracted to her? What should I do?


"Jinri ah, are you still my boyfriend?" Krystal asked in a small voice.


Oh yeah, last night. I was still wondering why I said that. I looked at Krystal and answered her with another question, "Do you still want me to?"


"Do you love me?"


"..." I'm not sure yet Krystal. Why can't I just tell her that?


"I'll wait. I don't care how long I have to wait," she said determinedly.


"Thank you for understanding Soojung," I said and smiled slightly at her.


"Stop calling me that."


"Yes ma'am!"


Krystal giggled. That's right. You should always be happy Krystal. I hate seeing you being sad. I hate seeing you with Amber too. Maybe I am really falling for you. Am I?



A/N: Sorry for making you guys wait >< Sorry too, for making Taeyeon suffer T_T Anyways, next chapter will be only for TaeNy and the chapter after that will be only for JungLi.

One more sub to 200! Thank you so much guys!

Mistakes are all my fault since I didn't check~


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ah, i'm still wondering if i should create a sequel or not.


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Mihyun101 #1
Chapter 22: oh so now tAeyEOn iS sTilL tHe oNe cHasinG?
Mihyun101 #2

i know this is a personal thing, and i tend to get over protective about the word love but goddamn,,, the word love has been thrown out throughout the fanfic and its getting on my nerves XD love is deep feeling of attraction and should only express when the time is right,,,, also, Tiffanys being a ,, going around kissing random ppl and then theres taeyeon?? Girl give up on her already. She’s not worth it. Also that ing jiwoong... ARRRGHHHH I CANT ANYMORE i rlly like the plot and all but goddamn i feel like crying,, im so frustrated TT^TT
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 20: Tiffany is so stupid,, why tf is she kissing every guy that exists?
owheyjae_ #4
Chapter 33: Lmao sica ended w/ somebody else ? more writings author,! ?
Chapter 33: Ahaha, thank you author for the sweet and beautiful story, tiffany is really annoying at first but thanks for made her heart changes eventually.
I laugh at the ending too, good luck seo~
Chapter 33: I'm SooSica and TaeNy-centric, I'm now sad GREAT STORY AUTHOR-NIM! :>>>
Chapter 33: This is really wonderful, thanks for this author!
mjpeec #8
Hi author! Good day. i cant send you a message.
Idk if youre going to read this but yeah im risking my typing skills here. Just kidding. And yeah thats not funny.
Uhmm ive read this story 3 years ago, and it still lives in my head. What im tryin to say is that this story is good and i am asking for your permission to convert and make this a story on wattpad. Its just so precious to me and I really would like to convert it to a camren fanfic since im a trash taeny and camren shipper eversince i joined both fandoms. And this is one of the fanfics that i love. If youll give me that permission, i would always put the link of the original story at the beginning of the story, of every chapter and will give you all the credits. There will be no way that i would own this story.You can say no to this and i would really understand. So Thank you and God bless.
Oshxzue #9
i love taeny
i love jungli
god bless you for this story
taeny_jungli #10
Chapter 7: Chapter 69: tweny wan