More Training

Before The Dawn

"Again!" CAP said. Niel was hitting CAP's bamboo with all he got,

"You have the white powder, now you must learn how to get the powder from the Red, although we will ask help" CAP said

Niel nodded, 


You were also training by yourself, you were used to training alone because of Sungyeol, L and Woohyun were too busy. 

You made a person/ cloud, that looks like you to fight with using your power. "Can you be my training buddy? "You asked. She nodded. You smiled and attacked, She got a bamboo and dodged you. You flipped backwards and kicked her and she disappeared . You pouted "I'll make a much stronger one" You said, you concentrated, thinking of the best warrior you could ever think off, *Who is a hard enemy?*

You thought of Sungyeol, but when you opened your eyes,  it was a Niel cloud. "What?!?" You stood up, *Oh well, at least there is someone to train with* You shrugged and got into position. 

you charged and tried to kick him with a flying kick, he caught your foot and tossed you "Ah!" You stood up and ran towards him, he swung his bamboo and hit you. You went flying in the air and fell on your tummy, "Ouch, this one is really good" You felt your tummy. He ran towards you, you got your bamboo and defended yourself. He went down and swept your feet, you fell. "OUCH!" 

You got up, You charged at him again, you kicked his head but your foot passed through his "Wait, I thought I made him stable"


Niel was too fighting an ice sculpture, he was winning, the ice person was almost like you, "Now, time to die" Niel smiled and charged with his sword.


You got up when you saw him charging at you with a real sword, "What the!? I better undo this now" You said and dodged it you hid somewhere. You tried to concentrate, *Leave. Leave. Leave* You thought but a sword appeared next to you. You looked up "WHAT THE!?! I thought I made him disappear already" You said


"Got ya" Niel smiled. He raised his sword but the ice sculpture ran, and got it's sword. 

"CAP, Why am I supposed to do this?" Niel asked

"Because you are going to fight _____ soon, you have got to learn not to take it easy on her" CAP said

"Fine" Niel said and chased the ice person again


You picked up your sword "How do I stop him" You looked for a weak spot. "What now" You shook your head. you looked for him "Where did he go" You looked around. "AHHH!!!" He went flying through the air.

"AH!" Your eyes widened. He was on top of you he raised his sword.


"Got ya" Niel raised his sword, the ice person defended herself. 

"Good bye" Niel raised his sword but the person disappeared.

"What happened?" Niel asked

CAP ran to him "What the heck?"


You defended yourself. "_______!!" Sungyeol shouted and remove the person. He ran to you, "What were you thinking making a person" Sungyeol said. You were crying, "i was so scared" You said. Sungyeol hugged you "Everything is gonna be alright. just don't do that thing ever again" Sungyeol your hair. 

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Chapter 37: So sweet~~
I like them. At first I hate blue and red vampire. Then I hate Niel because he make '___' run away and hate Sungyeol too. Ha ha XD
But nice story. Happy ending forever.
White blue red black vampire are together.. ^^
jecrisdiego #2
Chapter 37: omg i like it they are so cute and sweet couple.<3<3<3:) my favorite groups is here.thank you.:)<3
Chapter 37: It was quite interesting story~ :D The best cast ever~ :D Thanks for your hard work author-nim ^.^ Good luck in the future :p FIGHTING <3
Perfect. A Vampire story with ALL my FAVORITE groups! ^^ (New Reader)
the story is awsome
ThePowerChaserToYou #6
The ending is so nice!!! ^^
daniel-boo #7
waw I love the ending~^^
daniel-boo #8
Oh no, Niel please save her from the lava!<br />
Update soon~ :D
update soon!!!! :DDDD please? ^^
Darn, caught. T_T What will we do now?! >.<<br />
update soon! :)