
The House of Cards 3rd - POV RP || Open || Hiring Admins || I really need some ppl here..


The Girls♡♤
 Kara - Nicole
 Miss A - Suzy
♦ SNSD - Yuri, Taeyeon
The Boys♧♢
♦ B1A4 - Gongchan 


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Gongchan is present. ;P
Chapter 1: May i be B1A4's Gongchan as an ace in the land of diamonds what im confused. xD
or is there a white rabbit spot? i wanna be a white rabbit. o u o

also willing to be a co-admin. e u e
Diamond_Taeyeon #3
Taeyeon has arrived!!
May I be SNSD's Taeyeon in a suit of Diamonds??
Can I be a co-admin as well??
If you guys are done creating your account add this as well.....
May i be Snsd's Yuri in the diamonds of clubs?
+ may i be an co-admin?
Thank you!~ let me know soon!~
Chapter 1: May I be Nicole in the suit of Clubs?
I can be a co-admin ^^ and I can make this rp in an affilite rp I have and advertise in another rp I'm in~^^