The Enemy

City of Blood

Something was off today. Because there was a foreign sound – a noise, to be more accurate. Zac furrowed his eyebrows in his half sleep to match the noise to any source that he could think of. It was a ringing sound, with ear-piercing volume. He thought he had heard the noise many years ago. When he was still in high school. It was from an object; round and small…

An alarm clock.


Zac groaned in frustrated when he figured out the answer. Why the hell did an alarm clock ringing in his house? He had destroyed and buried every piece of the object on his graduation day. So where did this one come from? The noise was getting louder that he was forced to creaked open one eye. His eyes was hit by direct sunlight that he had to squeezed it again. Another strange thing. Why is he waking up when the sun was still high in the sky? He had partied until morning last night, there was no way he will get up while sun was still high in the sky.


“Get up”


A hard object hit his forehead and the ringing noise increased in volume. Zac opened his eyes unwillingly and grabbed the object that just hit him. He brought it close to his face to inspect the object. When his brain finally in awake state, he realized that it was an angry square alarm clock in his hand. As a reflection, he quickly threw that thing over to the furthest corner of his room, successfully killing it in the process and he felt a tinge of proud for that accomplishment.


“Get up, idiot.”


Zac frowned again because he didn’t remember bringing anyone home from last night party. He might lack of memories due to the amount of the alcohol he took, but he was confident that he would never bring a man home. His eyes darted to the voice and curses left his lips when he found out the man was standing in the brightest part of the room and his eyes were still adjusting to the light. But the curses stopped when he finally made out the person.

Byun Baekhyun. Standing there with his thin arms crossed over his chest.


“What the hell are you doing here?” Zac groaned in annoyed. He didn’t receive any reply but he actually didn’t need it because then he remembered what happened last night. Just when he was about to leave his house for one of the most anticipated parties that he was invited to, a Korean hunter stopped him in front of his door, demanding to sleep over.

“Okay, let me rephrase my question. Why the hell you come over to sleep over? Do I look like a high-school-queen-who-hold-a-sleep-over-at-my-house-every-weekend? And it’s not even weekend.” He bumped his head back on his pillow in frustration.

“No. because I saved your sorry more than your fingers could count.”

The young man on the bed bit the inside of his cheek because it was kind of true, if not very true.

“But why do you even need to sleep here in the first place? Your place is not that far from here.” He pointed nevertheless.

The Korean hunter clenched his jaw silently.




“You should move out of here.” The hunter said as soon as they stepped inside their apartment.

Chanyeol big eyes buldging out as he stared at the smaller male.


“I said you should move out.” Baekhyun repeated, this time looking straight at the vampire. “since I’ve got Edward Cullen, our deal ends here.”     

“What?” Chanyeol repeated unintelligently.

The hunter replied him with a leveled look.

“I mean, wait” the vampire hold out his hands in the air as if trying to stop something. His brain quickly rewind the deal that he made with the hunter almost three months ago and to his disappointment everything made sense now.

He stared at the hunter for some moment, hoping that he was joking but he should know better, the hunter never jokes around.

“So, since you have got what you want, you’re… kicking me out?” Chanyeol accused just for the guilty trap.

“Yeah, be thankful I’m not literally ‘kicking’ you out.”    

Unfortunately, it was not working.

“I’ll deposit half of the reward money into your account when I get it.” Baekhyun offered kindly.

“No, that’s not what I mean” Chanyeol said quickly and Baekhyun’s eyes changed. For once, he didn’t have that cold and judging look, just a curious one. The vampire took his time to put his words in order.

“I mean I could still help you. We have bigger chance to beat Edward Cullen if we work together.” It wasn’t exactly what he wanted to say but the main idea was there; he wanted to help the hunter, to be with him.

The hunter eyes reverted to its normal self at that, even a little colder and sharper if Chanyeol could point out.

“I don’t need it. I prefer hunting alone.”

Chanyeol couldn’t miss the stress Baekhyun put on the word ‘hunting’ and how his eyes flickered at him daringly. The vampire realized something was wrong.

“What are you talking about?”

 The hunter clenched his jaw in tensed silence before replying, “You may have forgotten, but I’m a vampire hunter, and you – ” he paused and glared at the vampire in front of him. “a vampire.” He spat hatefully.

Chanyeol thought his heart was cut opened because it hurts so much at the words. He wasn’t ashamed of his inhuman self but he hated it how much the smaller male hated him because of it.

Baekhyun hated it how the tall vampire looked so hurt by his words and how his chest got suffocating because of it. 

“Aren’t you the same?” the hunter added, just to make himself feel better.

“Your parents were killed by us, hunter. You must have hated me too.” The hunter knew it was a mistake as soon as it left his lips.

Chanyeol was so bewildered that his sad eyes got bigger. Baekhyun thought he saw those eyes were glistening and getting wet. Guilt pricked at him even though he wouldn’t admit that, or the fact that he couldn’t look at the taller male’s hurt expression. He quickly grabbed his long jacket on the couch and strode to the door, only stopping when his hand was on the knob.

“I’ll sleep somewhere else. Just pack your things and get out.” He paused to swallow something bitter before adding, “there’s nothing between us now.” He closed the door with unintended force because of the uncomfortable feeling inside his chest.


      Baekhyun hated everything that happened between him and Chanyeol. He was never the type to care for other’s feeling, or has feelings in general but a sad curled haired vampire’s image kept on flashing in his mind. He was a prideful and competent hunter, he never ran away from any danger or problem before. But he ran away from Chanyeol. Everyone knew how he hated vampires but he somehow agreed to live with Chanyeol in the first place, even did something more. He wondered why there were so many exceptions for that tall vampire with creepy smile. But everything ends here.




“Did you fight with someone?”

The question successfully broke Baekhyun’s unnecessary train of thoughts and he frowned at the question.

“But I thought you live alone. Or – Ouch!” Zac yelped when pain was inflicted on his legs. “What the are you doing??”

“I said, GET UP” Baekhyun tried to kick the leg again but Zac quickly folded them into a protective wrap.

“Why do you even need me to wake up?” Zac hollered as he rolled out of his bed before the skinny Asian man could hit his other body parts.    

 “I need to use your laptop but I don’t know the password”




It was a huge mansion just in the outskirt of the hectic city of New York but Baekhyun expected nothing less from the arrogantly cunning blood drinking monster. It was a little after afternoon when the hunter found that place. In one glance, the white mansion stood indifferently; nothing was placed out of ordinary, no evidence of damage or blood stain and an expensive black imported car was parked right in front of the ajar main door. Normal people might have considered the building normal, but for a experienced hunter, he quickly took notice of the closed curtains of every windows, how the carbon fiber car roof was attached, the faint but a few scratches on shining car doors and the lack of anything living in the picture. He could easily tell the place had been resided by vampire, at least for the time being.


The hunter checked his silver AV gun, making sure it was loaded. The gun’s exterior just like a normal buldgeon except that it was made of silver and a Hunter Association logo was carved into its body but it actually recoiled three times faster and more silent, shoot silver bullet that created specially to kill vampire, the bullet travel 3 times faster than normal bullet and the shape was designed to dig straight into internal organs and the gun can be reloaded faster for better combat purposes. Baekhyun rarely used the weapon because he hated dealing with the management every time he applied for the bullet reloads and how some lower level policemen would take the used bullets as the crime evidence which led him into interrogation room a few times, so he always preferred to swing his hand blade around. But today, he would gladly go through all of the nuisances if he could kill the monster he had been hunting for a few years now, the one that gave him permanent nightmare, the one that scared him for life, the one that took everything from him.


The hunter silently observed the mansion and figured out the only available entrance was the main door and he wasted no time to slip through the readily opened door. It might seem as a blunt action but for Baekhyun, which entrance he took didn’t make any difference because he was sure the criminal vampire was always ready for any attacks from any sides. He didn’t stay on the hunter’s eliminate list alive the longest for no reason. He had to scrunch his nose as soon as he got in because of the strong smell of blood. There wasn’t anyone in the living room and despite of the unpleasant smell, the interior was neat and tidy. No blood stain was seen anywhere but there was a glass of half filled wine on the table with the wine bottle beside it was almost empty. There was a faint lips mark on the glass mouth. It wasn’t a lipstick just some colorless oily substance, might be a lip balm, the hunter guessed.


He had checked the kitchen and the bathroom but found nothing. However, when he opened one of the two bedrooms there, he gasped silently. An adult woman, an adult man, two little girls who looked like twins and a baby was there; piled up on the floor lifelessly. The bloodless bodies had turned slightly grey and green and from the rotten smell, it could have been days since they were murdered. Baekhyun clenched around his gun. Once again what happened to his family happened to someone else. He closed the door and didn’t check the other room because he had a strong feeling that the view would be similar. Silently, he ascended the glassy stairs to the next level. If the vampire left his leftover downstairs, it probably means he spend most of his time upstairs.


There were still a few staircases left when Baekhyun finally heard some noises. A faint thumping noises. The hunter brought his weapon to his side as he carefully followed the source of the noise. It was from the second room from the stairs and he could tell it was a master bedroom based on the more expensive looking wooden door compared to the others. Baekhyun could feel his blood rushing as he placed his hand on the golden colored knob. He might be behind this door. It was finally here; the revenge. He tried to turn the knob as silently as possible but to his disapproval, it creaked. He prepared himself for an attack but when he didn’t receive any, he peered into the room through the opening he just made.


The room was dark as the whole windows were covered with heavy curtains but how dark can it be in the middle of the day? Baekhyun could clearly see two figures of men on the king sized bed. One was lying on his back, while the other with his back turned at the hunter, was between the other’s legs, fully clothed but from the way his hips , the hunter was sure he was ing the other male. And he kept on ing like he didn’t even realize he had a company. The hunter almost convinced it was the case, but when his hand on the gun twitched, the man spoke.


“Could you at least wait until I’m finished?”


Baekhyun remembered that voice. It was him. All of those awful and ugly things from the past that he had kept locked deep inside him long time ago burst out all at once, swallowing him like an angry turbulent wave. He raised his gun and pulled the trigger straight at the man’s back. It appeared like the bullet hit him but Baekhyun knew better it didn’t. The figure dissolved into black smokes a second after the bullet hit him and the hunter swung around just in time to block a sharp blade coming his way with his gun. Nonetheless, his back hit the wall from the force that he received.


“Ah, a hunter.” There a hint of delight surprise in the vampire’s tone as he smirked at Baekhyun. His knife was still grinding violently against the hunter’s gun but he used his other hand to caress the other’s face. “and a pretty one.”


Baekhyun gave a hard push, just enough for him to point his gun and fire at the vampire again. It didn’t hit the target because he felt a hand grabbed his hand with gun and cold fingers wrapped around his throat before he was slammed onto the hard wall again. Fingers on his hand and throat tightened painfully but Baekhyun refused to gave in, so he made sure his grip on the gun didn’t loosen even though his hands were almost crushed and he certainly couldn’t breathe. He saw how his enemy’s red lips curved into a smile that showed his pair of fangs as he watched him dealing with pain. However, the hunter used his free hand to reach out for his AV blade. He slashed the vampire’s chest before kicking him right on the wound.

His knife clattering to the floor and Edward, the vampire stumbled back and groaned in pain, a hand pressing his wound.


“You bastard!” he roared at the hunter but the hunter paid no mind at it. He let out a few shots towards the vampire.

Edward didn’t dodge the bullets this time, instead he hold out his hand in the air and all of the silver bullets coming his way stopped in the air before they dropped to the floor. Baekhyun aimed again but before he could pull the trigger, a hard punched met his stomach that his body curled in pain. He didn’t have time to react because in another second, the received few more blows on his body. Though, he managed to counter-attack and hit the vampire in the face with his bare fist. Edward fell back and hissed in pain. Baekhyun’s fist was bleeding as well as the vampire’s fang dug into it when he hit him but he ignored the pain. He saw how the vampire’s nails grew at a rapid speed and they started to merged together into a spear shaped thing and he still remembered how that thing tore a father of his friend’s arm several years ago. Edward charged at him in inhuman speed but Baekhyun made no attempt to dodge or even block it, instead he raised his gun, leveled with his shoulder and his eyes fixed on his target. He pulled the trigger at the same time he felt his left shoulder being stabbed with something sharp and big. Droplets of blood splashed on his face.


The hunter groaned in pain but together with him, someone else was groaning as well. Baekhyun had to use a nearby chair to support him as he pressed on his newly opened wound. Blood spilling like waterfall. On the floor, beside the bed was Edward writhing in pain and blood dripping to the floor. Baekhyun got him. His bullet hit Edward on his stomach.             


When he saw Edward’s eyes flickered to the window, he dabbed his two of his fingers in his own blood instantly, run them across his other palm and then pressed both of his palm together. As soon as he did that, all windows and the door in that room shut by themselves at once and locked. Properly trained hunter could break vampire’s spell but a few of them could actually cast some spells. And Baekhyun was one of the few.  

“You can’t run away anymore.” The hunter stated coldly. Edward was shocked for a few seconds but later on, the smirk appeared on his face again.


Imprisoned spell?”  A spell that wouldn’t allow anyone inside out and anyone outside in the range until the spell caster took off the spell or died or someone disturb it from the outside. “Impressive” he said it with a soft chuckle as he got on his feet again. Baekhyun realized he wasn’t as hurt as he should be from the way he got up effortlessly and stood straight like uninjured person.


“Byun Baekhyun, you have grown up beautifully.”  

The hunter was more than astonished to hear his name from his loathed enemy’s lips and he had no recollection of ever get known the murderer.

“I still remember that day,” the hunter rounded the bed casually but maintaining his eye contact with the injured hunter “when I savored your mother, father, little sister…”

Baekhyun felt like something was pricking the inside of him as those words came out of Edward’s mouth. His breathe became ragged, his hands trembling, his eyes unfocused, and he could hear his own heart pumping the blood violently.

“just like this boy…” the vampire sat at the edge of the bed and took a pale hand of his earlier victim to his face. He closed his eyes as he inhaled the scent with a pleasured smile but when he opened his eyes again, he still looked straight at the hunter. “Delicious.”

It was like the bomb’s switch because the hunter roared angrily as he lurched at the vampire with full speed and power, overwhelmed by emotion that he even forgot that he got a gun. The vampire smirked.


Baekhyun’s fist missed Edward’s face, Edward grabbing the hunter’s shoulders, kneed him on the stomach, Baekhyun gasped in pain, gun dropped to the floor, the vampire tackled the skinny hunter onto the bed, beside his last victim, straddling his waist and dug his fingers into the hunter’s open wound on his shoulder. The hunter’s scream filled the room.      


The hunter was wheezing and clawed the vampire’s arms, trying to make him let him go but instead the fingers dug further into his flesh. He couldn’t help the whimper that escaped his lips at this stage.

“You want to take revenge?” the vampire taunted in the hunter’s ear. Baekhyun could practically felt the other’s breath on his ear shell and when he felt a wet swipe on the side of his neck, he realized what the vampire was about to do to him. He tried to struggle, but it was to no avail with his slowly drained energy. The wound, the blood loss and the spell were too much on his body.


 “Well, I also want to take what’s mine.”


 The hunter squeezed his eyes tightly when he felt the sharp tips dug onto his neck.


But before it could actually draw blood, there was a loud crash and the hunter felt the weight on top of him disappeared. He opened his eyes.


Edward was pressed against the wall painfully with long fingers wrapped around his neck by a tall man. The wall behind him cracked. Edward tried to slash his attacker with his turned-blade-hand but the man dodged it. Just when the vampire thought he had successfully escaped the other’s grip, he received a strong kick on his wounded stomach that sent him crashing on one of the glass window and he flew outside. The spell had been broken the moment the new comer entered the scene. The man watched the vampire winched with the injuries on the road below and escaped from the broken window. He’d be super dumb if he didn’t.    


Baekhyun recognized the man the moment he saw him but just when the man neared him with a concern look, he said his name.








Baekhyun and Chanyeol were back at their (Baekhyun’s) apartment because the hunter refused to see the doctor. The vampire panicked to see the wounds. First, because he was worried of the hunter’s blood loss and second, the smell of blood was too tempting for him but nevertheless, he was able to control himself to finish treating the smaller male’s injuries.


“Why you didn’t tell me?” The hunter asked when Chanyeol was helping buttoning his shirt because he can’t do it himself.

Chanyeol shot him a wide eyed look. He was more expecting ‘why did you save me?’ kind of question.

“Your parents” Baekhyun simply explained and Chanyeol’s lips parted in more surprise on how the other knew that. But later, his expression softened and he forced a small smile.

“Kris has such a big mouth” the tall vampire chuckled softly that sound more like a sigh. He continued doing the buttons after that without any more words but Baekhyun frowned at the avoidance.  

“Don’t you hate me?” he kind of provoked but instead, the vampire laughed. He should be mad that he was practically laughed at but his cheeks warmed up.

“Why should I?” Chanyeol peered up at the hunter as he finished the last button.

“I’m the same like the people who killed your parents.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Yes, I am”

“No. You. Are. NOT.” His voice raised slightly and Baekhyun bit his lower lip at that. Chanyeol sighed again and run a hand through his own soft locks. “Even if you are, I don’t hate anyone.”

Baekhyun blinked at him in almost disbelief.

“I bet Kris didn’t tell you the whole story.”

“Tell me.” The hunter demanded quickly. Chanyeol looked contemplated at first with the request, but later on, he told his story.


“My parents killed people.” He started.

“I remember those nights when I slipped out of my room to… both my mum and my dad were blood from a man, sometimes woman till they turned white as sheet. In the morning, they will fill the corpse into the car boots and get rid of them. I counted more than my small fingers could count and I bet there were more that they kill outside of my knowledge.

They even fed on my friend. She was a human, the same age as me, lived a few doors down the road and she was kind. She always gave me chocolates.” He grinned at the memory. “But one day, I was sick. She came to visit me but she never had a chance to see me.”

Baekhyun noticed how Chanyeol’s fingers dug onto his jeans as he continued.

“I loved my parents so much and I know how much they had loved me too but sometimes, I was scared... of them. The day when the hunters burst into our house and killed my parents, I was scared but I expected nothing less than that. I had always know somewhere deep inside me that it would happen someday. I don’t hate people who killed my parents. They did what they should do. Justice.” Chanyeol’s knuckles had turned white and the lump in his throat was audible but he continued anyway.

“Of course, the hunters tried to kill me too because no matter how you look at it, what else they could do to a child of monsters. But, Kris saved me.” Chanyeol whole body relaxed when he said that and the earlier tense reduce incredibly. “He flew me out of South Korea and left me in a care of a pair of nice vampires. And I grew up handsomely.” He grinned annoyingly as he ended it.     


There was a dragged silent before Baekhyun asked again.

“and you still want to go back to South Korea?”

“Yeah.” Chanyeol nodded excitedly like a kid, “No matter what, South Korea is my hometown; where I’ve grown up. I will always miss my hometown.” He explained in a childish but sincere tone. “Besides, I deserve what happened to me back then.”

“No.” Baekhyun disagreed sternly and Chanyeol blinked at him. “You parents might deserve that, but no child deserves what you had gone through. You deserve happiness just as others do.”

The hunter regretted saying that because the poor vampire’s eyes started to get shining and wet after that. There was another awkward silent because Baekhyun had no idea what to do in that kind of situation. Luckily, Chanyeol broke the silent.

“Can I hug you?” the held back sobs were evident in his request and the hunter could feel it tugged at his heart.

“Idiot” Baekhyun pulled the giant vampire into his embrace and wrapped his healthy arm over Chanyeol’s broad back. He felt his shoulder was getting wet and the vampire’s back shook lightly but he say anything about it. He just stayed there, sharing his little bit of warmth with the crying vampire.


When Chanyeol had stopped sobbing and just stayed there immobile that Baekhyun was sure he had asleep, Baekhyun whispered,

“Let’s go back home together when everything ends”






The next morning, Baekhyun was awakened by the ringing of his cellphone. He whimpered in small protest to no one practically for disturbing his sleep. He was very reluctant of waking up this morning because he was extremely exhausted from yesterday’s fight and the warm pillow that pressed on his cheek was very comfortable. He didn’t have any warm pillow. He opened his eyes quickly and his cheeks heated up when he realized he wasn’t sleeping on a pillow, but on Chanyeol’s chest. Luckily, the vampire was fast asleep, so he could save some embarrassment. He quickly scrambled away and reached for his ringing cellphone.   



“Baekhyun, you are crazy!” Baekhyun had to pull the cellphone away from his ear because of the loud voice. It was Zac and his mood fouled right away.

“Stop screaming, idiot. What the are you saying?” he was annoyed.


“Baekhyun, Edward Cullen is dead.”





a/n: next chapter is the last chapter and no, Edward Cullen wasn't killed by Baekhyun.

 I'm planning to write one shot sequel for "In the middle of Bloody Affair" and maybe another vampire chronology after I finish this.  

Nothing is confirmed yet but stay subscribed for the updates ^^ 



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in the middle of writing chapter 3


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Chapter 6: Oh wow this was pretty interesting. I love vampire stories so this was a real treat. I liked it and lmao gossip girl characters and Edward Cullen ><
Great story! *^^*
Chapter 6: I thought Chanyeol was dead but good story!!!!!!!!!!!
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #3
Chapter 6: Wooooooooo i thought channie died~~~ dunt scare me like that~~~ T_T
Chapter 6: daebak story!
kpopluvr27 #5
Chapter 2: I died at Edward Cullen! Lol. I'm assuming you're not a Twilight fan author-nim? >o<
blackcatty #6
Chapter 6: Wow. I never imagined Baekhyun being so cold, but this story is so amazing! Applause for you!
Chapter 6: So Chanyeol is not dead? ㅇ_ㅇ
Chapter 2: Oh...hi~i'm new reader here
What? Edward Cullen? Why i'm laugh read this chapter lol