Only You Can Open My Eyes
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I was reading a book about designing using a book reader machine that reads me the book. Then I fell asleep on my chair.

"Ms. Ham." Hyosung came in my room but I was sleeping.

"Mr. Lee, Can you carry Ms. Ham to her room?" She called him.

"okay, You take off the headphones."

Joon took me to my room and laid me on my bed, pulled up the blanket over me.


Joon's POV

After I placed Ms. Ham, I went back to her office. Hyosung told me to find out how Ms. Ham got her injury. I was good at finding evidence since I was having an internship at the police station.

I looked through the shelf and accidently knocked over a book but I heard something clicking. So I pushed and pulled and moved the shelf to the side. Then I found the shelf moving to the side. Then I saw a room, It had pink wall paper with princess styled Chandelier and furnitures. I saw several pictures of Ms. Ham's childhood with her parents I assume. I saw a teddy beart that had brownish spots. I looked closely and realized it was dried blood. then I saw drips of blood on the floor. So I traced it and ended at a scattered glass and sand on the floor and on the table. I figured that that's how she got her injury. I also found many pretty princess clothes. They were hand-made. On the dresses, there were stitches saying 'To Eunjung' and a number next to it. I think it was her Birthday Present but there was one number missing... 15.... Every number from 1 to 17 but 15...

I don't think I should tell anyone about this since Ms. Ham wouldn't like anyone to know about it.

Then I heard a footstep.

"Who is it? Who is in my office?" It was Ms. Ham.

End of Joon's POV

Eunjung's POV

I woke up due to the pain and went to my office. but I heard some noises coming from th secret room.

"Who is it? Who is in my office?"

I went to the shelf and noticed it was open. I went into the room.

"Who came in here? WHO?" I yelled.

"Ms. Ham, It's me, Joon."

"Why are you here? How did you find out?" I got mad because only my parents and I and Cotton knew about it and I always place the gifts and things that I don't want people to see easily in this room.

"I.... well, Hyosung told me to find out how you got your hand injury... then I accidently opened this room... I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to."

"You have to promise me not to tell anyone. No one can know about this place."

"i will. I will promise you, Ms. Ham... But can I ask you about this blood-stained teady bear?'

"Oh... That...That was my dad's 17th birthday present. And I was hugging it when we got into the accident. That blood stains are my parent's blood. They were hugging me when the accident happened to protect me.... My dad bought me anything that I wished on my Birthday. He would buy me designing kit, a princess house, and teddy bears... You might have noticed about those dressed on the mannequin... Those were my mom's present. She made those dresses by her hand for me so I can wear them on my birthday party which I have every year a day after my actual birthday. But... The last one.... I wasn't able to see how it looked like...I wasn't able to wear that one.... I found that dress after the accident in my room, my closet. She always hids the present somewhere in the house so that I can have fun finding it. That orgon..... That was my 15th Birthday present. My mom couldn't make me a dress that year because she was too busy with her launching show in Paris. So she instead designed an orgon and told someone else to make it for me." I said.

"But, Why do you have a secret room?"

"I really liked to be with my dad whenever he was home. Since if I was with him in his office, he couldn't concentrate on his work because he was busy

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lialee #1
Chapter 40: Make sequals for this story please
lialee #2
Chapter 40: Good story
Chapter 40: God..../▔□▔)/
Chapter 39: Wow u_u sad
Chapter 39: Please make them a couple I don't want eunjung and joon not to be a happy cover
eunice_eunjung #6
Chapter 38: author please update...please make them as a happy couple...jebal...
Chapter 38: Writer!!!! what did you do? huh? -o- why did u write this mess chapter? eunjung can't have baby it's too much and now joon is her brother what's the hell is that??? -________-
Chapter 36: Ahhhh. No!!!!! She can!
1124 streak #9
Chapter 34: ☺"̮ ЂoºoЂoºoЂoºo "̮☺
They are married now,,
Joon, pLase take care uri Jungie,,
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