Only You Can Open My Eyes
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Today, i will be seeing Lee Joon, our new butler. He is moving in today. I don't think is a bad person because he was willing to help a blind woman even though he is pretty young.

"Hyosung-ah, What time did he say he is coming?" I asked as I was listening to music.

"He wil be here in an hour I think. You should wash and change Ms. Ham." Hyosung brought a towel and some of my clothes.

"Okay. Also from now on, you don't have to come into the bathroom with me too. I will do everything fine now. Just don't go too far from the room okay?"

"I will Ms. Ham. But if you need help, you need to call me directly. Heat the bell on the wall. okay?"

"Okay, Don't worry. I will do fine."

"Okay." Hyosung left me and went to the bedroom to organize and clean the room.


Now, I have to go to the office room to meet Lee Joon. Hyosung is sitting next to me with Cotton.


"Come in."

"Ms. Ham, Mr. Lee Joon has arrived. Should I bring him in?"

"Yes please do so." I told the maid.

Then I heard a footstep. A heavy one.

"Come in." I said as I looked straight at the entrance.

"Good evening, Ms. Ham, My name is Lee Joon, 27 years old." He greeted himself. His voice some how was very warming. He had a very low voice but very cozy.

"Hello, come in." I stood up and reached out my hand to have a handshake.

"Oh, Thank you." Lee Joon hurriedly grabbed my hand and shook my hand.

"So, When will you start working as the Butler?"

"I can start today."

"Okay, Than please help me." I smiled.

"Thank you." He said

"By the way, What should I call you?"

"You can call me by my name. It's your choice." He said politely.

"Than I will just call you Joon. Is that okay?" I smiled.

"Yeah." He left to get changed.


"Hyosung-ah, How does he look like?" I asked in curiosity.

"Well, He kind of reminded me of Mr. Ham..." hyosung said carefully.

"Really? He has a nice voice from what I've heard." I smiled.


In every afternoon, I draw many designs and Hyosung would always review them for me.

"Hyosung-ah, I'm going to bathroom." I got up and took Cotton and left to bathroom.

"Okay, Ms. Ham. I'm going to prepare for Dinner." Hyosung left.

I quickly went to the closet and brought a box that was wrapped carefully. I screamed Hyosung's name in the closet. And Hyosun camre running and opened the closet.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday toyou, Happy Birthday dear my Hyosung, Happy Birthday to you!" I sang and brought the box.

"Ms. Ham...." Hyosung cried.

"Hyosung-ah, happy birthday."

"Ms. Ham What is this?" Hyosung opened the box. "Ms. Ham... This..."

"I designed that uniform just for you. Wear that everyday okay?"

"Ms. Ham...I don't deserve this."

"You are just like my sister. I always wanted to give you a clothes tha tI designed. Once you get married and bears a child, I will make clothes for that baby too okay?"

"Ms. Ham, I will never forget this. Thank you so much..." She cried and hugged me.

"Well, Just think of this as a bribe to

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lialee #1
Chapter 40: Make sequals for this story please
lialee #2
Chapter 40: Good story
Chapter 40: God..../▔□▔)/
Chapter 39: Wow u_u sad
Chapter 39: Please make them a couple I don't want eunjung and joon not to be a happy cover
eunice_eunjung #6
Chapter 38: author please update...please make them as a happy couple...jebal...
Chapter 38: Writer!!!! what did you do? huh? -o- why did u write this mess chapter? eunjung can't have baby it's too much and now joon is her brother what's the hell is that??? -________-
Chapter 36: Ahhhh. No!!!!! She can!
1123 streak #9
Chapter 34: ☺"̮ ЂoºoЂoºoЂoºo "̮☺
They are married now,,
Joon, pLase take care uri Jungie,,
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