Rainy Days & Karaoke


‘Omo. It’s raining so heavily. Man, I wanted to bring us back to that clearing,’ I huffed, watching it pour. Millions of tiny raindrops pelted the windows before sliding down the glass. The skies were a gloomy grey, and dark clouds scudded across the heavens. Beneath the windows, large puddles had already begun to form.

Baekhyun and I were in his room, taking shelter from the heavy rain. We’d been on our way back to the creek where we’d stargazed last night; Baekhyun excited to see how that beautiful, peaceful clearing looked like in the light of day, but it had begun to pour before we had even made it halfway there.



Baekhyun succeeded in pulling his half-drenched shirt over his head, reaching for a clean one.

‘I said, “I wanted to go back, too.”’

I immediately averted my eyes when I realized he was topless, a flush creeping up my cheeks.

‘Are you done?’

‘Hang on. I’m still pulling my sweats on.’

I think I nearly got a nosebleed.

‘Done~’ he announced. I sighed in relief and turned back round. Baekhyun—fully dressed, thank the heavens—was pawing through his wardrobe.

‘Here,’ he tossed me one of his red hoodies and a pair of large basketball shorts, ‘change out of your wet things. The hoodie might be a little short for you, but you’re skinny enough to fit. And these shorts… I’ve actually never worn them. Christmas gift from a distant cousin. You can have them, if you like.’

He gazed at me expectantly. I realized that he was waiting for me to change.

‘Errrr. Do you mind if I use your bathroom?’ I asked awkwardly, my cheeks burning up again.

He shrugged, ‘sure. You know where it is.’


Mrs Byun had kindly offered to wash my wet clothes for me. I changed hurriedly. The hoodie really was a little too short, thank goodness the shorts were huge, but they smelled just like Baekhyun, and that made my heart thump erratically for reasons I could not fathom.

‘Hey, those shorts fit you well. You really should keep them. You look better in them now than I ever will.’ Baekhyun smiled as I re-entered his room.

You look good in everything, moron.

The thought flashed in my head but I said nothing.

I plopped down onto the bed opposite Baekhyun.

‘Let’s play a game!’ I grinned.

‘But all the board games are over at your house,’ Baekhyun frowned, ‘and so is Prince.’

I cocked my head, thinking hard, ‘I know! We can play 20 questions!’

Baekhyun looked at me quizzically. I reminded myself that he wouldn’t know any of the games we played in elementary school.

‘Right… don’t worry; I’ll explain it to you. Basically, we take turns asking each other 20 questions. You can start. You can ask me anything you like. The only rule of the game is that you have to answer the question, otherwise you'll get a punishment. My teacher used to make us play this during recess. She'd say it would help our class to get to know each other better and I sorta know where she was coming from and I think it could've helped if the class were a little smaller and a little more cooperative I mean the guys just used to ask the stupidest questions and— Right. Rambling. Sorry,' I flushed a little in embarrassment.

Baekhyun giggled amusedly,'that's all right. I thought it was cute.

'Well, I'm game. Shall we begin?'


...[to make my life easier Chanyeol will be in blue and Baekhyun in red ok]...


Favorite colour?

That's too easy! Mm, red.

Well I thought we should start small!’ Baekhyun huffed unhappily, 'Favourite food.'

'Why it's pizza, honey, if you'd really like to know.'

'. Ummmmm. Favourite... band?'

That was just weak, Byun.’ 

'Your FACE is weak, Park.'



That maybe-kinda-a-little-bit-probably made me tackle Baekhyun into the bed and tickle him until he squealed and begged for mercy and consequently ended our game before we even reached 5 questions.


I stopped after Baekhyun began getting a little breathless.

‘No, but seriously, what kind of music do you listen to?’ Baekhyun asked curiously, his head tilted questioningly to the side in the most adorable way.

Cute puppy Byun is cute.

'Weeelll. I do punk rock. And some indie too, I guess,' I replied thoughtfully, 'why?'

Baekhyun seemed to flush a little, I couldn't tell if i was imagining it.

'I-I just.. I liked your game. I'd always wanted to get to know you better.'


'So,' I coughed awkwardly, trying to hide the fact that my face was heating up like a stove, 'what about you? You sing so beautifully, I'm sure you listen to a lot of music.'

Baekhyun seemed to consider this.

'Well.. I usually get hand-me-downs,' he explained as he got to his feet, 'but this belonged to a neighbour,' he reached for a worn album that sat on the top shelf, 'and it's one of my favouri‘—'


That. Unfortunately came out a little more highly-pitched than I had intended. It was a manly squeal ok don't go judgin.

Baekhyun nodded with an amused smile. Reaching over, he carefully put the cd onto the sound system, and a familiar tune began to play.

Immediately, I began to half-shout the lyrics, playing air guitar as I belted out the chorus.

" ‘Cause I’m on top of the world, ‘ay
I’m on top of the world, ‘ay
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt
I’ve been waiting to smile, ‘ay
Been holding it in for a while, ‘ay
Take it with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
I’m on top of the world. "

i realised that Baekhyun was just staring at me. He looked extremely scandalized.

i scratched my head sheepishly, 'is my singing really that bad?'

Baekhyun nodded.

My heart sank.

'Only because...you didn't wait for me to sing it too!' Baekhyun mock pouted. He then broke into a large grin and started singing, bouncing up and down on his bed, his hairbrush becoming a makeshift microphone.

I shook my head at his antics, before grabbing two pens and turning them into drum sticks, tapping out the beat as I sang along.

It was a miracle nobody set the cops on us for being public disturbances.


We finally paused for breath after we'd sung our way through Radioactive, It's TIme and Tiptoe as well.

Exhausted, Baekhyun plopped onto the floor next to me, resting his head on my outstretched thighs and closed his eyes.

i froze, afraid that any jarring movement might dislodge this dozing child from my lap.

His eyes still closed, Baekhyun mumbled, 'I never thought I could have this much fun on a rainy day. Thanks Channie.'





er oops?

i'm SOOOOO sorry I haven't updated sooner!!

I love you? 

Anyway I hope you all don't mind my indie music!! EVERYBODY SHOULD LISTEN TO IMAGINE DRAGONS SPAZZZZ.


thanks for all your comments and subscriptions!

hugs and kisses all around!!

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XoXo_inlab #1
good story"
It's not Rough Waters anymore? :o
Are you going to continue this story, author-nim? T^T
Baekhyun kissed Chanyeol's forehead?
askdjksjd kill me nao! Damnit they are too adorable!
And Chanyeol is such a cheeseball! "You're too damn cute, I couldn't do it. Take me away officer." SRSLY YEOL? alksdj
I sort of knew that Baekhyun would kiss Chanyeol, He's quite sneaky huh? LOL But i was hoping that it is on Channie's lips.
But oh well!

Haha honestly, I only ship Myungyeol but since you only mentioned Myungsoo with Gyu and Hoya..I'll go with Hoya CAUSE I LOVE THAT PURPLE ADDICT!

Thanks alot for the update ♥
Chapter 7: N'awww this ish just too adorable!
Omg baekhyun is so cuteee! Can i keep him in my pocket?
If i'm chanyeol i wouldnt have the strenght to hold myself back!
Lol anyways, no this is not a crappy chapter! :)
Thanks for the update love!
AlicePark #5
Chapter 7: omg..
how do you do to make each new chapter cuter than the last one...
I like this so much..
there are a lot of things more than in the first one...
read you ",
Chapter 7: Holy mother of god this is actually the cutest thing ever.
I thought it was really cute before, BUT LITTLE BAEKYEOL, IN AN ANTIQUE BOOK STORE?
Chapter 6: OMG baekhyuns fail of a handshake. How adorable!!!!
AlicePark #8
Chapter 6: seriously???
cuteness overload xD
I can totally picture that...
and Chanyeol getting jealous..
I was really wondering if there where going to be other exo characters here...
omg.. I like this a lot
read you ",
Chapter 6: Oh gosh this is too cute!
Selling lemonadesss? I always wanna try that :/
I like possessive yeollie! No worries Yeol! We all know that Baek is yours ;)
I wonder whats phase two?
Teehee update soon!
AlicePark #10
Chapter 5: nell is k-indie... I love them.. they are quite good you know?
it was such a cute chapter...
really! I love it..
it was so cool...
i love how cute and fluffy they are...
I think that I should say happy new year..
read you ",