
It has to be you



“Andwae Jung Yong Hwa” FNC’s PRESIDENT said in his final tone

“But hyung!! I love her! More than my career! More than my life!” Yonghwa said desperately, combing his hair with his hand with frustration

“Are you out of your mind?? Sacrificing your high-peek career just for the sake of this thing you call LOVE?!”

“Hyung It’s my future we’re talking about! And I want her to be in my future no matter what”

“Even if letting your dongsaeng’s suffer the consequences you’ll make once you tell the whole world that you’re with her?!”

That stopped him, his dongsaeng’s. How can a leader like him forget about them? Thinking of how they reached what they are right now as the CNBLUE.

“Jung Yong Hwa please come back to your senses. You’re still young you know. And please don’t ruin your career just because of this”

“I’ll go now hyung” He bowed to the PRESIDENT and left his office. Head bend down low, his shoulders scrunched in defeat, feeling down, he ran out of strength.

Driving with full speed, he got to the nearest beach. He closed his eyes and hit his head in the steering wheel.

Ottoke hyun? Please give me strength to fight for us

Then his phone vibrated, it’s a message from hyun. His face brightened up but changed when he saw her text

Oppa let’s break up. I’m sorry I’m better off without you

He grabbed the steering wheel tightly, so tight that his knuckles gone white. His tears started to fall uncontrollably. He can’t think of anything, his brain and heart are just asking one question “what now?” He doesn’t know what to do anymore. His phone keeps on ringing. Jungshin, Minhyuk and Jonghyun are trying to reach him but he’s not in the mood to talk to them right now. He just wants to see her and talk to her, fix things out. He just wants her to be totally his. He called her, but it only keeps on ringing.

He texted her Hyun where are you? Why aren’t you answering my calls? I want to see you and talk to you. Please meet me

He’s desperate to talk to her that he decided to drive straight to her dorm, only to be blocked by her unnies when he’s in front of their dorm door. Seems like they’re expecting him to come already

“I’m sorry Yonghwa-ssi but please understand her” Hyoyeon said to him, teary-eyed hyoyeon walk to him and pat his shoulder

“I’m sorry if this is the last time you’ll visit our dorm Yonghwa-ssi” Yuri said, sobbing

Yonghwa and the boys are very close to SNSD. Almost all of them share the same interest that’s why they understand each one of them very well. It has been 2 years already. They share a strong bond that they treat each other as a family within those 2 years they’ve been hanging out, spending the rest of their day off chatting with them in CNBLUE or SNSD’s dorm. And his relationship with Seohyun is not a secret anymore. But as Seohyun’s agency rule, Dating is not allowed. Although they’re suspecting their closeness, SM entertainment are making sure that their fans won’t notice fishy details about their suspected [hidden] relationship

That’s why he’s planning to talk to her agency about it. He’s almost ready to face all the consequences just to be with her until the end, but right now he feels like she leaves him hanging. Feeling his empty and crushed heart

“Please Yonghwa-ssi don’t make this hard for us. Especially to her, goodbye Yonghwa-ssi” Yoona said sadly

They gave him one last hug and close the door but was stopped by him

“I won’t bother her now, but I won’t give up. You know me, I won’t give up on her whatever happens” they only smiled at him sadly, and he walked out of their dorm

Her unnie’s ran through her room, it was dark and cold. They saw her lying on her bed, covered with her blue fluffy comforter. They can hear her sobs and heartbreaking cries, they sat on her bed and pat her head, shushing her

“I’m sorry if you sacrificed your happiness for the happiness of many hyun-ah. If only we can do anything just to let you live with him happily” Taeyeon said, tears started falling. Seeing their maknae like this breaks their heart

“a-ani unnie. I-it’s also my decision.” She said, sobbing

“But sacrificing your long time relationship is just” Sunny sighed, they’re desperate to solve this problem, but seeing how helpless the two lovers are makes their heart break more

“don’t you love him anymore?” Jessica coldly said, trying to control the situation. At times like this, her being an ice-princess works well for them at times like this

“I do. I so love him. But how u-unnie? H-how??” Seohyun said, voice cracking because of the unshed tears and unspoken words. She’s been stopping herself not to go out when she heard Yonghwa’s voice. Yes she missed him, A LOT. But she chooses to save her group and his group from the future consequences of their risky plan.

She remember the SM ent.’s President’s question to her

“Break up with him or disband SNSD? And soon CNBLUE will be affected as well” the president’s question freaked her out. How did he know?!

That what made her change her mind, she chooses to break him because SNSD is important to her, and also, she clearly sees how Yonghwa take their band especially his beloved band mates.

Later that night she received a message from him

“Seohyun-ah please talk to me. I’ll gladly swap anything just for me to see and talk to you. Your boyfriend misses you A LOT TT^TT” Her tears fall again, she keeps on repeating his text message, fighting the urge to reply to his text message. She put her cellphone inside her side table drawer, praying to God that he won’t text her anymore or she might reply to his text

She woke up from her dream. She got up and looked at the clock, it’s only 2am, she saw her cellphone with 11 miscalls and 28 texts all from him, but one name caught her attention. Jungshin chingu texted her,

Seohyun-ah. Please stop him! He’s been drinking for hours here! And he’s freaking tipsy now. We can’t stop him, we’re on our dorm. He keeps on staring at us badly, like in any minute he’ll punch us

“I’m on my way” said Seohyun, getting a thick jacket, and grabbed the car key behind the door.

She got to their dorm within 15 minutes, right when she knocked, a sweaty Minhyuk opened the door

“What happened” said Seohyun, panicking

“He’s quite strong for us to handle”

As she entered the living room she saw him sitting on the floor, whisky on his hands, his eyes closed but keeps on drinking the whiskey as if it’s water. She ran thru him and snatched the whiskey away from him

“YAH!!!!! I said don’t stop me from drinking!!” he said angrily, eyes still close

“how many times do I have to tell you not to drink a lot?” she said, eyes glued on his solemn face

Right when he heard her voice, he opened his eyes and stared at her. His sight began to blur, wiping it away just to see her face clearly

“Is it really you?” he said, his voice croaked

“want me to pinch you? Get up and let’s bring you to your room”


“Oppa don’t be too stubborn! Look at your dongsaengs! They’re all sweaty and tired!”


“Oppa I told you…” He stopped her by putting his finger in her soft lips, stopping her from speaking

“Until when will you pretend that you’re okay? But deep inside you’re hurting so much just like me” His tears began to fall uncontrollably

“Let’s be together hyun. Please don’t break up with me” He said, pleading her. The three guys entered their room. It’s Yonghwa’s plan. The truth is he’s not really that tipsy, a few glass of whiskey and that’s what happened. He plead them to text her, do everything for her to go there

“Don’t leave me. I can leave my work for you. To hell with Fame! I only want you in my future”

“Oppa. Don’t be selfish get up” her face is expressionless

“SEO JOO HYUN!!” he said exasperatedly, combing his hair with his hand angrily

“I can’t!!” She said, shouting her anger. Her wall was destroyed, falling on her knees, kneeling in front of him

“Please oppa understand me! I need to do this for us. For everybody! We can’t sacrifice all of this just for our own happiness” she said, tears started to fall

“But what about us?!!? What? You’ll waste those 2 years?!” Yonghwa said, feeling helpless in their situation

“Oppa. If we’re the one who’s destined to be together in the end, It’ll happen. Faith may do the work for us oppa. We’ll be together just trust God oppa”

“I can’t be without you! How can I live when I know that you’re not with me anymore?”

“Jung Yong Hwa! Do you hear what you’re saying right now?” Her voice are shaking, stopping her tears to fall down, controlling her sobs

“Please don’t do this to us hyun” his eyes staring to her soft warm brown eyes

“I’m sorry oppa” She stood up and ran to the door, and left him there.

He closed his eyes and spent the night crying his heart out.

“Hyung! Just follow your heart! Don’t mind us. We can stand on our own feet now, please don’t feel responsible for us. Think of your future, and please bring her back”

It’s been a month since they last saw each other, She’s been busy promoting their album around the world, while he on the other side spent the month staring at the space blankly, infront of the empty music sheet and the framed picture of him and Seohyun on their ski trip when they’re still in WGM.

Thinking of solutions on their situation right now, until he think of something

They became active in Korea again after their short break in the entertainment, everytime CNBLUE guests in a show, Yonghwa always wear something Goguma’s (Yongseo fans) gift to him and Seohyun giving Gogumas hints even the way he speak gives their fans Hints on their true status.

And his compositions? All of it is for Seohyun, since 2 years ago, the first time he laid eyes on her, song’s started to form on his head.

Saying things he want to tell hyun, hoping she’s watching each and every show he’s in to. Hoping she can get his message for her

“Yong Seobang gave us hint again Seohyun-ah. Until when will you avoid him? You two look miserable for almost a month now! For godsake! We’re already big enough to face the consequences. We love our maknae that much you know! We’re ready with anything our agency will give us for punishment.” The girls said, after gathering in front of the television to watch CNBLUE’s appearance on one of the famous show in Korea

 “Ei unnie! What are you saying?!” Seohyun said innocently

She stood up and entered her room and started to bury herself in her big comfy comforter and listen to his music

The girls who’s left on their living room heard Tiffany’s phone ringing. It was Yonghwa, He said something to them and the girls whispered to each other, a plan on the process

It was one of the biggest concert Girls Generation prepared. They’re on the backstage when Seohyun noticed her unnie’s staring at her the whole time. Like looking what she’s doing this whole time

She decided not to pry more with her unnie’s weird behavior today. Probably because of the stress and pressure building up inside her she’s feeling sick and somewhat she’s sweating a lot. She don’t know why

They performed their new songs and now the concert is ending. They gather at the stage and are waiting for the PD-nim’s cue for them to say their ending speech when all of a sudden the stage lights turned off. It was all black and then they heard the piano started playing, then a voice started singing [click the song here ^^]

Seohyun froze on her spot. For all the people in there, she freaking know who owns it. She can’t be wrong. It his

The song continued, one light opened on the Piano where she can see him clearly. His eyes closed, you can feel his raw emotion in the song he’s playing right now. Then the big screen showed him. For those fans who can’t see him clearly. Tears glistening in his cheeks, voice painfully breaking

She felt her hyoyeon unnie’s hand wiping the tears in her face. She didn’t know she’s been crying the whole time he’s playing. It’s like his way of communicating with her thru that music.

As the song ended he stood up, she started to panic. She felt nobody around her, when she looked around she didn’t saw them anymore.

“Seo Joo Hyun” Yonghwa started, while walking closer to her

“Do you know how hard that one month is?” he said, his face full of raw emotions

“It must be miracle I lived thru that one month you’re not beside me”

“what are you doing??” she whispered to him, but yonghwa didn’t answer her

“But this time, I won’t let a day pass knowing that we won’t have future together. I know we’re in the right age already to know our responsibility. To know the right from wrong and to understand how precious life is. We must seize the day you told me that right? I’m afraid that you won’t be in my future so I got a little help from your Unnie’s.

“Close your eyes Hyun” she closed her eyes as he said, thousands of SONE’s are all quiet, witnessing the brave proposal

He reached for his back pocket and revealed a pink small box, he heard gasps from the audience and he smirked, then rose petals started falling from the ceiling, the lights softened focusing only on them, then the big screen flashed, something’s written on it

“Open your eyes now” She slowly opened her eyes and was shocked when he saw the Big screen only to be more shocked when slowly she saw Yonghwa knelt in front of her, raising the pink box revealing a beautiful diamond ring that when light hits on it, it reflects a pink and blue shade, representing SNSD and CNBLUE. Then inside of it engraved “Inside of me is you, my lovelight”

“Will you be mine again? And after Five years Marry me?” He repeat what’s written in the big screen

The crowd went wild, cheering for her to say yes. Her hands are shaking, she doesn’t need to think of the answer anymore.

Slowly, she reached for his face and enclosed it with her two small hands, she plated a small light kiss and stared at him intently and said

“Yes Jung Yong Hwa. YES!” he inserted the ring in her fingers and stood up, grabbed her and hugged her tightly, crying, he whispered to her “I love you. Don’t leave me okay? Things will work out if we’re together” she just nodded, they’re still hugging tightly, feeling his fast heartbeat

They heard the crowd cheering wildly, saw some of the fans crying, probably they’re GOGUMAS. Yongseo waved at them and silently said their thank you

Her unnies and the rest of the CNBLUE came back to the stage, they’re clapping for the successful plan and later decided to celebrate

When they got home, they decided to head straight to the reserved restaurant. While Yonghwa and Seohyun head straight to CNBLUE’s dorm. Walking hand in hand, they entered his room and lay on his big bed, bought for the both of them

“Oppa” she started the conversation. Hand intertwined, and face close to each other


“how did you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Oh come on Oppa. You know what I’m talking about”

“hmmm. Let’s see. A few threats for my agency and a pure honesty for your agency?”


“Ahrasso ahrasso” He chuckled “I told my agency that if they won’t let me be with you then I’ll resign, which they strongly objected. And at the end they agreed. And to your agency, I told them everything. That I love you and willing to sacrifice my career just for you, and told them that I want to tell the world that we’re together and will marry after five years.”

“what did they say?”

“At first they freaked out, but explaining to them that artists are also a human being that needs Love from their opposite and soon needs to have their own life and family, seems like they found the light and told me that they agreed but in one condition”

“What is it?”

“For me to let you join Girls Generation even though we’re married, which I opposed at first but agreed when I sensed them having doubts and so they stopped the dating ban in your agency”

“and the fans?” she asked worriedly

“Oh their okay with it. Infact I tweeted awhile ago, saying thank you to our fans who supports us since WGM days. Especially Gogumas who became our strength and inspiration to continue what we started two years ago.” He kissed her forehead, smelled her hair, kissed the top of her head, down her forehead again, her eyebrows and eyes, the tip of her nose, down through her soft pinky lips and his lips stayed there, he deepened the kiss until they’re both gasping for air.

“I love you Mrs. Jung Joo Hyun” he whispered to her, even though they’re the only people in the room, she blushed with his intimacy

“And I love you more Mr. Jung Yong Hwa” she positioned herself on top of him and pinned both his muscular arms above his head, and kissed him deeply

“hmmmm. I love this side of yours too” he said in his husky tone, she lightly hit his chest and said “choding!”

Yonghwa laughed only to be stop by Seohyun when she kissed him again, eagerly.

They spent the rest of the night reminiscing, cuddling and falling asleep in each others arms. Knowing that when they wake up the next day, they’ll see each others face. And the next day, the next day, the next day until forever. Yongseo will live happily ever after.


===================================THE END=======================================

Author's Note::

I want to dedicate this One-shot to Cheen Unnie and Roxan Unnie who I've met because of My forever OTP "YONGSEO" 

just like me, they're also a hardcore goguma shipper, I always enjoy talking to them, especially TROLLING with them lolol. and also, I just want to say thanks for supporting me and saying good things with my writing skills. If i have I love you unnie-deul!! lolol. why am I so mushy? shissuz =_______= LMAO! joke


AAAH! I suddenly think of this plot when I saw Yonghwa's description of his new songs. "Robot" and "RING" and also the spazzable HINTS he's giving us. Although I know he's protecting her from those hateful fans *ehem* I know one day, somehow he'll find a way to say what his heart trully feels. and by that time, we'll rejoice and will be the happiest fans in the whole Kpop nation. spazzing that YONGSEO is trully REAL. call me Delusional I don't even care.haters gonna hate. *merong* *flips hair* 

PS. comments are highly appreciated! ^^

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gogumajoy #1
Chapter 1: 안녕하세요 ^^ I'm a die hard goguma too.. I pray that someday YS will announce their married plan ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ur fanfic make my delulu mind fly to the seventh sky.. ♡ to read ur fanfic.. fighting!!
Chapter 1: :DD YAYY this is true. hehe <3
oqyoiko_89 #3
Chapter 1: kyaaaaaaaa love this soooo muchhhh... my delusional go wilder think someday this story will be true.. u know right today seohyun with her unnies go to CNB concert? yes this is their hint to us. yongseo is real till know..:)
Chapter 1: Only if the part when they got together at last was real XD That would be super awesome...
Chapter 1: will you stop making me cry dongsaeng?! shezzz! ahahhaha.. I love you too.. this one-shot is so great.. you can write well and you know that.

I'm hoping Yonghwa and Seohyun will find courage in the end and really fight for their love. After all, it's their happiness not ours. ^^
This story is so realistic that I even asked myself after reading this, "What if YongSeo really admits they arereally together? Arewe all ready for that?" Aigoo..Why areyou so daebak in writing stories?

And oh!I;m so touched with your AN. T______T Can I cry? kekekekeke..Keep writing stories dongsaeng. I'll be joining you and Cheen(But not with M Rated,you know) SOON!!
cnsdGirl #7
Chapter 1: Thank you for make their agency softening their heart! Pfft! I want to know what they feel if their love are object by someone! Hurgh! Everyone need to marry, okay?! LOL! XD
Anyway, thank you for this! So lovely even though there is some angst~ :3
luxubu #8
Chapter 1: Great one-shot!!!! I hate the fact that idols can't freely date in the world of K-pop.
Yeah, I still believe in YS and gogumas won't ever give up on them
Thank you for this. Hope you can update other stories