Chapter Un; Manager Yul

ღ Magneto ღ ☞ jyp. ent. new girl group ✤ Closed ✤

JYP Training Room Number 4

(from left to right at 0:01 - Suhyun, Rian, Mika, Seojin, Jaekyung)


The five girls popped their chests and stomped their feet in perfect sync to each other and the beat of the music. Even though most of these dancers were actually breakers, they still performed the whole y concept incredibly well.

Suhyun was wearing her simple pink tracksuit pants and blank tank top, her long brown dyed hair tied back in a pony tail. Rian was wearing her favorite jean shorts and a matching brown loose hoodie. Mika was hardly wearing anything, as usual, some pair of short shorts and a belly top that left little to the imagination. Seojin's dancing was breath-taking as she seemed to take the attention away from most of the other girls. Though she was the youngest member, the maknae of the soon-to-be-girl-group, she pulled off the concept just as well as any of the other women. Finally to Jaekyung who hit each move with perfect grace. No surprise there considering she was the one who choreographed this particular routine.

And with that, the girls finished with a high kick and the music stopped, the dance finishing abruptly yet perfectly.

"You go girls!" two girls, who sat on the opposite couch, applauded. The two girls sitting down were also their team-mates, but they weren't particularly good dancers. The one who was wearing a loose gray top and dark grey leggins was Eunrae, the beautiful Vocalist of the group. The other one Yoojin, the Rapper and the beautiful Visual of the group. There was no doubt both of those girls were beautiful.

The five girls who just performed the dance all bowed out of habit before the began high-fiving each other and hugging.

"I think that's the best y choreography we have ever danced to," Rian said as she walked towards her bottle of water.

"Agreed," Seojin, the maknae, added.

"You're doing really well," Mika said as she rubbed Seojin's head, messing up her hair. 

"Yah!" she squealed, pushing away the oldest member's hand. "I don't have short hair like you! This takes ages to fix long hair," she moaned jokingly. Mika rolled her eyes and turned out to face Jaekyung.

"Awesome choreo, Jaejae," Mika called her by her nickname.

"Thanks. I like choreographing these type of dances," she replied with a shrug.

"Mika!" Suhyun cried from behind. Don't let her height fool you. Those hips were carved out by God himself so that she could dance. Suhyun and Mika were the best break dancers in the group no doubt. Suhyun does gymnastics and acrobatics while Mika does pure break. When JYP found Mika at a young age, he literally formed this girl-group around her, trying to find talented singers and rappers who could break and dance.

"What is it Su?" Mika asked.

"Jinyoung oppa said he assigned us our official manager. She's coming over today," Suhyun explained.

"It's a she?" Jaekyung piped in.

"I heard she was trainee before," Eunrae added as she approached the three girls, interested in the conversation.

"Whatever the case may be," Mika spoke up, "we'll respect her no matter what, right guys?" Mika had a little tone of sarcasm in her voice. Most of the girls ignored her as they continued to drink their water and catch a breather, or do whatever they were doing.

"Thank you for that short speech Ms. Hwang," a woman spoke. All the girls turned around to find a beautiful woman standing by the door entrance. She was close enough to 170cm already, without having her wear her high heels. She was wearing a pretty white outfit, letting her long hair fall over her shoulders.

"I'm Park Seo Yul," she gave a small pleasant bow.

"Neh," all the girls bowed a little awkwardly.

"I'm your new Manager. Please call me Manager Yul," she again, bowed a little.

"Nice to meet you!" Rian was the first to say something.

"I know all of your names, ages, heights and talents. I've taken everything into account when I was going to finalize the leader of the group," she began immediately in a formal tone.

"We don't even have a group name and we're already getting a leader?" Seojin cocked her head to the side in confusion. Yul nodded in reply. She pulled out a folder from under her arm and flicked a few pages ahead.

"I sort of went with a tournament procedure to find the leader of the group. First off age was important," she spoke with a clear cut clean Seoul accent. "Seojin can't be the leader since she has the role of the maknae," she explained.

"Figures," Seojin groaned.

"Next, Suhyun," she continued reading from the sheet, "you're a sweet person but a lot of your friends are worried about your... stupidity," she phrased it carefully. Everyone around her burst into laughter as she folded her arms across her chest.

"Now that's just mean," she shook her head slowly, pretending she was hurt by it.

"Park Yoojin."

"Yes?" she listened.

"You stand exactly at 170cm. You're already grabbing too much attention with your long legs as it is," she replied. Again, the girls burst into laughter, some even bursting into tears at this rate.

"Eunrae. You're a perfectionist, but that may cloud your judgment a lot of the times," Yul told her earnestly. A lot of the girls nodded their heads as well as Rae herself. She knew that all too well.

"Jaekyung, you can't handle your anger very well," Yul shrugged, using a matter-of-factly voice.

"True story," she agreed.

"And that is it," she closed her folder and put it away. The girls looked around each other in confusion.

"What about Rian?" Yoojin asked.

"And Mika?" Jaekyung added.

"That is where you girls act as a group," Yul began. "Whether you all agree or not, you must choose the leader tonight. Tomorrow morning you have to come back with a final conclusion," she explained.

"Thank you Manager Yul for coming here," Mika said. "We appreciate you leaving the final decision to us," she said with a smile.

"I don't mean to intrude but, as your manager, I sort of... am bunking with ye in your dorms," she said with a worried smile. At first, there was no reaction from most of the girls.

"The more the merrier, right?" Rian grinned, raising her voice beyond optimism.

"Isn't Seojin staying alone? They can totally share a room!" Suhyun suggested. The girls gathered around their manager, bringing her into a light conversation, interacting with her and cheering her up from her awkwardness. Mika ran downstairs to grab drinks and Eunrae went upstairs to bring snacks. All the girls ended up sitting on the floor of training hall, talking, eating and drinking.

"You all seem to be really close," Yul noted.

"Nah," Yoojin shook her head in reply. "We've simply known each other for a little too long now."

"Living together doesn't help either," Jaekyung added.

"Can I see that folder?" Seojin asked in a child-like manner. Yul handed her over the plastic blue folder.


Age Arrangement 

Hwang Mika (23)
Park Skye Jaekyung (22)
Ham Eunrae (22)
Park Rian (20)
Nam Suhyun (20)
Park Yoojin (19)
Ryu Scarlette Seojin (16)

Height Arrangement

Park Yoojin (170)
Park Skye Jaekyung (170)
Park Rian (168)
Hwang Mika (166)
Ryu Scarlette Seojin (165)
Ham Eunrae (160)
Nam Suhyun (160)


Ham Eunrae
Park Rian
Ryu Scarlette Seojin
Nam Suhyun
Park Yoojin
Hwang Mika
Park Skye Jaejyung


Park Yoojin
Park Skye Jaekyung
Hwang Mika


Hwang Mika
Ryu Scarlette Seojin
Nam Suhyun
Park Skye Jaekyung
Park Rian
Park Yoojin
Ham Eunrae


"I never knew we were graded like this!" Seojin gasped as she passed it around.

"That's not fair," Jaekyung complained, "I'm as tall as Yoojin but nobody seems to mock her height!"

"That's because I don't care," Yoojin rolled her eyes at Jaekyung. "Say, has JYP chosen us a group name yet?"

"More over," Eunrae said, "has JYP decided if we are truly to debut?"

These questions lingered in the atmosphere, waiting to be answered. Seoyul swallowed down Snickers bar with a gulp.

"JYP is more than likely going to debut ye, but, he's a little busy currently..." she said while covering incase she had chocolate stuck in her teeth.

"More than likely," Rian rolled her eyes at that particular comment. Suhyun frowned slightly in annoyance. She wanted to debut, and when she didn't get what she wanted...

"I'm sure Jin Young Oppa is just making sure we're well prepared before we debut," Mika said.

"How can you say that?" Suhyun playfully moaned, "You've been training here for almost seven years!" Everyone laughed. But it was true. Mika did start training at a very young age.

"Seven years of training and I still can't sing," Mika moaned.

"But you can dance! Like me!" Seojin added. Seojin was indeed a talented maknae. She loved composing songs, could carry a decent tune and could dance like no other. At the mere age of sixteen she was competing with the rest of group on top notch.

"You know what?" Jaekyung suddenly announced, "I think we need to celebrate to our new member of our group," she referred to the new manager.

"Eh? I'm only your manager," Yul slightly blushed.

"Nonsense!" Eunrae spoke out, "you're a part of us like any other!"

"I propose a Karaoke night!" Seojin suggested.

"No way! Eunrae and I have to perform a duet for an evaluation tomorrow!" Rian complained.

"How about a dance club?" Mika suggested.

"I'm too young!" Seojin complained.

"Oh please," Yoojin rolled her eyes at the maknae, "are you going to tell me you never used a fake ID?" and with that, another round of laughter passed amongst the girls. 

"We should invite some boys too," Eunrae said excitedly.

"Hold your horses now! Let's all stay in control!" Yoojin exclaimed jokingly. From that point on a light conversation continued between the girls. They spoke about their plans, how they were going to sneak out and what to wear. Seoyul was their manager, for heaven's sake, and she was sneaking out with them? She didn't mind. Everything would turn out perfect, if, they don't get caught.


Dorm rooms

The eight girls were all assembled in their dorm rooms, putting on their clothes and checking themselves out in the  mirrors. Some were putting on perfume, others were checking if their shoes were on correctly. Mika walked into the sitting room wearing a short tight leather black dress. The girls whistled and applauded in shock. Now, if you knew Mika, you'd know she was a hardcore tomboy, if it wasn't obvious enough by her short spiky blonde hair and bold eyeliner make-up.

Rian's dress and outfit was utterly breath taking. She was wearing black as well, matching her dress with black high heels and dark red lipstick. Rian and Yul were sharing a mirror, fixing their hair. Yul was wearing a short cute grey dress with matching heels. Her hair was tied back in a pony tail, showing off her pretty face.

The maknae appeared at the door, twirling around, showing off her cute simple blue and white dress

"Yah!" Jaekyung gave out, "Who said you're allowed to be so cute?" she joked. Jaekyung herself was wearing the most sparkling dress anyone could lies eyes upon. It didn't help that she was also wearing long hooker boots with that as well. Suhyun was leaning against the wall with Jaekyung, waiting for everyone to be finally prepared. She let her hairdown, put on thin easy make-up and wore a simple black dress. Nevertheless it complimented her curves very well.

"I'm done!" Eunrae walked into the sitting room followed by Yoojin. Now these two gals where the two visuals of the group and naturally they didn't even need to have a beautiful dress to make them look breath-taking. Yoojin wore a red and black dress with a rose pattern. She too let her hair down and wore strong make-up. Eunrae was wearing a cute simple pink dress. It was made out of a thick material that was sure to keep her warm during this cold night.

"So everyone is ready?" Suhyun asked impatiently. "The two taxi's are here!" she explained. The girls grabbed their coats and handbags before going out.

"I wanna go with Mika," Eunrae giggled, "I wanna see how she gets out of a taxi with that dress!"

So what did you think of this chapter?
Who was the best "y" dancer in the clip?
Aren't the girls really accepting of manager Yul?
Who do you think is wearing the best dress?

Please leave long comments guys. This has been the longest chapter I have ever written I think.


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Chapter 17: They always compare the other members to other groups but I know they are unique in their very own ways. They are very talented. Yoojin's RAP?! OMO. it's really too cool. She's also a good dancer as well the other members. ^^
Chapter 17: i don't know why, but i laughed at all the comments XDDD
but but but but, why bash Mika? :( Well, that's just sad, don't tell me Mika's gonna be the first to gain antis lol /shot
i nearly fell off my chair on the 'a gift from god, that's what she is ^^' {/blushes} and 'they're a little sl*tty, no?' comments; i don't even know why XP
Chapter 17: Dang, woman. I don't know how you keep doing this, all these videos are awesome. Love the one of Min/Rian. Awesome job keeping everything equal as usual, as well. Some of the comments had me cracking up, too. Netizens, why so mean to Mika??? Aish.
rektbyfx #4
Chapter 16: Omgggg ! These are damn cool .. Can't wait for the 8th member
Chapter 16: :O eight member? so another applicant is going to cameo on the full performance?
wonder who issit xD !
and the Mv is super awesomee..
I cant wait for the to debut!!
Shinee MBlaq n Teentop.. hmm i can sense that some of the members are
gonna be meeting some of their biases on Idol army xP
Chapter 16: MV is super awesome please darling!
and the songs kyaa~ <3<3
I can't choose which song i like the most..
okay if i really had to.. Me, In! Because I can imagine all the different parts where the girls sing and rap.. Lyrics split was aweseome!!

8th member?!!!
Come on Magneto and 2NE1's style is SOOO different! D:
YAY idol army idol army idol army~~~~ omo 3 hot boybands with Magneto? :DDD

Love you babe! Great Updates!!! :)
Chapter 16: Why do they think Magneto copies 2NE1. aigoo. The MV was awesome, I knew you really put much effort on doing it. You're a really good author you know? ^^ And 8th member? OMO. I wish she will debut soon.
Idol Army? I only remember that I only watch 2PM's Idol Army. xD HAHAHAHAH . but with SHINEE? MBLAQ? TEEN TOP?! OMO! this will be awesome. ^^
Chapter 16: *sighs* Oh Blackjacks. Not surprised though, I was wondering if you were gonna put in fanwars, haha.
The MV was awesome! I would not have been able to make something like that. Those break dancers were awesome, I'm jealous.
Oh my gosh, Idol Army! Funniest show ever, holy crap. I wonder who the guests will be~
[this is Seojin's creator fangirling and not Seojin lol]
IDOL ARMY, I LOVE IDOL ARMY ;D [okay, i don't know why i put that emoticon there ._.]
Wait, there's 8 members, but the 8th member didn't debut O___O
Confused, but i'll stop asking questions lol
Chapter 14: The colors on Dirty reminds me of Christmas even though that's not what the song is about lmfao XD
And what others are saying, I like how you distributed the lyrics. Every time /I/ distribute it. I just get confused XD [lol i don't know what i'm writing ._.]
In 'Do It Like A Dude' [I know this is just fiction], wouldn't the song get banned? lol i don't know how to explain things ><
And since this /is/ just a story, ignore that last sentence /runs off