
Perfect Lie


My hiatus is already over, I need to continue this even though I’m experiencing an author ‘s block I’ll do my best to update fast, I’m lacking ideas don’t worry I won’t hang this story I’ll continue updating its just my english is getter worst and my author stories have to proofreading >.<

Author‘s POV

Dara drinking her coffee at the couch while bom is seating besides her glancing to dara whose ‘smiling nonstop since last night and bom starting to worry if her sister is starting to get crazy!

“yah! Dara what the heck stop smiling do you know that your smile is creepy and its making me scared!” bom keep on throwing her tantrums scolding and mocking dara

“hey! Your so bad my smile is cute look!” dara confidently show her smile to bom her dimples start to appear and bom start to face palm her self

“your dork!” bom stand up and walked to the kitchen with a heavy foot! Dara smiled in triumph and start watching a drama, bom arrived back at the living room handing a bowl of cookies she sat beside dara and start offering food “yah! You won’t some!” bom ask in sarcasm

“I’m okay with this!” dara slightly smile and raised her mug of coffee, bom rolled her eyes playfully and start flipping channels, then suddenly the doorbell rang

Ding~ dong~!

They both went silence both don’t want to stand up, then the bell ring again

Ding~ dong~!


Ding~ dong~!

“OH MY GOD DARA YOUR SO LAZY!” bom stand up angrily and stuck her tongue to dara, dara just sat their laughing at bom‘s childishness

“good morning!” a familiar voice can be heard, dara turn her head to saw who is that and she saw a violet headed girl handing a paper bag,

“good morning minzy-ah!” dara greet sweetly, and smile, minzy run towards dara and hug her tightly “dara unnie!” minzy said excitedly then another figure enter their house

“g-goodmorning!” a cold and icily tone enter their house, its cl whose wearing a plain extra white t-shirt and loosen pants, her blonde hair is perfectly on place plus she looked very badass while wearing her Rey band glass,

“CL!” dara exclaim happily then it turn frown when she saw bom both hands on her waist her face twitching stumping her foot impatiently “ehem!” bom faked cough and minzy clearly heard it minzy quickly pulled dara away from her and hug her jealous girlfriend

“yah! Don’t be jealous munchie!” minzy sweetly flirting her pouting girlfriend

“don’t munchie me!” bom slap minzy ‘s hand away but in a blink of an eye they turn sweet to each other again, it’s one of their silly stupid fight, minzy sat beside bom while CL walked to dara ‘s direction in slow motion, she sat beside dara nervously

“wait!” minzy stand up and fix something to the DVD player, “we’re going to have a movie marathon!” minzy shouted happily, dara just sat their placing her head to conscious Cl ‘s shoulder

Then the movie start playing, it’s a horror movie, they start closing the window and turn the living room so dark the lights off and it looks a small theater, they maxed the volume so it sounds more scary and thrilling, at first everyone are still calm but when the ghost start to appear their living room filled with a scream, minzy and bom shouting while hugging each other, while dara covering her eyes using CL ‘s t-shirt slowly pulling Cl ‘s t-shirt over her sometimes she peek at the tv and start screaming again, while on the other hand CL is yawning while looking at the TV she ‘s not even scared at all

“yah! Dara why your so scared!?” Bom ask whose acting that ‘s not scared but deep inside she was trembling, dara whose covering her eyes straighten her seat and looked to the screen

“Who sai I’m scared I’m n- OH MY THE ING HECK LOOK OMO THE GHOST AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” dara didn’t finish her sentence start screaming she pull Cl ‘s t-shirt to cover her eyes she didn’t notice that her hands start adventuring cl ‘s tummy , CL gulp her saliva hardy when she felt dara ‘s touch, minute past dara realize that she was hugging cl and touching the blonde ‘s stomach and felt something

“omo!” dara murmured and looked to CL whose seating, “you have a nice abs!” dara said, CL looked away to hide her embarrassment, she looked to dara and smile awkwardly

Then the door burst open! All of them turn their heads to doors direction,

“omo! What if that ‘s the ghost?!” minzy ask whose in the theories of panic

“oh my. What if it’s a !” bom covered , and start panicking,  minzy glare at bom “yah1 don’t even thought of that I’m the only one allowed to touch you!” minzy stated, bom felt shy and talked again

“then maybe it’s a ghost!” bom ‘s eyes widen and hug minzy tightly

A manly figure slowly step inside and ready to enter their house, CL who is braver hold dara ‘s hands tightly and ready to kick some

“ahhhhhhh ghost!” minzy shouted

  The man already entered the house, bom and minzy closed their eyes and start screaming ghost, CL slowly stand up and reayd to kick and punch the man but stop when she heard dara murmur

“what a handsome ghost, wait ………….”

Dara blink her eyes rapidly



Amma bad author. I was supposed to update this last week but I ended up like this huhuhuh sorry. Guys :D

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che21lo15 #1
Update pls
che21lo15 #2
Chapter 1: Pls update soon.
Chapter 1: WTF?! TOO MANY ERRORS! I should fix this story --__--
Chapter 5: Pleaseeeee updatee soon :)) :d
Chapter 5: merry Christmas my little genie ^^
finally you updated... ^^
Chapter 5: hahaha I love this fic. Update more :D merry christmas!!!!!! LOL
m6hm21 #7
Chapter 4: Feaking cute ><

Update please
Chapter 4: ohh my... my genie why on hiatus? hmm.. you still owe me one haha.. you better update soon ^^
jonghyunie143 #9
m6hm21 #10
Chapter 3: please update soon It's interesting ><