Calling Ontae_lover for Once Upon A Fairy Tale






[ PosterVer1  PosterVer2 PosterVer3 |  Background1 | Background2 ]




Have you ever had your heart ripped out by your own lover ? A girl named Jeon Hyosung used to love her boyfriend,Jung Daehyun.He is handsome,caring,kind-hearted and romantic.Everything seems fine in their relationship for their first year and they were even the envy of all new couples.But one year later,someone unexpected came along and everthing started falling apart.And because of this,she left,in search for a whole new world,a whole new love and would Jung Daehyun be able to stop breaking of his promise and keep Hyosung by his side ?


" Sorrrrryyyy  for the delay, I out of the country for two days and not able to connect to the internet. And here, not that much fairy tale feeling but I hope you like it, ask for re-do if you dont like okay? Thank you sooooo much cause being my ultimate customer. I love you so much <3333 Thank you and dont forget to credit us :D - Wanieythopia"


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TakeOverHeart and KpopLifeMusic


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Chapter 13: I love this shop so much why are you closing im crying but i understand you're probably so busy and i'm back after 5 years your posters are amazing TT
Chapter 20: It's such a shame this shop is closed, your posters are absolutely amazing *.*
hi! i've added you to the affiliate list. thankyou! ♡」
hello! okay i know this might sound dumb, but i saved the poster you guys made me into my laptop, but we switched our laptop for a computer desk and i dont have it anymore. i was wondering if you guys still have it, could you resend me it? thanks!
ethereals #5
Chapter 23: Chingu!
Thank you sooooo much! <3
Chapter 16: OMG thank you so much <3
Chapter 21: Author-nim,can I request again ?
KpopLifeMusic #8
Chapter 21: OMG i love th eposter but....sorry....idk why its just......can u do a re-do? I FEEL SO BAD ASKING U TO DO ONE ESPECIALLY SINCE LIKE EVERYBODY IS STUDYING FOR SCHOOL! sorry cherrytinayumi...but can u do a re-do please? and can u make sure all the beginning letters of each word for the title is in capital? I am so sorry T.T
Chapter 22: They are so amazing :D