Graphic contest's Winners

✖ ♕ World✖ ╍ A Graphic and Writing Contest ╍ CLOSED
Rawr27 || Task 1
 1st Prize
500 karma
I will feature three stories of yours/or graphics in my Graphic Shop.
I will also add a new chapter in all my stories announcing the winner so my readers can check out your work.
I will make posters for your stories if you want to.
I will subscribe and upvote all your stories.
Honnietokki || Task 4
200 karma
I will feature two stories of yours/or graphics in my Graphic Shop.
I will make posters for your stories if you want to.
I will subscribe and upvote all your stories.

eunmi_18|| Task 6

 3rd Prize

100 karma

I will feature one stories of yours/or graphic in my Graphic Shop.
I will subscribe and upvote all your stories.
To the winners: You have time until the end of this week to PM me with your decision of accepting the prizes.After that I will send the karmas and so the rest.
Thank you everyone for joining this graphic contest!


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Thank you!
[World] So, I'll try and finish by the end of this week or by the next weekend. Also, the karma prices will increase.


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Chapter 13: congrats to all the winners ^^
can I have my score please, it's the first time I write so I really want to know
Chapter 13: Hey! thanks for choosing my story as one of the special awards *____* that sounds better than first place to me xD anyways....I was going to pm you but it didn't let me....
Chapter 13: WOO!!! Heck yes! Thank you. Appreciate your time. I feel good now lol.
Chapter 13: T.T it's ok I didn't win but I'll do it certainely the next time :D
Chapter 13: Oh yeah, can You just tell me what you thought of my fanfic? :D
Chapter 13: I'm little sad I didn't win, but I know i'm not a strong writer. Congrats! :D
Chapter 13: Hi~ I didn't win or anything but I was wondering if it were possible to show me my score? It was my first ever / and I would love if you could tell me how I did <3
GardenOfDestruction #8
We're still waiting... you know :/
Ummm, is this contest still active?
Chapter 12: Ichigosama should have won this !!! Why don't you pick her story!!?