
You're not alone

The house was quiet, as usual. Minhee sat on the couch, looking around. She sighed, keeping her past as a secret, ever since she left her family. She had money, food, everything for her to live. Her life was okay, alright. But she felt something amiss.

Was it because of the loneliness?

Yeah, it probably was.

She had another fifteen minutes before her friend, Hana, would drive here and to school.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she received a phone call. "Hello? Hana?" She asked, yawning. "Minhee! I'm reaching your house soon, you can get prepared already."

Upon reaching the school, she felt a shadow lurking over her; her cousin, Lee Howon.

Howon was one of the school's kingka, and he never told anyone except for his friends her relationship with him. He pulled Minhee to a quieter area, where no one ever goes to, and pushed her up against the wall.

"Mom told me that you were living alone. What about your family? Do you need my help?" Howon asked, pressing her shoulders against the concrete wall.

"I'm fine, my work gives me enough salary, I guess it's okay. I'm not like you Howon; I don't own a big business like your family." Minhee smiled, and ruffled her cousin's styled hair. "Nice hair, by the way." She laughed, and walked away.

"Do you want me to live with you?" His eyes widened, shocked that he asked the question. She turned around again, this time with a serious look.

"You have a mansion, Howon! I only have a terrace. It's enough for me. I don't need your help, Howon-ah. I appreciate it, even if I don't need it." Minhee patted Howon's shoulder, and walked away to find Hana.

Howon sighed, before walking back to the table with his friends. She's acting like she's strong, he thought. But she's not even controlling her emotions properly.

"I don't need Howon's sympathy, Hana. You may think it's a good idea to let him move in but it's weird for me. I can handle myself." Minhee scoffed, folding her arms.

"Minhee! You can't control your emotions, let alone your life." Hana scolded, staring at her face. "Howon is trying to help you; you know that."

"Yes, I do, but I don't need it, really. I can handle myself." Minhee argued back, before sighing out loud.

"I can't even handle you."

"Hey, Minhee," Howon nudged, looking over at her notebook. "The guys said they wanted to treat you to Starbucks, is it okay?" he asked, still looking over at her notebook.

"I'm sorry but I'll have to reject the offer. I need to work," Minhee smiled, waving her hands in front of his face, indicating a reject. "If shift ends early, I'll go over."

"Where do you work at? We'll pick you." he offered, still hovering over at her notebook before snatching it. "I work at Shine Café, you know the one where Sunggyu went before? I'm a barista there." She smiled, and kept on smiling.

"Ah, okay! I'll pick you up later."

"Sure. My shift ends at 5:30."



"Minhee, can you tell us what happened?" Sungyeol asked, and earned a smack on the head from Woohyun.

"My honeycakes here does not want to explain. Why not tell me, you're my cupcake!!" Woohyun joked, wrapping his arms around Minhee's shoulders.

Minhee started to laugh, before prying Woohyun's hands off her. "I'll tell you all when the time is right. Just... wait."

"Minhee, please, if you need help, don't hesitate to tell me. I'll help you." Howon reassured, but she just brushed it off like it was nothing.

"Don't need to be so worried about me. I can do this. I'm all good." She gave that 'smile' again, before talking a sip of her Caramel Latté.

"Aren't you scared?" Howon asked again, staring at her, confused.

"Used to. When she gave this house to me I was protesting because it was too big, but over the years I grew used to it. I'll ask Hana to come over only when the weather goes a little bad." Minhee explained, and the others, except Myungsoo, were listening intently.

"It's time for me to go, Howon. Bye guys!"

"Bye noona!"

"See you Minhee!"

"I love you honeycakes! Think of me!"

"She's at it again," Howon mumbled, thinking no one could hear him. "She's acting all strong."

Myungsoo frowned; she was scared all along?

Minhee walked along the pavement, back to her quiet house.

What do I do? I'm scared.

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