NerdyJae's Photobook: Graphic Requests


A lie, it's all a lie, those words that time will make me forget you are a lie.
So come back and request a poster from me. I swear I'll make it so you won't regret.
The pain from the separation has surpressed my heart a little but my feelings for you are ever the same.
I'll hear your words and take it to the heart, I'll make your poster and turn it into art.


Request's will now be taken only at our new site.

~~>NerdyJae:supernerd| 2/25/11


Hey there,
NerdyJae is a collab of supernerd and JaeJoongLove. We're here to provide authors with posters for their stories.
Don't hesitate to request. We'll try our best to get your poster to you as soon as possible. Please remember that there are only two of us. Thank you.

Read all rules before requesting:

Graphic/Poster Rules;;

1. If you already requested from another person/site, don't request from us.

2. No editing/remaking the things on the poster. Ask the designer if you'd like some changes.

3. The maximum number of characters on one poster is 5 Only! Groups such as DBSK are counted as one character. Images containing two people are also counted as one character.

4. Provide high quality pictures for us. If the pictures provided aren't high quality, the designer has the right to use a different one.

5. Credit us. When crediting, do not just put NerdyJae. Simply put your designer's name too.
Example: Poster credits go to: supernerd/JaeJoongLove @ NerdyJae's Photobook
Just something/anything that has your designer's name in it too, it doesn't have to look like the provided example :)

6. Don't end up on the Blacklist. The word sounds bad enough: Blacklist.

7. No bashing if your poster did not turn out the way you expected it to. Respect is a great thing to show.

8. If you request from us, use the poster. I cannot stress that enough.

9. If you've already requested from another site that said "You must use your poster for 2 months" or however many months they told you to use the poster, then don't request from us unless the 2 months have passed. If the 2 months are not over yet, and you request, you will be blacklisted. Also, please make sure that the other site allows you to request from another site after the due date because there are some sites that only let you re-request from their site only if the 2 months is over.

10. Once you've received your poster, you must let us know somehow. Doesn't matter if it's on a wall post or a comment, as long as we know :)

11. When you have received your poster, you have to upload it to your own server. If you just take the link that was provided to you, your poster will not show if we happen to someday delete the image from our photobucket, imageshack account, or tinypic account (if the poster was uploaded with those hosts)

12. Violating any of these rules will reserve a spot for you on the Blacklist.

13. Allow three weeks for your poster/poster&BG to be ready.


Request's Will Now Be Taken Only At Our New Site.

~~>NerdyJae:supernerd| 2/25/11


If you agree with the rules, and if you understand the issue about supernerd being on hiatus, continue below to see our samples :)

To View Samples of Supernerd and JaejoongLove;
Click Button to view Gallery:

Free Photo and Video by

Before you request, also take a look at our info to know who is good at which.


Best at (mood-wise): Happy/cute posters.
Worst at (mood-wise): I don't really know.  I was best at sad/grungy posters a month ago, but now I'm best at happy/cute posters LOL I'm trying to make my ability to make happy posters and my ability to make sad posters balance equally.
Best at (color-wise): Light colors like tan, light blue, light green, etc.
Worst at (color-wise): Dark colors like a super dark red or a very dark orange. I hate warm colors xD
Inspiration(s): AAC, supernerd, Markie, Phebs.

Best at (mood-wise): Grungy or sad posters.
Worst at (mood-wise): Cute and happy posters.
Best at (color-wise): Warm colors like red and orange. Also good at transparent coloring. Works well with white.
Worst at (color-wise): Probably nothing :))
Inspiration(s): Hmm, the people that love to do graphic's reguardless even if they are horrible at it. :] Does that makes sense, JJL? Hahaha. JJL Note: Hmmmm, I think it does, but I'm kind of hesitating at the moment hahaha!!! I'm pretty sure it does though xD the "reguardless" kinda knocked me off there muahaha!

2/13/11 Update:
There are a lot of people who are violating the rules lately.  If it doesn't stop, NerdyJae will become strict with the rules and we'll make sure that they're being followed.  At the end of February, if the rule violation habbit doesn't stop, we're going to be changing some things around.


Request's will now be taken only at our new site.

~~>NerdyJae:supernerd| 2/25/11



Please click to request

~~>NerdyJae : supernerd & JaeJoongLove<~~


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peonie 19 streak #1
Aww! You guys are so amazing, gonna miss seeing your beautiful posters (: And love the pretty posters for your websites and profiles ^^
Mary517 #3
does halloween count? BAHAHA*<br />
i guess i'll see you guys around thanksgiving! ^___^
BTW the credits are in the forewords :)
thank you I love it <3 :)
HI~ I requested :)
Happy Birthday~! ;)
happy bithrday supernerd unnie!!!!!!!!!:D
hyeamazing #9
hyeamazing #10