SooWon Oneshot

SuJu and SNSD



Siwon was driveing back from the hospital with neborn SiHun in the back and Woo-Yon beside her. His beautiful wife was in the front asleep SiHun had been crying all night so SooYoung couldn't get any sleep.

"WooYon do you know what today is?" Wooyon shook  his head. Siwon grabbed Sooyouns hand and said "It's me and your mothers 3rd weddint anniversery." 

SiHun started crying, WooYon started rubbing SiHuns head trying to calm her down. WooYon started singing a lullaby Siwon looked in the rear view mirror looking at them. "WooYon you're going to be a great big brother. You know that?"" Appa I promise I'll protect her when we're older and make sure no boys break her heart." SooYoung woke up and rubbed her eyes "We're gonna have a cryer" Siwon smiled "Ya we are but she's gonna be spoiled." 

SooYoung smiled "Siwon I love you" Siwon looked at her "I love you too" "Happy aniversery Siwon oppa." SiHun started giggling and SooYoung looked at her "What are you laughing about there giggles?" WooYon laughed. 

They got home and SooYoung unbuckled SiHuns carseat and carried it inside. Siwon got  WooYon from the car and he ran inside. SiWon got a call from Sunny asking how SooYoung is.

"She's doing fine she's sleeping I have SiHun right now SooYoungs tired." "I bet I was too. I'm gonna go SiWong wants his mom. Tell SooYoung to take care!" "I will." SiWon hung up.

It was about 10pm and he went to put WooYon to bed and saw he was already asleep. SooYoung came in soon after "I gave him a bath." SiWon smiled and kissed SooYoung "What about SiHun?"

"She's asleep" SiWon walked to her room and kissed her forhead. Then he went to his and SooYoungs shared room and layde on the bed in sppon position next to SooYoung and fell asleep while smelling her banana sceneted hair (made it up). 

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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Chapter 6: Nice stories:))))