5 - Warmth

Walking Beside Happiness


     Random shuffling occurs on the bed and Woohyun thinks that Sunggyu’s weight will be gone in a few moments. And then he’ll disappear for good all because of what he did. A few more hiccups escape from his mouth as he forgets how to breathe anymore.

     “I told you I’m not leaving.” Sunggyu reminds him before speaking that stupid, affectionate voice again, “Woohyun, stop covering your face and look at me, please?”

     No response comes from the latter except for some hiccups and sniffles.

     Sunggyu pouts in disappointment, “I’ll give you something if you do.”

     He gently takes Woohyun’s hands instead of his wrists this time and makes Woohyun look at him right in the eye again. The younger’s facial expression is too drained from crying and all Sunggyu can see is that he’s perplexed to even guess what he was going to do, causing him to display that warm smile of his again.

     Woohyun accidentally stares at Sunggyu’s dark brown orbs as he suddenly recognizes the same look he’s been seeing for the past year; the exact look that makes him uneasy and edgy because he doesn’t know what Sunggyu meant with that expression. Sunggyu chuckles a bit at Woohyun’s reaction and gives both of his hands a firm squeeze, unconsciously making Woohyun’s wounds heal a little.

     He’s still smiling and showing that gorgeous eye smile of his when he leans in dangerously close to Woohyun. Sunggyu does something unexpected and Woohyun finally registers in his brain that Sunggyu is kissing him this time instead.

     The taste of Sunggyu’s lips is probably the greatest feeling of all; it’s soft, tender and full of affection. He isn’t the best kisser in the world but it doesn’t even matter at this point. Their lips brush together at first, but Sunggyu goes in to kiss Woohyun again. And again, and Woohyun is lightly pushed back as the elder falls on top of him. Sunggyu doesn’t let go of Woohyun’s lips just yet, he locks his lips together and feels the younger kissing back with as much passion as himself. Woohyun slowly interlocks his hand to Sunggyu’s only to feel more of his touch, and he squeezes it tightly before getting another squeeze back. And now, Woohyun lacks oxygen for a completely different reason.

     Sunggyu is the first to stop and pulls out of the kiss to only see a Woohyun that’s completely out of breath under him. He smirks at the sight and leans in one more time to give a slight peck on his lips.

     They end up both lazily lying on the king-sized bed next to each other, while Woohyun gazes at Sunggyu’s eyes for a little longer. A thick black blanket covers both of their shoulders and the younger scoots closer to be warmer; even though it was Sunggyu that was out in the cold a while ago. Sunggyu couldn’t help but laugh as Woohyun stares at him for more than a couple of minutes, not uttering a single word.

     “Is there something on my face?” Sunggyu captivatingly asks with that god damn voice and smirk that makes Woohyun want to kiss him again. He snuggles happily under the warm covers with one of his hand gripping the blanket while staring curiously at the younger with those cute eyes of his.

     Without replying, Woohyun closes his eyes and gets closer to Sunggyu’s face, gently brushing their noses together first before kissing Sunggyu’s soft lips again.

     Another painful wound of Woohyun’s starts to heal again.

     “Hyung.” Woohyun calls the elder after laying in bed for quite a while now.


     “Am I dreaming?” A chuckle comes out of Sunggyu. He turns around to face Woohyun and is in awe when he sees that Woohyun is being serious; which is cute in a way.

     “I don’t know,” Sunggyu scoots closer to Woohyun’s warm body before pinching his cheeks with his cold hands, “Can you feel this? Maybe you are dreaming…”

     Instead of slapping the elder’s hand away, he grins widely and holds Sunggyu’s hands in place with his own.

     “Explain all of this, Woohyun.” He demands softly, “Why are you like this? You didn’t look this bad when I left. Well, maybe you did, but now you’re worse.”

     Times ticks for what seems like an eternity before Woohyun starts to speak. And when he does, he looks straight up at Sunggyu’s unexplainable eyes; becoming fearless.

     His lips first curve slightly along with his puffy eyes, displaying an apologetic and bitter smile. Sunggyu waits for the other to speak; apprehensive about why is he appearing to be so defenseless again and fighting the urge to hug him right on the spot.

     “These words…I know you might have heard of them before but I want to say it again.”

     Sunggyu gulps at the uncomfortable atmosphere Woohyun has implanted unknowingly, but he still listens to him.

     “I think… that it’ll ruin where we’re standing together but…I really need to repeat them. Because it’s that important to me. It matters.”

     Why is Woohyun smiling in such a sentimental way?

     “Woohyun, i-if it’s a-a-about t-t-this, can you let m-me be selfish this one time and forg-“

     “Never.” His voice sounds so cold that Sunggyu wishes the blanket would warm up again. He jerks slightly and shuts up completely this time to let the younger speak. His eyes begin to blur, and he becomes terrified at the thought of Woohyun severing their friendship and never speaking to him again.

     “Hyung? Did you hear what I said?” Woohyun questions while being concerned over the elder’s shivering body, “Are you cold? I just wanted to-“

     “Please…” Sunggyu closes his eyes tightly, scaring Woohyun when he feels the elder grabbing his arm with both of his own firmly, “Don’t do this… I’m so-“

     “Hey, hey, hey.” Woohyun manages to calm him down a little by patting his head and carries on with what he wanted to stay, “Listen to me first before jumping into any conclusions okay?”

     “I went out with her that day…”


      “I am listening!” Woohyun whined cutely in front of his girlfriend. But he didn’t get the reaction he wanted, instead, he got a heavy sigh and a deep breath as a response.

     “…Is something wrong?” He asked, sensing an uninvited premonition. She looked down before opening again, and thought for a second on how she would say what was on her mind.

     “Woohyun…” She fumbled on her words anxiously, “I think… it’s time we talk.”

     “What do you mean?” He titled his head, innocently sipping on his cup of latte. “We talk almost every single day.”

     She shook her head to his reply, “Not that kind of talk. A more serious one. About us.”

     “Are you going to brea-“

     “Listen, first.” She replied calmly, “We’ve been together for more than one year now. We’re very comfortable with each other right?”

     He nodded once, unsure of where this conversation was going.

     “Good.” She commented, “Then I’ll start. The first few weeks when we were dating, I was happy. Well, maybe a little happier than I should’ve been, and maybe because I was so into this miracle…I became blind to everything around me. And then after a few more weeks, you introduced me to Sunggyu-oppa.”

     “Why are you including Sunggyu-hyung in this?”

     “Be patient, Woohyun. Please.” She begged, “Don’t make this harder for me than it already is.”

     So he stopped and listened.

     “Woohyun, the person you love isn’t me. It’s Sunggyu. It’s always been him.” She bites her lips before speaking again, “You’re always worrying about him. You never stop talking about him whenever we pass by something that reminds you of him. Sometimes, you invite him to our dates. Our dates, Woohyun. That’s not how dates even work. When you’re with him, it’s like the whole world decided to give you all the happiness in the world.”

     She choked a bit before going on, “I really wanted to ignore that… I thought I was being too self-centered. But when the three of us hang out together, you spend all your time with him without realizing. I tried to convince myself it’s because you two are like brothers together.”

     “This isn’t normal, Woohyun. People don’t go around wishing to be their boyfriend’s best friend instead of girlfriend. When he’s not here, you suddenly turn back to me and just shower me with kisses that have absolutely no meaning at all. And even when you think he’s looking at us, you quickly pull back from whatever you’re doing with me and go to him. Am I a replacement because you think you can’t have him? Wake up…you’re not in a dream. I’m done with all this; I don’t want to hurt myself anymore for just loving someone who won’t return those feelings back. ”

     Woohyun couldn’t stop her tears from slipping, and when he offered her his hand; she refused and used tissue instead. Guilt crawled up all over Woohyun, showering him endlessly with these vile feelings. Everyone left the café already, it was pretty late in the evening and the workers left the two together to talk (in request of Woohyun’s girlfriend).

     She stood up while crying her eyes out quietly and Woohyun can only hear her sniffs occasionally.

     “Let’s not see each other for a while, okay?” She offered bitterly with one last smile. Woohyun hugged her, not only to comfort her but to apologize.

     “Don’t take this the wrong way though!” She quickly stepped away with a more determined face, “I’m the one breaking up with you. So don’t pity me!”

     Woohyun laughed, one that was sincere and real, something he hasn’t done in a while. He smiled at her, “Maybe it’s that strong aura of yours that sidetracked me from what I wanted.”

     “Of course! Who do you think I am?” She agreed and wiped her tears even more.

     “I have to go now. Bye Woohyun.” And she ran to the exit with her boots and thick light brown furry jacket on. She happily waved with more tears in her eyes, “I’ll see you again soon. And until then, you better fix all of your problems!”

     Of course, her nose was pinkish, and her whole face was ruined when she cried. Woohyun only thought that made her prettier and stronger than most girls as he waved back, holding back his tears too.


How could he have been so blind?

Always hurting that person with that warmth he loved.

His mind is filled with nothing but that someone as he runs.


     Woohyun feels Sunggyu releasing his grip on one of his arms, and a slight feeling of disappointment overcame him. He knows the consequences of telling the elder so he forces himself to smile so he can say those words to him again. Just once more, and then everything will be okay; even if it doesn’t go the way he wanted to.

     “And then she ran straight home from the café. She almost slipped on ice too.” Woohyun chuckles a bit at her clumsiness and wraps up his flashback on how he was dumped (although it affected her more than him).

     He doesn’t glance at Sunggyu’s face, looking away all the time to avoid whatever reaction the elder is showing right now. Of course he’s scared, he’s been a coward his whole life

     “I love you. I’m sorry.” Woohyun confesses again in a heartbreaking voice, finally looking at Sunggyu’s stunning face again; and taking notes of all those flawless features on them. He holds back those tears threatening to fall from his eyes again, and tries to get rid of all those negative thoughts lingering in the back of his head.

     “I’m really sorry.” He apologizes again, biting firmly his lip till the point where it’s awfully painful. Sunggyu sees this and puts his thumb and index finger on to the lower lip to prevent him from ripping it. Woohyun stops and Sunggyu draws his arms back, he proceeds to snuggle up to the blankets again. He takes one of the younger’s hands and holds it with his own.

     “Do you think I’ll kiss just anyone then?” Sunggyu proposes mischievously, leading to a very puzzled and innocent-looking Woohyun. He gives the naïve one a soft kiss on the lips before flashing that compelling eye smile at him. The latter’s cheeks begin to heat up and not a single word comes out of him. He buries his face into the now heated up blanket in embarrassment, nestling himself closer to Sunggyu.

     “Go sleep first,” Sunggyu whispers kindly, “Your eyes are really swollen. I’ll wake you up.”

     Woohyun can only nod as a response with all those warm feelings he’s receiving and falls asleep almost instantly. After watching Woohyun breathing and sleeping calmly, Sunggyu wanted to prepare some food for the latter. However, he also fell asleep due to the comfort of the lovely blankets that’s filled with Woohyun’s smell. And just like old habits, Woohyun hugs Sunggyu with his toned arms and legs with their chest touching together while being asleep.

     All he wants to do is to cherish this moment he has with the elder because he’s not sure if he’s hallucinating or dreaming. He never wants to wake up, he’ll face reality later.



That smile. That same feeling he once lost.

He knows for sure now.

“Sorry I took so long, Sunggyu.”


     With hesitation, Woohyun opens his eyes after a few hours of sleeping. He’s doesn’t recall of the events that occurred earlier so he lays there, not knowing what to do for a second. And then after being conscious for five minutes or so, he abruptly turns to his right to find what he was dreaming about. But nobody’s there, it’s just an empty space that’s waiting for it to be filled. He takes a deep breath and rolls back to the other side, too frustrated and thwarted to even function properly.

     His ears, however, suddenly perk up at the sound of the door being opened. He rolls back to the other side to see who was opening the door. And he sees that it’s Sunggyu. Thank God, it’s really Sunggyu. The latter smiles when he finds Woohyun to be awake and goes away for a while to only return to his room with a tray of food he prepared after he woke up. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s food, cooked by Sunggyu and Woohyun couldn’t help but grin.

     Cautiously, Sunggyu puts the tray of food onto the modern nightstand near the bed. He looks down at Woohyun, who’s still on the bed and looking up at Sunggyu cutely for no reason. Sunggyu closes his eyes to avoid punching him in the face and that only made Woohyun pout even more this time.

     “You haven’t been eating properly, Dongwoo left me a message earlier.” Sunggyu says in that motherly voice he always uses to Woohyun, “So I cooked something for you. Eat it.”

     “Can I eat it later? I’m not hungry.”



     “You’re eating this right now, come on, get up.”

     “…What time is it?”

     “Doesn’t matter, eat.”

     A not so bright idea pops up in Woohyun’s head, “Then, how about a kiss? I’ll eat if I get one from you.”

     Sunggyu looks at him with a menacing smile, “How about a punch in the face?”

     “Fine. Fine. But you’re staying here and eating with me.”

     The elder protests and replies, “Woohyun, I only cooked for on-“

     “Then we’ll share.” He retorts stubbornly, “I’m not eating if you’re not here. Stay.”

     Woohyun gets off of the bed and wears one of his sweaters before taking the tray and placing it on a table near the room. For some odd reason, he has a dinner table outside his room but he likes to eat in his room so a few years ago, Sunggyu suggested buying another table in his room to eat his food instead and he did.

     In the end, Sunggyu ate little compared to Woohyun, who almost devoured the whole tray but he still left some for his boyfriend. He doesn’t know why but it his stomach feels warm after thinking about their newly formed relationship together. Even when he’s eating, there’s this incredible joy whenever he sees Sunggyu, wait no, his boyfriend staring back at him with that look entirely. He doesn’t have to say a single word about them, because he’s aware that Sunggyu knows as well.

     “Is there sauce on my face?”

     “Yes.” Woohyun replies with a sincere laugh. He’s lying but seeing Sunggyu embarrassed over nothing is absolutely priceless.

     “Is it still there?” Sunggyu whines, getting impatient and worried on whatever’s on his face that’s making Woohyun laugh, “Tell me where it is already.”

     Woohyun pretends to play along happily, “Right here, next to your lips on your left.”

     He points out the clean area to Sunggyu’s lips, acting as if there was really sauce on his face. And then when Sunggyu reaches for the napkin next to Woohyun, he grabs his wrist and stops him. Sunggyu glares at him with eyes that could kill.

     “What are you doing?” He questions skeptically.

     “I was just kidding.” Woohyun flashes his teeth and steals a kiss from Sunggyu’s oblivious lips. He takes both of his arms and proceeds to hold his boyfriend’s hands, leaning in and whispering something he should’ve done a long time ago,

     “Let’s go on a date…. Just the two of us, this time.”

     Sunggyu closes his eyes and nods in silence. He intertwines their hands together and gives it a light squeeze.


     “Why do you keep staring at me like that?”

     “Because you’re mine.”

     “Woohyun!” Sunggyu almost shouts, “We’re in public… don’t do that.”

     “No. You’re mine, you’re mine, you’re mine.”

     “Wipe that smug grin off your face, please.” Sunggyu mutters while taking a sip on his green tea as an excuse to why his cheeks were so warm and pink. Woohyun doesn’t let that poor excuse slip by and grins even more.

     “I had a dream about you.” The younger starts to space out while starting the conversation, “It was really warm and fuzzy. I don’t know how to explain it. Maybe there was happiness there too.”

     Sunggyu chuckles at those words, “What do you mean by happiness?”

     “Well, isn’t that what it feels like?” Woohyun wonders in daze, “Something that warms your heart up and the feeling that no matter what steps you take, you’ll be fine.”

     “Like when you drink something extremely warm and delicious when it’s freezing outside?”

     “Yeah, exactly like that.”

     A brief silence follows.

     “You’ve changed Woohyun.” Sunggyu smiles sadly, “Since when…?”

     “When a certain someone named Kim Sunggyu decided to walk out of my life and leave me here to realize what I’ve done.”

     “I… left becau-“

     “I know, you don’t have to tell me.”

     The next few days of winter break breezes with Woohyun spending a lot more time privately with Sunggyu. They’ve went out once or twice with Hoya and Dongwoo to catch up on what they’ve missed in the past few months. Most of the time, they stay inside and sleep next to each other in bed for hours until Woohyun gets kicked out of the bed by a grumpy Sunggyu wanting food. When they go outside, they go to the train station and get off of a random stop to look around and finding a good restaurant. But being anywhere is okay with the both of them, as long as the latter is by their side, then nothing else matters. Well, for the time being, that is.


     Sunggyu takes out his keys and opens the door to his dorm room along with all his stuff and something more. Luckily, the school does not kick students out of the dorm for the entire break period. They recommend students to go somewhere else to live as the dorms have to be cleaned. However, after a week or so, they can return and even stay there for the rest of the break. Sunggyu knows that Sungjong would have went straight back to the dorm the minute officials allowed students back to their rooms. The younger didn’t like to stay with his parents very much so the dorm was more of a “home” to him.

     Sungjong receives the shock of his life when he sees Sunggyu opening the door. He was about to take another bite out of his nicely cooked ramen but stopped when he hears the sound of the lock being picked. Being the person he is, he assumed it was a thief at first but he saw Sunggyu with that huge luggage again and Christmas wasn’t even close yet.

      And then it hits him, his dorm mate has returned. Sunggyu closes his eyes when he sees Sungjong give him that disgusting, mischievous look and a huge grin on his face.

     “No,” Sunggyu knows exactly what Sungjong is thinking and starts, “Don’t say anything.”

     “YOU’RE BACK, HYUNG!” Sungjong rushes to the entrance immediately and hugs him firmly. Almost in an instant, he turns his head to the left to find someone else. Nope, just a bunch of luggages filled with Sunggyu’s (it’s a good thing he didn’t say that out loud).

     So he quickly looks to his right. Oh, there it is.

     One extremely miserable puppy-looking guy with a normal amount of stuff behind him. So he’s not possessive, plus one to him. His drops his hands; finally letting Sunggyu breath, and gives the guy his right hand with eyes literally sparkling in front of him.

     “Nam Woohyun.” Sungjong cheers as the latter awkwardly shake the hand offered to him, “Good job! I know it’s been hard on you. But it’s okay. He’s a keeper.”

     “…W-W-W-What?” Woohyun is awfully stumped seeing a stranger say his name and saying things like he knows everything that happened. He even receives a pat on the back from him and then two thumbs up afterwards.

     “Sungjong, I’m going to kill you.” Sunggyu narrows his eyes at the youngest, who’s giving him that fake innocent look.

     “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Sungjong pouts, which makes Sunggyu cringe but Woohyun actually thinks it’s cute. Well unluckily, the evil one can somehow read both of their thoughts due to his people knowledge.

     “Wow, he thinks I’m cute.” He murmurs, “Sunggyu-hyung, I think I’ll like your boyfriend better. But don’t worry! I’ll never split you lovers apart.”

     “You’re so… repulsive.”  Sunggyu winces while Woohyun gets scared and hides behind him.

     “I know, isn’t it wonderful?” He happily skips back into his dorm room, “Cooking contest tonight! Whew!”

     Sungjong dumps the rest of his bowl of ramen into his mouth and makes the two of them wonder if he’s really human. He helps them with their luggages, of course, but doesn’t shut up about Sunggyu’s rough times to Woohyun; which makes the elder embarrassed to no end. But after a while, Sungjong gets bored and goes outside to get some groceries. The two reminds him to wear enough clothes as it is snowing outside.

     “I had no idea your dorm mate was so evil.” Woohyun informs amusingly the second he sees the door shut.

     Sunggyu shivers, “I don’t know what happened to him… Oh, you better unpack, or he’ll come back and look at all your stuff if you don’t. ”

     “Hmmm…Okay.” But before he reached for his luggage, he gives Sunggyu a peck of the cheek, which makes his boyfriend laugh again.


     “What should we do for Christmas?” Woohyun asks while cuddling in bed with Sunggyu, sharing a blanket like they used to at his apartment, which, is now empty but not sold.

     “Not sure.”

     “Should we stay home?”

     “I don’t know.”

     “Sungjong’s going to go out with some friends that day.” Sunggyu tells him.

     “Hmmm… we’ll think of what to do later.”

     “Hey, remember that time when you said ‘I would never date any boy unless it’s hyung!’ with that adorable, high-pitched voice of yours?”

     “But we didn’t meet until I was around 12…”

     “Yeah, what about it?”

     “MY VOICE WAS NOT HIGH-PITCHED.” Woohyun complains, “In fact, I remember that when you tried to prank call someone back long time ago, they thought you were a girl.”

     “They did not…” Sunggyu groans at that horrible piece of memory. “At least I don’t look like a girl when I put on a wig, unlike someone.”

     “It was that ONE time!”

     “You even had makeup on, so hardcore.”

     “But I wasn’t the one with the sunflower hair pin and begged to have it even after the event.”

     “You GAVE that to me. Of course I’d want to keep it.” Sunggyu pouts.

     “Oh! How about that time when you thought there was a spider on your shirt when it was really a bread crumb?”

     “Lalalalalalala, I don’t hear you.”

     “You screamed like the people in rock bands.”

     “I like rock.”

     “Why would you like rock?”

     “It’s just a genre of music.”

     “No, it’s a stone. A rock. A pebble. It does nothing.”

     “I didn’t mean it like that, stupid.”

     And then the conversation carries on by itself. Woohyun and Sunggyu are still best friends so their mouths never really stop talking at each other. And they were slowly becoming ever more inseparable, if that’s even possible.

     “I want to ask you something important.” He scoots closer to the elder, taking in the smell of Sunggyu. The smell of his best friend and boyfriend.

     “Go ahead. I’m in a pretty gushy mood right now.” He chuckles lightly.

     “When… did you realize those feelings…by yourself?”

     Sunggyu pauses to think for a moment before answering the question.

     “I don’t know actually. It was pretty obvious though. At first, you were like a little brother. I wanted to protect you and I didn’t want anyone to hurt you. That enough, I understood at that age. But then sometimes when you’re hugging me or even a slight touch would have my face boiling. To me, I thought it was normal. But then when we grew up, I knew you weren’t just a brother to me anymore.”

     Woohyun is looking at Sunggyu the whole time and guilt is lingering in the shadows again. Sunggyu’s face that explains everything so well, how much pain he endured because of him all those years. He nuzzles closer to him, afraid that he’ll start to cry if his lover keeps on going. Sunggyu sees that and gives him a gentle smile.

     “Stop blaming yourself, Woohyun. It’s my fault too.”

     “I was the one who m-“

     “No, it’s not just you. It was me too.” He sighs, “When you first got a girlfriend, you looked really happy. You were so happy that I couldn’t say anything.  Of course, I wanted to support you. But there’s also a part of me that died a bit.”

     “But… I only got one because I wanted to show her off to you…” Woohyun admits, referring back to how he was dumped, “I was blindly doing all these so you could praise me…”

     Sunggyu shows those lovable eye smiles again, “I guess we’re both blind?”

     “Yeah. But I was blinder.”

     “Is that even a word?” Sunggyu laughs lightly, becoming melody to Woohyun’s ears.

     “What if you never left?”

     “Things would never change.”

     Woohyun blinks a few times, “Wow… I don’t want to imagine that.”

     Sunggyu chuckles a bit before replying, “But you didn’t want to imagine me leaving either.”

     “If I was still blind and had a girlfriend, would you have been okay by that too?”

     “As long as you are happy, then, of course.”

     “You’re too nice.” Woohyun’s eyes start to water, which makes Sunggyu hold him by the waist to comfort him.

     “Well, do you want to know why?” The younger is already too busy sobbing to reply but he nods. Sunggyu tightens his hug towards Woohyun before using his left hand’s thumb to brush off the all-too familiar tears.

     “It’s because I love you,” Sunggyu declares confidently with a hint of happiness, “More than anyone else… in this world.”

     He cups Woohyun’s cheek with both of his hands and kisses those plump lips that always seemed to make his whole body weak. Woohyun’s crying again and Sunggyu is comforting him again with soft kisses that gets more and more passionate. And then somewhere in between those kisses, Woohyun manages to say, “I love you too.”

     He also found out what did Sunggyu mean with that look he always wondered about. He completely understands now.

     Those warm feelings start to heat up inside of Woohyun again and this time, he’s sure that it’s because of Sunggyu and not anyone else. Soon, they fall asleep; with Woohyun holding onto Sunggyu with all parts of his body while Sunggyu nuzzles comfortably next to his boyfriend’s neck. Sungjong did come in, but left immediately when he saw the two. And being the gentleman he is, he sticks a note on the table saying ‘YOU GO, WOOHYUN. (Sorry, Sunggyu-hyung, you seem like a bottom)’ and disappears off somewhere for the night.

     Woohyun wakes up first the next day and finds sunlight pouring all over Sunggyu’s sleeping face, making him look innocent and amazing. That’s when he comprehends he’s hugging him everywhere with his own body. And he laughs, making Sunggyu cuddle closer to his warmth after mumbling incoherent words like “Noise..Woohyunnie...stop…’ No wonder he sleeps so soundly next to him and he steals a kiss on the lips from Sunggyu, who kisses back without even thinking. Finally, both of them wake up, facing next to each other.


     “Has anyone seen my underwear?” Sungjong asks the couple that is currently playing cards on the bed they share early in the morning. Woohyun glances at him oddly and continues to stare while Sunggyu chokes on nothing.





A/N: Woot. It's done! Probably the fastest story I've ever typed within a week.

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guise pls it has been two years, stahp subscribing to this or else i will cri.


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707 streak #1
Chapter 5: 2022 and still beautiful
Chapter 5: Woah!!! Such an oldie but goldie fic!!! I liked it :)
Chapter 5: It's so good^_^ it was really beautiful how they got the together in the end
Geckokono8 #4
please do not ever delete or hide this, please ㅠㅠ.
perf OMG thank you for writing this beautiful piece ♡♡♡ T_T
no matter how many times i read this it's still beautiful ;__;...
i love this!!!
Chapter 5: XDDDDD~ Not bad~ ^^ Keep writing~