1 - A Race You're Not Qualified In

Walking Beside Happiness

            Every time Woohyun thinks about the future, he gets scared. He’s afraid of change, and he doesn’t adjust to change really well. In fact, he hates change. But all his concerns are gone when he sees a cute, adorable face with small ponytail spring out of nowhere. Her hair is dyed brown, and her features compliment purely everything about her.

          “Hey, baby.” Woohyun smirks at her surprise attack.           

          “Heh heh, that took you long enough.” She pouts.

          “What’s up?”

          “Is Sunggyu-oppa coming here for dinner tonight?” She asks sweetly.

          “Yeah. Why, do you want to just be with me?” Woohyun grabs her waist and leans down on her, causing her to blush. She giggles and smacks his arm playfully. The bell rings, and the two look at each other, knowing who is here.

          He tells in a low whisper to her, “Okay, let’s stop here.”

          Woohyun gently kisses her forehead and proceeds to open the door. Sunggyu groans when he faces with a huge grin and a suffocating hug from Woohyun.

          “Get off. You’re heavy.” He scoffs.

          “No! I don’t want to. You’re so squishy and cute.” Woohyun laughs. His girlfriend welcomes Sunggyu and he nods as a greeting as well. Woohyun gets off and drags his hyung into the apartment.

          “I cooked dinner for us! Look!”

          Sunggyu shakes his head and smiles, looking at how excited Woohyun is. He looks at his girlfriend and she shrugs her shoulder with a grin as a response. Still holding his hand, the two enter the kitchen to find Woohyun’s cooking. He really outdid himself this time, having multiple dishes filled with colorful sauces and seasonings.

          Woohyun shouts eagerly, “Hyung! I even cooked your favorite dish!”

          Sunggyu can’t help but smile at the younger’s enthusiasm. Woohyun’s girlfriend complains lightheartedly, “You love Sunggyu-oppa more than me, don’t you?” The three chuckle together and sit down to eat the lovely meal Woohyun prepared.

          “Hyung!” Woohyun calls him, swallowing his food before speaking again.

          The latter laughs at his actions before responding him, “What?”

          “Is there any sauce on my mouth?”

          “Ask your girlfriend.” Sunggyu gives him a playful scoff and returns to eating his own food.


          “Why not?”

          “Because!” Woohyun flails his arms back and forth to explain his point, “It’s weird.”

          “You two are weird.” She simply replies while giggling at their strange quarrel.

          Laughter and happiness dances across the table with delight as the night continued on.

          That was until Woohyun notices for the first time.

          He coincidentally sees Sunggyu flashing a strange look in his eyes while smiling at his girlfriend during their conversation.

          But then he sees this look in his eyes that goes by really quick; it’s full of desire and want. He brushes this off, because he doesn’t like being the possessive type. So for the rest of the evening, he ignores that gesture, even though he sees it again for a couple of seconds. I bet Sunggyu enjoys her company a lot, he thinks to himself.

After all these years, you still haven’t even glanced this way.

          The second time he notices the look again is when Sunggyu offers to take Woohyun and his girlfriend out on a small vacation to Japan for four days.  They are visiting the famous Tokyo Tower, and admiring the sights provided in the observation decks.

          It is more than beautiful, the sight. No words could’ve described such scenery they saw on that day. Millions of lights complement each other and the wind tenderly kisses their head. The sky is also clear, showing very few visible stars in the city. Cars being heard, glowing beams adorn the whole tower as the cold chill frosts the air around them. The group of people that were also present with the three rarely utter a word.

          For a moment, none of them spoke. It is definitely one of the most precious sceneries they’ve ever witnessed in their young lifetime.

          Woohyun is glad Sunggyu took them there and he turns his head to his best friend, wanting to say a simple thank you to show his appreciation and that is when he sees it.

          He finds that Sunggyu isn’t looking at the skies or the city anymore. He is looking at his very own girlfriend, studying her astounded face as she points to all the lights. It isn’t a menacing and ominous glare, in fact, his face is pretty mesmerizing. Woohyun doesn’t know why he looks that way at her, but he is. He wonders why again.

          When Sunggyu is staring at her, his gaze turns softening as if he’s remembering a valued memory of his. Perhaps he’s in deep thoughts about her. But why should he? Woohyun gradually goes back to his position, ignoring his best friend’s watch. Every now and then, he checks on Sunggyu to see what he is doing. And it turns out, he finds something surprising again.

          Sunggyu turns his head downwards and is smiling bitterly to himself. Woohyun is positive that he saw his best friend crying silently for the first time in his life when they were standing on the Tokyo Tower that day.

Would you believe every single word I say even though it might seem unbelievably ridiculous to you?


          There was another time where Woohyun catches that same glimpse from Sunggyu way back in the past, before he even got a girlfriend. It was on a snowy day and Woohyun decides to invite him over for coffee at a small shop.

          When Sunggyu arrives, Woohyun orders him a cup of green tea instead of coffee. Because he knows how much he dislikes caffeine and coffee. He remembers Sunggyu saying it tastes so odd that he’s one hundred percent sure that it is a substance that human is not even supposed to consume and rants about it for years.

          They stay around to chat for an hour or so. A couple enters in with red noses and heavy layers of coats. Their laugh resonates throughout the entire coffee shop and multiple heads turn to see the source of the blissful sound. It was a boy and a girl around the age of 20, and they were drenched by snow.

          Each piece of clothing is covered with a flaky white, cold material that disappears into liquid as soon as there is heat pressed close to it.

          Woohyun admires the two and declares confidently, “I want to look like that someday with someone.” And Sunggyu nods in understanding. For a millisecond, he sees the look but it’s quickly gone in a flash before Woohyun can even ask about it.

          “You have someone you like?”

          Woohyun doesn’t even try to give hints.

          “Yes.” He announces merrily like a child. “And I’m going to make her mine soon.”

          “I hope to see you like that soon, then.” Sunggyu laughs.


Perhaps we were never supposed to meet in this world.

          Sunggyu is free and crashes into his place tonight, exactly like the old times. They are on the same bed with the same blanket but neither of them is bothered by it, the warmth they create together is comfortable and relaxing.

          Being the honest person he is, Woohyun asks Sunggyu, “Hyung, do you like her?”

          There is a silence, before Sunggyu rolls over to face Woohyun under the moonlight shining through and answers, “What?”

          “I’m asking if you like my girlfriend.”

          “Of course not, Woohyun, why would I?” He says it in a tone that is marking the obvious.

          “But I saw you, just smiling and her, and …I felt uneasy.” Woohyun stops making eye contact at the elder and glances down to avoid his stare.

          He doesn’t mention the times he finds Sunggyu staring at her for a good thirty seconds; he keeps that bit to himself. He receives a pinch on the cheek and lets out an “Ow!” before looking back at him.

          “What the hell was that for?” He whimpers while rubbing his soar cheek. Sunggyu sighs and gazes at Woohyun.

          “I don’t like her the way you do. Kay?” Woohyun nods but he feels unconvinced. The older of the two takes notice and tries again.

          “Honestly, I do that all the time to people I talk to. It’s not that hard to smile. She’s dated you for 8 months now. So don’t worry about it, besides, she doesn’t like me the way she likes you. ”

          “But why wouldn’t she like you?” Woohyun speaks up.


          “Nothing.  I’m going to sleep.” Sunggyu is left confused as the latter snuggles closer and closes his eyes. He lets out a small chuckle with his deep, calm voice and ruffles Woohyun’s hair.

          “You’re so weird.” He comments before closing his eyes as well.

          Somehow, Woohyun ends up hugging Sunggyu with his arms and legs like a koala. Sunggyu only cuddles closer to him, appreciating the extra warmth that is offered to him.

           None of them is actually aware of this; however, they wake up next to each other, but not touching or even close. Except for Woohyun’s girlfriend, who smiles and leaves them alone whenever they are like that, because it’s cute and it’s not like they are a couple anyways.

           Woohyun will always wake up being wide apart with Sunggyu.

           They are also facing the opposite directions of each other. Never once have they woken up, flustered at what they’ve done to each other.


Everything would’ve been much simpler if we didn’t.


           “Hyung, are you busy this afternoon?” Woohyun croaks while rubbing his eyes. He sits up painfully, hearing his bones crack all over the place.

           “Yeah, why?” Sunggyu isn’t moving at all.

           “Oh…never mind then.” Woohyun’s voice is filled with disappointment. Sunggyu knows and he rolls over to look up at the younger.

           “Don’t sound so sad…Are you going somewhere?”

           Woohyun nods.

           “A date?”

           Woohyun nods again. Sunggyu lets out a sigh.

           “I'm busy.”


           “No, Woohyun, that’s final.”

           “It’s not going to be fun without you…” Woohyun looks down and plays with Sunggyu’s chubby cheeks. His hands are slapped away by Sunggyu after a while.

           “...I’m not going. Meeting up with Hoya this afternoon.”

           “Is he your new best friend or something?” Woohyun mutters in dissatisfaction.

           Sunggyu laughs and gets up from the bed, saying “Of course not” and kissing the younger on the cheek as a proof before going to the bathroom.

           Woohyun’s baffled by such action but he doesn’t dislike it so it didn’t matter.


How does one keep up when you’re not even in the race?


           “So how are you lately?”

           “I’m … I don’t know anymore.”

           “You holdin’ up?”

           “Not anymore…no.”

           “What do you mean?”

           “I applied to move into the main campus few weeks ago. They accepted me with open arms…”

           “That’s great! So what’s the problem?”

           “Yeah but-”

           “Is this about Woohyun?”

           “Not really…?”

           “Hyung, how many times do I have to say this?” Hoya exasperates, “You can’t have him stop you from everything you do. You’re an adult, you have to make decisions for yourself and not worry about what others might think of you. It’s fine, just go. You really need this, and you wanted it. Didn’t you?” 

           "I guess it won’t hurt…?” Sunggyu rubs the back of his neck hesitantly. 

           “Good. You can always move in my dorm, there’s a lot less people there.”

           “Yeah, thanks.”

           They have little chats as usual after that. Hoya is very different from Woohyun, that’s why Sunggyu is different around Hoya. It’s not a good or bad thing; it’s just that Sunggyu is more careless towards Hoya while he shares more personal information to Woohyun.


           “Can you tell me why we are spending our date stalking your best friend?!”

           “Shh… they’re talking about something, I can’t hear.” With binoculars in hand, Woohyun spies on the two laughing behind some green bushes.

           “I’m leaving.”

           “NO WAIT! I’m sorry, let’s go now.” Woohyun quickly takes her hand and leaves the café area, giving up on stalking Sunggyu.

           “Why are you always stalking Sunggyu-oppa?” He shrugs, not knowing the answer himself.

           “I want him to get a wonderful girlfriend already! Just like the one I have now.” He leans forward to brush their noses together, gaining attention from everyone around them. But he sees Sunggyu looking at their direction and he lets go of her as fast as possible.

           “But that doesn’t mean you can do that every time he tells you that he’s meeting up with someone~” She happily sings to her kind boyfriend. Woohyun chuckles at his girlfriend’s remark and rewards her with a small peck on the lips.

           “Come on! Let’s go spend today in that restaurant you really love.”


           The day ends quickly for the couple and Woohyun sends his girlfriend home, like any other gentleman would. He goes back to his apartment to prepare for dinner. The door to his apartment is open, and he sees Sunggyu sitting on the couch with some hot chocolate in hand. Sunggyu looks up and greets his best friend.

           “Hey.” Woohyun casually greets and closes the door as well as locking it.



           “I got a letter from my university.” He turns his attention at the elder, feeling a wave of uneasiness.

           “…What about it?” Sunggyu gulps down before saying the news.

           “They want to move me to the main campus.”


           “Officials offered to move me into the main grounds of the school so I can study better than going the one close by here.”

           “Are you going to accept…?”

           “I think the answer is quite obvious.”

           “When are you leaving?”

           “This Saturday…”

           Woohyun pauses to think about such abrupt notice.

           “Wait… didn’t you have to apply for the main campus before they look over your records?” Sunggyu’s face says it all.

           “Why didn’t you tell me?” The two stay quiet for what seems like a whole minute.

           “Look, I wasn’t a hundred percent sure about this decision and by the time I realized what I was even doing, they already gave the green light to move in and assigned me to a dorm.” Sunggyu massages his temples in aggravation.

           “And did it ever occur to you how this would’ve happened differently if you spoke to me about it first instead of telling me now?” Woohyun poses irritably, standing up to make his point.

           “Are we really doing this right now? Because I don’t have time.” Woohyun sighs and sits back down.

           “This whole thing wasn’t my idea in the first place.” Sunggyu tries to explain carefully, “Some friend of mine convinced me and I went ahead. I didn’t mean to not tell you, I just didn’t know how.”

           Woohyun doesn’t even try to look at him.  

           He tells him in a low voice, “I don’t care anymore. Do whatever you want.”

           Sunggyu gets up, leaves and slams the door behind him. And that’s when Woohyun knows that he screwed up big time the second he made the Sunggyu that was always calm to be fuming like that.


Maybe if time wasn’t so precious, this might’ve never existed. Goodbye now.



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guise pls it has been two years, stahp subscribing to this or else i will cri.


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713 streak #1
Chapter 5: 2022 and still beautiful
Chapter 5: Woah!!! Such an oldie but goldie fic!!! I liked it :)
Chapter 5: It's so good^_^ it was really beautiful how they got the together in the end
Geckokono8 #4
please do not ever delete or hide this, please ㅠㅠ.
perf OMG thank you for writing this beautiful piece ♡♡♡ T_T
no matter how many times i read this it's still beautiful ;__;...
i love this!!!
Chapter 5: XDDDDD~ Not bad~ ^^ Keep writing~