Chapter 1

Bittersweet Love


Dear Diary,

            I lost the most important person in my life today.. I still couldnt accept the fact that hes gone .. I guess the quotes Ive been reading on all those social networks (Twitter, Tumblr and facebook) were true. Youll never appreciate what you have until its gone. Its not like I never appreciated him, its more like... I didnt give him as much credit as he deserves. He took care of me ever since I can remember, and now hes gone.. Forever..  Im all alone again diary If this is what God wants for me I understand.

But I could only take so much.


“Why are you doing this to yourself?!”I flinched as he slammed both of his hands on the table.

I stared at a frustrated person right in front of me. The windows were closed and so was the door in the classroom. We were the only ones there.

“What do you mean –”

“Are you trying to kill yourself by overworking your body?!” He added.

I’ve never seen him frustrated before.. Usually he’s nice and he always had this calm and collected façade. But right now.. I don’t even know who he is.

“What are you getting so worked up about?” I asked confused; very confused.

“You’re in a scholarship and you have to maintain your good grades but you have been failing miserably because you prioritize your work more!” He barked back.

Is that why hes mad..?

“I have bills to pay, it’s not easy to get by, believe me.” I retorted.

“That’s because you choose to handle it alone!”

With that said, I immediately looked at him with a more confused face than what I already had before.

“I’m so confused..” I mumbled under my breath.

“I don’t understand why you’re so mad at me..” I said perplexed.

His expression suddenly changed from frustrated to concern. His eyes were giving out a different feel… His eyes are his best feature..

He sighed after seconds of silence as he turned his head to the right looking outside the window.

I really dont get what I did that made him this angry..

 “I heard that you’re being evicted because you couldn’t pay your bills. You haven’t been attending class to work but you still don’t have enough to pay for you apartment?” My heart immediately tightened after hearing what he said.

“How did you—” I just took a deep sigh and bowed in front of him as a sign of politeness.

“I don’t understand why you’re upset over something that clearly does not concern you but I don’t have time for this so I apologize if I offended you in any way.  Just to let you know though, I’ll be dropping out of high school and—?!”

I flinched as he held both of my arms that made me stand up straight.

“You’re not allowed to drop out! I forbid you to drop out!” He yelled frustrated.

Now this is pissing me off. I dont understand his side and he just keeps on contradicting my plans. Its not like I have any other choice but to drop out! Believe me, this is my last resort.

“I don’t mean to be disrespectful but you have no idea what I’m going through right now so you don’t have the right to tell me what to do!” I barked back.

“We will go to your apartment and you will gather all your things there and—”

“I have nowhere else to go! That’s why I’m dropping out of school and would continue to just work so I have enough money to pay for my expenses!” I cut him off annoyed.


Those 6 words made my knees weak as hell. He tightened his grip on my arms as I lost balanced for a moment after hearing what he yelled.

“Wh-what..?” That was the only words that came out of my mouth.

“I want you to pack all your things at your place and move in with me. That way, I could help you out financially and I could supervise you as well on your academics.” He said calmly with a smile on his face; the smile that usually gets all of the girls in school to faint.

“B-but I can’t.. —”

“Minami, I’m offering you the help you desperately need. Would you still refuse it? As long as I can help, I will.” He said with concern written all over his face.

“I’m sorry, but I have to refuse your offer. I’m not comfortable with the idea of moving in with a stranger I only met in school. That’s just not right.” I answered back politely trying to not offend him in some way.

He sighed then looked straight in my eyes. For some reason, I could feel all the blood in my body race to my face.

Is it just me or is it getting hot in here..?

“You can’t tell me what to do; you’re not my father, not my mother, not my brother and especially not my husband.” I looked away from him trying to cool down all this heat and tension I’m suddenly feeling.

What the hell is all this about?!

“Then why not make it so...” He smirked.

Why the hell is he smirking now..? I dont get his point Hes just wasting my time!

“What are you—”

Yuna Mickea Minami, will you marry me?

I’m very coordinated but this person right in front of me could easily make me lose balance just like that; just by talking nonsense. I feel light headed as all the blood in my body rushed towards my head. I could feel my cheeks heat up and my jaw drop.

This is a dream right?


“Silly me, what I meant to say was…”

He released his grip from my arms and brushed his soft wavy brown hair, his perfect jaw line exposed as he turned to look outside on his right. He looked back at me with those deep black charismatic eyes of his; a smirk once again crept up on his flawless face.

Im in a trance

“Yuna Mickea Minami, you will marry me.” He demanded still with that smirk on his face.


The blood rushed to my face once again as I reminisced what happened 6 months ago.

I still cant believe what happened..

My name is Yuna Mickea Minami, but everyone calls me Micka. Im 16 years old and in my junior year in C Academy, a public high school for the not so rich people. A Academy is the exclusive high school where all the rich students and even some celebrity teens go to. Anyway, Im in a scholarship in this school because I cant afford my education and I have a part time job which could only contribute little to my expenses. Bottom line is: Im poor.

I guess youre wondering how I get by, huh? How can I still afford shelter, food and all the other necessities? Well, its all thanks to my Husband.

I know, I know. Im still at a shock too and its been months ever since I moved in with him. Im still not comfortable with it. I mean who in their right mind would get married at 16? Girls my age would be having boyfriends, not a husband.

Its not like I wanted it.. Its just that I desperately needed help financially and emotionally and his offer was just too good to pass on. Besides, I did refuse countless times but he insisted, no, demanded. Hes the type of guy who likes it done his way with no arguments needed when he knows its the right thing to do.

I know what youre thinking, you green minded reader you! Just because weve been living together for months, it doesnt mean that something already happened between us. I may have given up my freedom to be married but my morals are still with me. And plus, hes not a ert; hes nothing of the sort.

Hes actually a very nice person. He always has this cool, calm, collected façade that he usually shows to other people, but underneath all that, hes soft hearted. Hes very good looking; very, very good looking. Hes the complete package. And this brings us to the next big question that Im sure all of you would want to know: Am I in love with him?

The answer is


Yes, I have fallen in love with him. And its the first time ever that I liked a guy this much.

This kind of fairytale is what girls my age aims for in their love life.

I wont lie or deny the fact that I do like the feeling of being married to him..

Theres just one problem..


I snapped out of thought and turned my head to the person standing right in front of me.

Dark brown messy hair with strands of hair falling over his deep black charismatic eyes, a smile placed on his gorgeous bone-structured face; the smile that never fails to make my heart melt. As we made eye contact, all the blood in my body rushed to my face and suddenly I feel light headed.

The only person who could make my heart beat fast just by eye contact. 

“Is my teaching getting in the way of your day dreaming?” He smiled despite his sarcasm.

Choi Seung Hyun a.k.a Top; my husband

And my homeroom teacher


The dismissal bell rang just in time to save my from him.

I took a deep sigh as I broke eye contact with him and started packing my things.

“As for homework, I’m giving you pages 114-116 to answer. I will be collecting them tomorrow at the beginning of the class. Anyone who forgets to do their homework on purpose will be given extra homework and detention as the cherry on top.” He said as he walked towards the teachers table and started to fix all the papers on his desk.

I usually leave before anyone in my class because I still have work at 4, and it's already 3:20. It takes about 30 minutes to get to downtown where the cafe is. By then I would just be right on time, just as long as I leave right away after class to catch the bus.

My heart tightened as I looked over at Top. As usual, he's surrounded by girls who says they have questions about the lesson we had today. But who are they kidding? They just want to talk to him, or even flirt a little.

Hmp, not like I care.

I don't care.

At all.

"Minami, will you please come to my office? I have something to discuss with you."

I could feel the whole class staring at me as I was about to reach for the door.

"But I'm going to be late for work—"

"Your education is more important that your work Miss Minami. Now come." He ordered as he grabbed all of the papers on his table with one hand and passed through all the girls around him.

I don't like this side of him; his dictator side.

But I always follow his orders though. I never disobeyed. Ever.

Maybe because I feel in debt with all the help he's given me.

Or maybe I've fallen too deep for him that I don't want to upset him.

Either way of my reason is no good. He always wins anyway.

I took a deep sigh and followed him all the way to the other side of the building where all the teacher's offices are. This school isn't fancy. It's made out of wood and it has limited classrooms compared to A academy and B academy. What do you expect out of a public school?

Top has his own office room. The principal gave him the room as a gift for choosing to work here instead of all the other schools that has been scouting him. No one in the faculty objected with him getting the room, especially all the other female teachers; they even offered it to him. And the male teachers.. Well, let's just say they got intimidated with sensei's good looks.

People who are good looking are really fortunate..

It's Monday today so as expected, no one was in the faculty. All the other teachers have classes till 4pm. Top is an exception.

Top; he told me it was his nickname ever since he was in his teenage years. I dont know why, he never told me the reason behind his nickname. I find it cute though and it definitely suits him in all aspects. Hes Top when it comes to looks, top when it comes to brains, top when it comes to charisma and on goes the list of his features and personality. I know Im being a little biased here, but thats my opinion.

He told me to address him by his nickname when were not in class instead of calling him sensei like all the other girls in this school.

I like it; its short and easy to say.                         

I entered Top's office; it's like a normal office with lots of books and papers scattered on his table; typical teacher's mess.


I flinched as Top's arms wrapped around my neck and rested his right cheek on my right shoulder. I could feel his breath on my neck sending shivers down my spine.

Yet again, the blood immediately rushed to my face making me feel light headed and my cheeks turn red.

How do I know it’s Top? He's the only person who calls me with that horrible nickname.

"I told you not to call me that!" I demanded in a whisper as I pulled away from him.

"It's not like anyone is here who could hear me." He said as he scratched his head with the papers on his hand.

"Eh? Why do you look flustered love?" He asked, gently tapping my forehead with his forefinger.

... Love?! Did he just call me love?!

"L-love? Why are you giving me random pet names in public?!" I barked.

"Because you're my wife and we're married." He smiled at me cheerfully making my heart beat 10x faster.

That smile.. Those words..

Kill me now.

"Wh-what did you want to discuss with me?" I changed the subject looking away from him and his irresistible smile.

 "Huh? Discuss what?" He asked confused.

"You called me here, what did you need to talk to me about? I'm going to be late for work.." I replied.

What the heck.. Did he just call me here for nothing? Is he getting back at me for not listening in his class?

"Oh." He said as he went near his table and reached something out from his bag.

"Here." He handed me a lunchbox wrapped in a purple cloth. I stared at it for a second before taking it from his grip.

"You're working until 10 right? I'm pretty sure you didn't fix any food for yourself on your break so I just went ahead and did it for you." He said as he got closer to me.

"Thanks.." I smiled.

He made me lunch..

He's so.. sweet.

I'm in a trance right now.

"I really have to go now; I'm going to be late for work!" I said snapping out of my fantasies, going back to reality.

"Alright then, take care love!" He smiled; I smiled back and hurried to the door.

"Oh, and Kea-chan?"

I turned around, finding him centimeters away from my face, with that smirk; the same smirk he had on when he demanded me to marry him.

He placed a light kiss on my forehead, and in an instant, I turned red as a tomato.

"I love you." He said with his deep, alluring voice; and now with that irresistible smile.

Please calm down heartbeat. I might die of a heart attack if you don't calm down!

"I-i love you too.." I whispered; he chuckled.

I immediately went out of the teacher's office and went straight to the bus stop. Fortunately my bus was still there.  I got on and sat at the usual place I always sit at; the back of the bus.

I dont know why but I always like sitting at the back; the back of the bus or the back of the class. I dont know why, I guess because it separates me from the crowd. Im not really fond of crowds.. A group with 4 or 5 people in it is fine with me, but 8 or more? Uhh, no thanks.

I pressed the stop sign by my seat and stood up heading towards the door. It’s a 30 minute express bus ride. The first stop of it, is my stop; downtown area.

The bus was gradually stopping, trying to position the bus door in front of the bus stop. He does this every day, on every stop he makes.

I got off the bus and hurriedly walked to the café.

Choklit ; my employer for 3 years. It’s not one of the fancy cafes despite its fancy name; it’s an ordinary café where people go to have coffees and desserts. For an ordinary café, we’re always pretty busy because of the coffee we make and the desserts we bake. It’s a decent café with decent pay that gets me through the day.

I entered the café and immediately went to the back to change. Our uniform isn’t that all fancy; it’s just plain black shirt, black slacks and a white apron on top.

“Ah Mickea, you’re here.”

I looked over to the person by the door of the change room.

“Ah, manager.” I bowed in front of his as a sign of respect.

He has a bandana wrapped on his bald head, and is wearing glasses covering his brown eyes. He’s in his mid-20 going to 30; has a wife and 3 adorable little boys.

“The owner was wondering if you could work this coming Sunday with hi—”

“Manager..” I looked back at him with an apologetic face; the one I always give him when he asks me the same question every week.

“I know, I know. You asked Sunday off for a reason. I don’t know why the owner keeps asking me to ask you every damn week. It’s getting on my nerves.” He sighed in annoyance.

Sunday is the only day the owner works at his own café. It’s because all of his employees asked for Sundays off, and he’s probably too nice to approve of all of it.  Well, I asked for Sunday off ever since I moved in with Top. He said that I should use my Sundays as a family day and study time for school.

It’s pretty reasonable, so why not right?

“Well maybe the owner has a little crush on Mickea here.”

I looked over to the main baker of the café, Michiko-san; the manager’s wife. She’s 4 years younger than the manager and very pretty for her age. Tall, slim, black hair dyed to blonde and hazel brown eyes. She looks younger that he actual age.

“Why would you say so?” The manager asked as he went out of the back room and to the front behind the counter. I followed behind him.

“Well, think about it. He asks for Mickea frequently compared to the other employees he has asked to work Sundays with.” She said with a grin on her face.

Personally, I haven’t seen the owner. I just imagine him as an old erted geezer. I don’t know why but I just do. That’s one of the reasons why I don’t want to work Sunday shifts alone with him. The second reason is: I’m no good with authority. I might end up getting myself fired.

“Huh, come to think about it, he does ask for Mickea a lot.” The manager said grinning back at her, then at me.

“He’s very nice Mickea, and very handsome too! Oh you two would just be perfect for each other!” Michiko-san said as she embraced the rolling pin. She’s a er for romance.

I still imagine the owner as an old geezer. But Michiko-san keeps on describing him as a very good looking guy. But I don’t trust her taste in men..

It’s always like this at work. They like to talk about me without letting me be in the conversation. They ask me questions, but the other one just ends up answering it without hearing my input. I found it odd, but I eventually got used to it.

I went to the cashier to help the next person in line. It’s starting to get busy around this time of day.

“What can I get for you?” I looked up to see the same person I served for the past couple of weeks. And as expected, he’s always here at 4 pm every single weekday.

“The usual for you?” I asked with a smile.

“Ah, yes please.” He said smiling back.

He’s a very good looking guy with short black hair, black eyes and dark circles underneath. The dark circles actually add more charisma to his looks. Based on his uniform and the method of payment he does, he’s from A Academy. A rich kid.

He always orders a double chocolate mocha and banana cake; always. I recommend other drinks and desserts to him but he always turns them down politely.

“Have a seat. I’ll just bring it over to your table.” I said pointing over to the usual table he sits at; the table near the window.

He smiles and walks over to the table. I started on his double chocolate mocha.

As expected at around this time, there are a lot of girls from different academies too. I think that the only reason why theyre here is because of that guy. Its easy to come up with that idea the way all the girls look at him. It doesnt bother him though, its like hes used to it, or maybe hes oblivious to it. Who knows, he brings in business for us and thats all that matters.

I put the whip cream on top of the coffee and poured chocolate syrup on the whip cream swirling it around to add some style to it. Michiko-san rang the small bell on the counter by the window which means an order is ready. I took the banana cake and the drink and went towards the guy’s table.

“Here you go. Double chocolate mocha and banana cake.” I said setting it on the table.

I hate saying their order as I set it on the table but its basically mandatory that we do that.

“Thanks, uhh.. Micka.” He said as he looked up at me after reading my name tag.

“Anything else I can get for you?” I smiled. He got the coffee from the table.

“Your number.” He said, hiding his sheepish smile behind the coffee cup.

“Eh?” That was all I could even say.

A chuckle broke out of his sheepish smile. I was lost; I don’t know if he’s serious or not.

“I really like how you make my coffee. It’s not too sweet and not too bitter as well. It’s perfect for someone who dislikes extreme tastes.” He said as he took a sip from his coffee.

“Good job.” He smiled at me with whip cream on his upper lip. He looked ridiculous with it, but still good looking. I bowed in front of him and made my way to the back counter to help out other customers.

I never had anyone ask me for my number. Thats a first and I clearly didnt know how to react. Not like I would give out my number just like that to a stranger like him, I wouldnt. But I just never had the thought that anyone would even ask for my number even if they were just doing it for kicks.

Im not pretty. I dont consider myself even being close to the word pretty. Im just an average looking girl. Im average in height at 54 with long, wavy shoulder length brown hair. My eyes are large and round and my eye lashes are not that thick. My pupils are shiny and slightly larger than the average size, which people tells me are attractive. Though I think its not that big of a deal, I still thank my mother for giving me these eyes. I was given a round face but my nose evens out my features making me have this baby face.

Yup, Im just an average girl. And that thought usually makes me insecure about a lot of things. Especially now that Top is in my life.. I try really hard for the insecure thoughts not to enter my head but its inevitable sometimes..

I took a deep sigh as I brushed a strand of my hair off of my face and looked at myself in the mirror in the staff room. I’m changed back to my uniform and ready to go home.

My shift went by so fast considering it being a busy Friday. I’m very tired but I’m thankful my shift is now over.

“Good work today Mickea!” The manager said as he gently tapped me on the back with the usual smile on his face.

“I’ll close the café. You still have to catch your bus right?” He continued.

“Thank you, manager.” I said slightly bowing down in front of him.

“No, no. Thank you for your hard work today! Well, take care on your way home sweetie!” Michiko-san said as she waved her hand dismissively in front of me.

Theyre the nicest couple I ever met in my entire life. They seem to love each other very much. I wish my husband and I would be like that too in the future.. What am I talking about.. I already have a husband.

The cold breeze welcomed me as I stepped out of the café.

Great, I didnt think it would be this cold tonight. I didnt bring my jacket. Just my luck..

I felt something wrap around my upper body from the back with a slight embrace from the one who put it on. It made me jump away and immediately look at the person behind me. It could be a stalker for all I know.

At the sight of the said stalker, my anxiousness disappeared.

“T-top?! What the hell are you doing?!” I asked as I put my hand on my chest to help calm my heartbeat down.

“I came to get you.” He said smiling at me like nothing happened.

He’s wearing ordinary clothes; a gray jacket on top of his white v-neck and jeans; his messy hair underneath the hood of his grey jacket. He looks like a teenager when he’s not wearing professional clothes; the ones he wears going to school as my teacher.

He looked at me with his deep charismatic eyes behind his black eye glasses. As expected, he looks good. He always does. I don’t even know why I’m always surprised on how good looking he is every single time.

“I knew you didn’t bring a jacket and it’s pretty cold tonight. So, I came to bring you this.” He handed me a thick black jacket. It doesn’t look like any of my jackets at all, but nevertheless, I still took it from him.

As I took the jacket from his grip, I accidentally touched his icy cold hands.

How long has he been waiting out here? Was he waiting for me..?

I still couldn’t get the thought in my head even though we’ve been living together for quite some time now.

“I brought you the jacket so you could wear it, not stare at it like an idiot.”

With that I snapped out of thought and immediately put on the jacket. It’s too big for my size, but warm and cozy. This isn’t one of mine, so I assume it’s his.

Thinking about him coming all the way here just so I wont freeze to death is simply Heart melting. Those are the words that describe how I feel right now. My heart melted on the fact that hes here and my heart melted on the fact that he made an effort.

By these simple efforts, hes making me fall madly in love with him.

“Are you hungry?” He asked as he took my school bag from my grip, held my hand and started walking.

I blush crimson red as his fingers intertwined with mine.

“Just a little. But I can cook when we get home.” I quickly suggested. He’s been helping me out with so much; I didn’t want to burden him more with my needs.

“Yeah, I cooked kimchi fried rice but it ended up being too spicy. I know it’s a waste of food but I had to throw it out.” He said with remorse printed all over his face.

“Eh? I already wrote down the recipe for you.” I replied trying to suppress my laughter at the face he’s making at the moment.

“Yeah, but I remembered you telling me before that you like spicy food. So I thought I could make it spicier, but I put in too much.” He sighed, lightly scratching the back of his head.

With that heard, I couldn’t help but smile. I didn’t expect him to remember, or even keep in mind what I told him 5 months ago.

“Oh, you don’t have work tomorrow right?” His face lit up at the thought of it. I shook my head, still with the smile on my face.

Whenever I’m with him, the smile on my face never disappears.

“Remember the movie you never stopped talking about? Well, the DVD came out and I just bought it on my way home awhile ago. We could watch it tomorrow!” He suggested.

Is he asking me on a date..?

Wait, he bought the Damn.

Im speechless.

His effort prevails yet again!

My love for him is at a point of no return.

“I mean, if you don’t have any plans—“

“I don’t!” I barked, cutting him off in surprise. I kinda yelled a bit there. I realized that when I heard an echo of my voice. I didn’t want to sound too excited for it, but I guess I blew it.

“I don’t..” I continued as I looked away trying to hide my red face out of embarrassment.

“Okay, it’s a date then.” He said as he tilted my chin upwards making us have eye contact.

“Eh? Are you okay love?”

“Y-yeah.” I immediately looked away from him and just ignored his stare.

Love.. I like the fact that he calls me love all the time. Its comforting to my ears. It makes all the insecure thought I usually have disappear for the time being.

I feel loved and its a feeling that I dont want to change.

Hes the only reason why I keep on going.

Top is my new found happiness.

Im thankful for him. Im thankful that hes in my life right now.

I wish nothing would happen that would make everything change.

I want it to always be this way

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