I Blame My Rebellious Streak


I shook my head in bewilderment before hurrying down the stairs to open the door for our noisy visitor.

Only to be greeted by a tooth-filled grin and a ball of squirming white fur.

‘Park Chanyeol. But call me Chanyeol,’ the boy offered me the hand that wasn’t restraining his overexcited puppy, ‘oh and this is Prince.’

‘Baekhyun,’ I offered shyly, taking his larger hand and shaking it gently.

‘Oh? Hyunnie, who are your friends, sweetie?’ My mother emerged from the scullery, her arms piled high with warm, freshly-washed laundry. Her hair was coming out of the loose ponytail that was gathered at the nape of her neck, falling in straggles around her slim face. She looked tired and worn but a warm smile graced her once-beautiful features.

‘We’re friends! We’re here to play!’ Chanyeol piped up, giving my mother another one of his award-winning, million-watt smiles. Prince gave a little bark, as if to agree.

My mother’s smile turned a little sad then, ‘that’s nice, hon. Hyunnie’s never had any friends over to play before.' She looked thoughtful for a moment, before brightening a little, ‘I’ll make you two cookies!’ She called before disappearing into the kitchen.

‘Thank you, aunty!’ Chanyeol called after her, before turning his attention back to me.

‘Well, come on then! Let’s go have some fun!’ His eyes sparkled with mischief, and he held out his hand. Maybe it was his genuine smile, or his kind eyes, but I shyly took his hand.

And I never wanted to let go.

Chanyeol was unlike anyone I’ve ever known. He was the rainbow behind every dark cloud, the first spring flower, the light that shone through any adversity. His optimism was infectious, his smiles more precious than any diamond. He taught me only to give in, not give up; to stand up for the weak and the unjustly treated, but never to pick a fight. He had a kind and innocent heart beneath his mischievous smile. When he learnt of my condition, he not only did not shun me, but clung to me more tightly than ever.

‘Psh, what’s a little hole?’ He had said scornfully, ’it doesn’t make you any less beautiful, Hyunnie.’

But when I’d continued to look doubtful, he’d leaned his forehead on my shoulder and murmured, ‘but if it still worries you, just look at it this way; if there’s a hole in your heart, it just means that somewhere in there is space for me and Prince to fill.’ His hair brushed my jaw. It smelled like sunshine and cut grass.

Chanyeol was the strength I never knew I had; the courage that saw me through every obstacle.

My mother had initially objected (violently, I might add. Sheesh.) to the activities that came with my friendship with Chanyeol. She'd refused to allow me to engage in any activity that might potentially aggravate my already frail state.

So (and I blame my rebellious streak) I snuck out.


July 20, Saturday, 11.00pm.

I was sketching under my covers with a flashlight in hand because I was supposed to have been asleep 2 hours ago.


i whipped my head over to my window where the sound had come from, frowning when I saw nothing. I suspiciously went back to my drawing, blaming the odd sound on my overactive imagination.


'Okay that was definitely not a figment of my imagination,' I muttered crossly to myself.

Groaning, I pushed myself up from the awkward bellyflop I had been in for the past hour, my cramped back muscles creaking loudly in protest, before crossing over to the window.

My eyes widened.

In the window opposite mine, was a toothy grin, a blur of white fur and a large, Sharpied placard.

Chanyeol, fully ensembled in a large waterproof parka, sweats and moccasins, was holding up a large card that covered his entire torso.


I rolled my eyes at the last bit of his instructions but gave him a thumbs up anyway.

I began to slip a large, navy woolly jumper over my pajama top, before pulling on a pair of red wellies, tucking my pajama bottoms into them.

Grabbing my flashlight, I took a deep breath before quietly tugging on the door handle.

The old, hardwood door creaked a little, and I flinched, but the hallway was dark and I could hear my father's snores coming from the room down the hall.

Creeping into the kitchen, I grabbed a large bottle of water from the fridge before digging in the pantry for oranges, chuckling a little to myself, bewildered at Chanyeol's strange request.

I made my way over to the front door silently, but not before sending a guilty glance toward my parents' room.

'I'll be back.'

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Chapter 14: OMG THIS.
Chanyeol is such a cheeseball!
That part where he asked Baek if it hurts when he fell.
OMG SRSLY? alskdjlkasjd
How old is he again?
And the kissing part! Kyaaaaaaaaaa Channie's reaction is just priceless!
I hope baekkie won't die :'(

I really l=enjoyed reading this!
Off to read the sequel!
Thanks authornim, for writing this ♥
AlicePark #2
I like this,
baekyeol is really cute ",
Chapter 13: this is soooo cutieeee :((((( but yeah, sequel waaa dhgjksdhfgkjdf I rarely even read little exo kids lol and this just brought a smile to my face for all the fluffy feels
Chapter 13: Oh dear. It's soooo goooood!!! So beuatiful. Sequel please!!! XD
I'm not really understand about the medical, but please, don't make it a sad ending or an angsty story :''(( Please let them be happy together~
a never ending happy ending kekekeke
Nice story. Really love it x''3
smileasyoucan #5
Chapter 13: This was so wonderful, please do a sequel!! :D
PetalsPower #6
Chapter 13: I would love a Sequel *________* Holy that was such a fun and amazing read! ^___^ Quite Wonderful!
Chapter 13: So beautiful! Please there has to-be a sequel with a happy ending!!! Loved it! Had to hold my tears in cause I'm @ work!
keyforu #8
TIME with EXO!