Lavender Fields & Sunsets


After that first night, I'd spent countless other nights escaping from the confines of my home to join Chanyeol on his various escapades.

Soon, i even grew bold enough to sneak out in daytime, dashing out the door whenever my mother was out back wringing out the laundry or cooking dinner in the kitchen to meet Chanyeol.

He'd bring me out to the wide grassy fields or into the cool shade of the quiet forests, and we would spend the afternoon together. He taught me to climb the tallest pine trees, to run through the most beautiful meadows. He took me fishing in summer and ice-skating in winter. In spring we picked flowers and in autumn we jumped in leaf piles.

My mother would, however, notice my absence an hour or two later, of course, and reprimand me for my disobedience whenever she caught me trying to sneak back into the house, my forehead beaded with perspiration, my normally pale skin flushed from all the running and frolicking i'd been doing, and my clothes covered in the dandelion fluff that had attached themselves to me while i was out in the fields.

But even she had to admit after a while that these activities were nothing but beneficial to me. It helped my heart to become stronger, and it kept my body healthy. Her eyes would soften and her tone would become less harsh whenever she saw me glow with the satisfaction of being out in the fields; the exercise, the fun, and of course Chanyeol's company making me happier than i had ever been. My skin was no longer as pale as it had been, my time spent in the sun giving it a healthy, golden tan. I was no longer the pallid, skinny, frail Baekhyun that always fell ill, but I was now a lot stronger and I could actually fill out my clothes.

She eventually gave up trying to stop me from meeting Chanyeol, now choosing instead to just call out a reminder for us to be careful while we were out. Sometimes she'd even bake us her blue-ribbon-worthy chocolate chip cookies. The treats never failed to make Chanyeol confess his undying love for her while he stuffed his face with three cookies at once.

These were the happiest times of my less than perfect childhood.



One sunny summer afternoon, Chanyeol, million-watt grin and all, had showed up and dragged a large cloth over my eyes—a makeshift blindfold.

'Yah, Park Chanyeol. What on earth are you doing?'

He just giggled and told me off for being impatient. The cow.

He began dragging me away, Prince trotting obediently at our heels. We walked for a good 10 minutes, me clutching fearfully onto Chanyeol's arm the entire time for fear that i would fall. Chanyeol kept his arm firmly around my waist and held me close to him, close enough that I could smell the cinnamon scented bath gel that he always used.

The close proximity was making my heart race and I enjoyed it more than i cared to admit.

We finally came to a stop as I felt the hard dirt road beneath my feet give way to softer, grassier ground.

'We have arrived, milady,' Chanyeol teased as he pulled the blindfolds off with a flourish.

And i was met with a most glorious sight.

It was a gorgeous lavender field. The beautiful, delicate purple flowers were in full bloom, and they swayed slightly in the gentle wind, a breathtaking array of violet, amethyst, plum, wisteria and heliotrope. The light scent of the flowers wafted by on a passing breeze, and I inhaled deeply, memorising the smell.

In the middle of the field stood a lone tree, it's branches wide and its leaves a stunning deep green.

Beneath the tree, someone had laid out a picnic mat, two glasses and some baskets.

'May I?' Chanyeol offered a hand to me, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

i felt my insides turn to mush at the look on his face. I nodded, slightly dazed, a flush creeping up my neck, before taking his hand. He led me to the large, red plaid mat that was spread onto the ground.

He gestured for me to sit, before reaching into the largest basket and pulling out a bottle of pink lemonade.

'Libations for the fair lady?' He smiled, revealing an impressive array of pearly white teeth. I glared balefully at him.

'Yah. I'm not a girl.'

'But you're pretty and gentle.' Chanyeol grinned.

I apologise for having to admit that the compliment melted me into a puddle like an unfortunate ice cream on a hot summer's day.

We soon grew more comfortable, our topics of conversation flowing seamlessly and effortlessly. It felt like we had been friends for years rather than just a couple of months. As we talked, we ate, Chanyeol pulling all sorts of food from his basket like a magician.

An extremely hot, handsome, picnic-planning magician.


'Oh man. That was incredible,' Chanyeol moaned in appreciation as he polished off yet another plate of blueberry tarts, the indigo-coloured jam staining his lips. He fed the last one to a delighted Prince who sat on his haunches and ate it delicately. Chanyeol lay his head in my lap as I leaned against the tree and ran my fingers lightly through his smooth, fluffly hair, smiling gently. The sun was beginning to set, the west-bound orb casting a reddish glow on the entire field. The light from the setting sun stained Chanyeol's hair a beautiful red-gold and I admired it contentedly.

A comfortable silence settled between us and I subconsciously began singing one of my favourite tunes softly.

"Does the pain weigh out the pride?

And you look for a place to hide.

Did someone break your heart inside?

You're in ruins."

Chanyeol turned his head so that he was looking directly at me. I squirmed a little under the intense stare he was giving me.

'You there. Did it hurt?' He asked unexpectedly.

'Muh?' I asked, confusion evident in my features.

'Did it hurt? When you fell out of heaven? Because you have the voice of an angel,' he mumbled, a goofy smile on his face. He wrapped his long arms around my waist and buried his nose in my tummy. 

'You smell like one too,' he sighed happily, 'sing for me some more?'


It was soon time for us to head home. We packed everything neatly back into Chanyeol's large basket. Prince was bounding energetically through the grass, his long pink tongue lolling as he panted. Chanyeol handed me a smaller basket. I tilted my head questioningly.

Chanyeol chuckled, 'Go pick some lavenders for your mom. I'm sure she'll love the gift.'

I was instantly touched by his thoughtfulness and eagerly nodded.

I soon gathered enough lavender and baby's breath to make a pretty bouquet. i smiled at my work proudly.

Chanyeol came over with a half-basketfull of flowers as well, looking extremely pleased with himself. I giggled at his self-satisfied expression, before pulling a stalk of lavender from my basket. Standing on my tiptoes, I tucked it behind his ear, flushing a little as that brought our faces into close proximity. I chortled as he made a V with his fingers.

'Baekhyun oppa, am i pretty?' he gushed, his deep voice doing no justice to the statement whatsoever.

I snorted once before tugging gently on his arm.

'Let's go home, you pabo.'




hehe im sorry for all the Greenday references THEY ARE AMAZING I CANNOT EVEN oknostop.

anyway thanks errbahdy for reading~~~~

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Chapter 14: OMG THIS.
Chanyeol is such a cheeseball!
That part where he asked Baek if it hurts when he fell.
OMG SRSLY? alskdjlkasjd
How old is he again?
And the kissing part! Kyaaaaaaaaaa Channie's reaction is just priceless!
I hope baekkie won't die :'(

I really l=enjoyed reading this!
Off to read the sequel!
Thanks authornim, for writing this ♥
AlicePark #2
I like this,
baekyeol is really cute ",
Chapter 13: this is soooo cutieeee :((((( but yeah, sequel waaa dhgjksdhfgkjdf I rarely even read little exo kids lol and this just brought a smile to my face for all the fluffy feels
Chapter 13: Oh dear. It's soooo goooood!!! So beuatiful. Sequel please!!! XD
I'm not really understand about the medical, but please, don't make it a sad ending or an angsty story :''(( Please let them be happy together~
a never ending happy ending kekekeke
Nice story. Really love it x''3
smileasyoucan #5
Chapter 13: This was so wonderful, please do a sequel!! :D
PetalsPower #6
Chapter 13: I would love a Sequel *________* Holy that was such a fun and amazing read! ^___^ Quite Wonderful!
Chapter 13: So beautiful! Please there has to-be a sequel with a happy ending!!! Loved it! Had to hold my tears in cause I'm @ work!
keyforu #8
TIME with EXO!