All Roads Lead Home


Within the winter season of his new high school, Kris finds someone he can always return too.





Kris / Tao

three-shot on it's way

pg-17, swearing, implied

AU. high school. drama. angst(kinda). friendship



A/N: If you've read one of my other Taoris one-shots (like I'm Yours and Two Moons) you'll know Tao is usually the victim, and the story is usually centered around Tao. I switched things up this time, though I'm not promising 'victims' I'm telling you this one revolves mainly around Kris. 

Let’s just assume everyone mentioned in this story is Chinese, by blood, unless stated otherwise. Now, I was listening to Hangeng’s music as I wrote this (I ing love his songs Hero and Bad Boy) not the point, fact is I was inspired to write this story when I was thinking about my boyfriend about the time before we got together, then I began to think about this picture I once saw on DeviantART (I think?) It was a long time ago, so I searched up the picture and here’s the link to it, the caption inspired me: “All roads lead home” then the quotes; “Home is where the heart is.” And I really want to go back home to Japan, back to my boyfriend. 


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Chapter 3: crying in the middle of the night
Chapter 3: If I speak any more I'll probably cry......
alicemusic666 #3
Chapter 3: I seriously almost cried at the ending.
Chapter 3: omg i almost cried along with kris.
thanks for the happy ending
Chapter 3: I'm cry.
This is really beautiful and heartfelt.
Chapter 3: This-
omg. Please write more ;AAA;
--babystar #7
Chapter 3: Aaaaaaaa this is freakin sweet and kris is so gay for tao<3
ive read this like three times and i just finished the 4th time while at work. this is still one of my favorite stories out there and you're amazing.
I must say, I like the title. I also liked the foreword, and it makes me want to read the stoAS;DLKFJAWOEIFJALKDVCJFA UASODFA

sorry i sounded too serious and i needed to do something