Romantic Street~

My Oppa`s
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you felt like a good day was coming on.You woke up and texted your friend Yuna 

                                                   how is it going? - you texted

                                      i'm busy right now :( ttyl!- she texted back

you let out a big sigh and got off bed and washed and dressed up right away! you wore this

you walked downstairs and ate breakfeast you spot Sehun who will ruin your day.

Sehun turned to you

Sehun- are you sad?

Hana- heh..what?

you looked at him and looked back at your meal

Sehun- you are sad

lay and suho went downstairs

Sehun- guess what!

suho and lay looked up to sehun

Sehun- Hannie is sad!

he fake pouted

you turned to him with a confused face

Hana- what Hannie?..IM NOT SAD

Sehun just left outside

suho and lay followed

your mom and dad came and talked to you

Hana- can you kick them out?

Dad- hmm...i dont know ask mom

Hana- Mom?..

Mom- i'll kick them out :D

Hana- i love you ILOVEYOU!

Mom- i'm just kidding fool!

you fake pouted and left outside too

you sighed to yourself and looked for your notepad in your bag. as soon as you found it you made a list what to do and not to do if your in a date.

 Hana- well..this is all i got 

 do not wear too much perfume.. he might choke or die do not  kiss him first let him kiss YOU do not wear a short dress that might show your undies...or he'll think your a  do not do aegyo!     well you can but it doesn't suit me do not wear y clothes! if you want to him then yes you can     

your steps to do on a date. you read the steps over and over.

Hana- hmm..i should put it on my blog!

and then out of no where someone patted your back

"guess who" a man whispered.

Hana- i dont know.

Baekhyun- your bad at playing guess who

Hana- oh hi!

baekhyun looked in your notepad

Baekhyun- whats that?

you looked to your notepad and then him

Hana- blog?

baekhyun stared at the notepad and then for a few seconds he tried to get it

Hana- stop baekhyun!

Baekhyun- must READ!

Hana- aish..your so immature 

while you guys were tugging on the notepad. suddenly the notepad dropped out of your guys hands and flopped in the guys bumped to each other and fell. Baekhyun was on top of you and was very very close to you. face to face your eyes met his and his met yours. for a few seconds you guys stood up and brush yourselfs. you picked up your notepad and put it in your bag.

Hana- sorry

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Baeasma #1
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