Chapter -12- Her Motto~♥

✿You Are y But, You Know..✿

Myungsoo's POV~


I sat with my friends in school’s cafeteria,

Sunggyu: "Myungsoo-shi, are you ok?” he asked as soon as I sit down,

Myungsoo: "I don't know" I sighed,

Dongwoo: "You don't look ok”

Woohyun: "I think he is mad from Ema" he chuckled, and I glared at him,

Hoya: "Wea?”

Woohyun: "Because she keep breaking his rule” he bite a laugh,

Myungsoo: "Yah!”

Woohyun: "Hahaha! Just kidding”

Sungyeol: "She is a nice girl”

Myungsoo: "Who told you?” I raised a brow,

Sungyeol: "I met her" he smiled,

Myungsoo: "Where? And how?”

Sungyeol: "When I arrived to the school, I starts running and I stepped on my bag laces, and they got cut! And I dropped on the floor and all my books fell out of my bag and she helped me backing them”

Myungsoo: "Tsk tsk tsk, she is not that nice" I rolled my eyes,

Woohyun: "Don't listen to him, she is very kind and sweet, she makes me feel good" I looked at him,

Feel good.. Pshht!

Woohyun: "She makes me smile.. she makes me feel safe and secure" he smiled dumbly,

Sungjong: "Aigoo~ you are in love" he sang, and I looked at Sungjong,

Woohyun: "I guess so" he chuckled,

Dongwoo: "You don't know her that much”

Woohyun: "Yes, but.. when our heart chose, we only obey" I looked at him and got off the chair,

Myungsoo: "I'm going to the class”

Sunggyu: "Wea?”

Dongwoo: "Are you jealous?!" he scoffed,

Myungsoo: "Anie, but when I'm going to find the girl I like, I'm going to make her mine no matter what" I smirked, and walked out the cafeteria,

Sungyeol: “EVEN WITH YOUR HYGIENE ISSUES?!” he scoffed out loud,

That jerk!


Ema's POV~


Byul: "Come on~ tell me everything!" she whined,

Ema: "Ahh! I already did!" I frowned,

Byul: "Yes, but you didn't tell me about the guys~" she winked, "You spent the night there with them! How was it?”

Ema: "Well.. it was weird to sleep in a new house.." I sighed, taking my rule paper out of my back bag,

Byul: "What's this?”

Ema: "My rule”

Byul: "Whoa~ show me" she snatched the paper, "I'm not that nice.. are you dumb?”

Ema: "Yah!" I frowned,

Byul: "You are not that nice? Is that a rule?" she scoffed,

Ema: "It's L's idea" I blushed,

Byul: "Omo! Choumal? is he handsome?”

Ema: "Neh.. and so is Hyun”

Byul: "Ahh~ you are so lucky" she puffed her cheeks,

Ema: "They are my brothers”

Byul: "Are you serious?" she raised a brow,

Ema: "Neh" I nodded,

Byul: "They are not your real brothers dummy" she smacked my head,

Ema: "Ouch! Don’t do that again~" I whined, clenching my head,

Byul: "You can marry one of them if you want” she shrugged,

Ema: "Anie! It would be very weird!” I gasped,

Byul: "Pabo! It's not weird”

Ema: "Anyway, I'm going to hang my rule on the wall”

Byul: "First you have to go to Mrs. Lee, she will paste your picture on the corner of your paper, and write your name, age, class, and then take it to the principle, and he will sign it for you”

Ema: "Ohh.." Mr. Kim still in his honey moon!

Byul: "I heard a few rumors" she whispered, "Mr. Kim got married!" she continued, and I widened my eyes,

Byul: "My friend saw the news on the newspaper, she is going to bring the newspaper to me" I gulped,

Byul: "She said that his new wife is very beautiful!" I smiled, I missed Umma!

Byul: "And she said that she has a daughter!" I rolled my eyes,

"The weird thing is, that Mr. Kim wedding and your mother wedding was in the same day!"


"I thought for a minute that it was your mother! haha" she chuckled, "But It's impossible! because the guys in your family are L and Hyun, and in Mr. Kim family are Myungsoo and Woohyun" she grinned,

I'm so glad that you are naïve Byul! *sigh*

Ema: "So.. who is going to sign on my rule?”

Byul: "Don't worry, you are going to find someone sitting in his office”

Ema: "Hmm~”


Myungsoo's POV~


“This is so relaxing! I love Appa's chair! It's too comfy~ I need a nap" I yawned, rolling in Appa’s office chair,


*Knock.. Knock*


Myungsoo: "Aishh! I think It's Mrs. Lee!" I groaned in annoyance, "Come in!" I bulged my eyes when I saw Ema walking in, I quickly rolled the chair against the windows behind the desk,

Ema: "Erm.. I brought my rule, and I need you to sign it for me”

Myungsoo: "Put it on the table and leave!”

Ema: "A.. Arasso.. but.. I need it now”

Myungsoo: "I'll make someone hang it for you, just leave!”

Ema: "Oh! Arasso!" she said, and as soon as I heard the door slammed shut, I rolled the chair around again, I grabbed the paper, and a small smile formed on my lips..


Mijin's POV~


“Aish! Where is Myungsoo! I searched everywhere for him!" I crossed my arms, "Is it true that his dad got married? Why I wasn't invited?!" I pout, I looked up and saw someone look like Myungsoo, "Anie! It's him!" I beamed, and ran toward him, he was hanging something on the advertisement board, I tip-toed behind him, and I covered his eyes from behind,

Myungsoo: "YAH! BACK OFF!" he quickly pushed me away,

Mijin: "Ah! Calm down well ya?!" I frowned,

Myungsoo: "Aish! It's you" he sighed,

Mijin: "Look, my hands are very clean, you can smell them if you want”

Myungsoo: "No thanks" he shook his head,

Mijin: "So.. what did you hang on here?”

Myungsoo: "Not your business” he fixed his uniform,

Mijin: "Pulease~" I rolled my eyes, "Geum Ema.." I widened my eyes, She is the same girl I had a quarrel with that day!

Myungsoo: "What? She ate your tongue since the last time?" he scoffed, and I clenched my fists,

Mijin: "Do you know her? Why are you hanging this for her?” I crossed my arms,

Myungsoo: "Be careful from her, she bites" he smirked, and walked away, my jaw dropped,

Mijin: "B.. Bite?!" I looked at the paper again, reading her motto, "I.. I'm not that nice? What the hell?!"

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Infinite_7 #1
Great poster!
Chapter 2: Cute chapter pic
Chapter 12: hahah she actually did it! LOL!
i absolutely love your story.
but i would like to point out something. the photo you posted of woohyun in the forward is in fact sungjong. is it suppose to be like that?
Chapter 11: Hahaha! I love it!! Great update Noona!!
Chapter 11: haha. L have fallen in love~
Chapter 10: its gomawo
Chapter 10: Awwww!! Myung likes her!!!
Chapter 3: Hi I'm only got to read to chapter 3 because I'm pretty busy today >.< but I totally just subscribed and I'm planning to upvote when I come back to read the rest.

This story is seriously good, like I really don't want to stop reading it. It's really interesting :3
Chapter 9: OMG!! Myungsoo is a real head! Woah! REALLY!?! TREATENING his future MOTHER well step-mother but still!!! What the Helll!!!