

Junhyung was spread on his bed, staring at his ceiling. It was his second day after getting suspended and he was bored. He let out a long yawn, not bothering to stare at the laughing couple on the TV in front of him. 

"Junhyung?" said his mother from behind the door. "Open up,"

Junhyung sighed and stood up. He dragged his feet to the door and opened it just a crack. Just enough to show his mothers eyes and tired smile. "Hm?" he said immediatly. "Honey, I brought you your favorite snack! Here." she said, handing Junhyung a box of Kancho. Junhyung blushes at the box advertising chocolate filled biscuits with cute animal prints on them. It made feel like he wasn't a man. "Thanks mom," he said smiling, taking the box. "Honey, come downstairs and talk with me." she said, pushing the door open. Junhyung swallows, but eventually follows his mother downstairs. 


The two each sit across from each other and sip awkwardly on tea. They've been staring at the steaming cup full of light brown liquid for about five minutes. Junhyung tapped his fingers on the desk as if waiting for his mother to say something. He sighed. "Mom? What did you want to talk about?" he finally asks. "Honey, it's about your suspension.." she responded. "What's there to talk about? I beat a kid up." 

"Junhyung, can you tell me why you did it?" his mother said concerned. "You haven't been suspended in seven months, why now?" 

Junhyung was silent and continued to watch the steam swirl in the air and dissapear. 

"Junhyung? Talk to me." his mother continued. 

"Mom, you wouldn't understand or like it. You'll hate me" he said. 

"What do you mean? I would never hate you." 

"...but mom" 

"Tell me.'' 

Junhyung took a breathe and nervously said, "Mom. I'm in love with Yoseob, I'm gay mom. I'm gay." 

Junhyung realized he was clenching his fist too hard and let go, revealing red cresent marks from his nails. He looked up at his mother who stared at him for a long time. 

"Told you. I told you would hate me mom." Junhyung said. 

"How long?" she said suddenly. 


"How long have you two been... together?" 

Junhyung swallowed thickly. "About 7 months.." he said almost in a whisper. 

His mother stood up slowly. She ran her hand through her hair and sighed. Junhyung was nervous. He shifted in his seat preparing for the worse. His mother didn't believe gays had the right to love. She wrinkled her nose at the sight of  happy homoual couples. Preparing for the worst was probably the best for Junhyung because all of a sudden, Junhyung's mom slapped Junhyung across his face. 

"Get out." she mumbled. 

Junhyung stumbled to get up and cupped his face. "What?" he said.

"Get out" she said, clenching her fist. 

Junhyung ran open the door. He ran as fast as he could to get away. He only knew one place that would welcome him in. Only one. 



Author: Yeah, made his mom into a typical "you should get a girl and I'll hate you 5ever if you're with a boy" mom. 

But woohoo! he's going to Yoseob hehe

Don't worry guys, I support gay rights. 

like junhyung and yoseob hhehe




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Someone kill me because I won't be updating as much.


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shivaitzmeys #1
Chapter 21: Update plz ....
Please uptade :c
Yuki_IS #3
Rachmi94 #4
Chapter 21: Aaahh~ So cute~ ^_^ I never thought if Dongwoon and Hara will become a cute couple like that :D
imhaeyeon #5
Chapter 20: phew, glad that junhyung fought for yoseob.. but, i’m still don’t get why junhyung abandoned yoseob..
Chapter 20: Yes Junseob wins hahaha xD hope it stays that way ><
Chapter 19: Omfg kikwang NO!
Chapter 19: Oohh gikwang what are you doing -.-"
goosecaryoseob #9
Chapter 19: MY GOD! I totally didn't expect that to happen! GAH! JUNHYUNG!!!!!! even if you believe kwangie... you should try and get yoseob back you big dummy. UPDATE SOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!