Eunhae Is Real. 2 kisses?

I Can Hear You

"How is a girl so good at star craft?" Kyuhyun asked me faceing his computer.


"it took me a while" I smirked killing another of his fleet. I've been living here for 3 weeks now, and it's been a blast! I've gotten closer to all the members! Still no one know of me and Sungmin's secret love life. It kind of add thrill into the mix. I still have no idea how it’s still a secret. Ryeowook joined us and helped me beat Kyuhyun witch wasn’t an easy thing to do.  


“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” you need to go left!! Add more bombs!” Ryeowook nearly yelled at me. I sighed loudly as I clicked madly on my labtop mouse. “go go GO!” Ryeowook chanted in my ear.


“k Ryeowook I love you and all but can you please calm down” I chuckled.


“Sorry” he giggled pressing the buttons on my laptop.


“Actually I’m kind of thirsty can you take over for a second?” I asked of Ryeowook putting my laptop on his lap.


“He’ll destroy all your ships well your away” Kyuhyun called as I left his room. I sighed as I headed for the kitchen. As I looked around the now familiar living room someone or something caught my eye. Donghae and Eunhyuk were sitting on the couch, but not just sitting but kissing, maybe more… I felt like screaming for a second but I saw Sungmin by the kitchen, put a finger up to his lips to hush me. he quietly walked towards me and took my hand.


“Come with me” he thought. I did as told.  It looked like Kyuhyun was wrong, there was a ship already sailing. We quickly went back into Kyuhyun’s room where I stood in a complete trance.


“Back so soon Jiran?” Kyuhyun said pealing his eyes off his computer to look at me. probly hopping I’d bring snacks for the both of us. “…what’s wrong?” Kyuhyun asked.


“She kind of caught Donghae and Eunhyuk in their moment..” Sungmin explained. By this time Ryeowook put the laptop to the side. Sungmin sat me on the couch.


“Do you dislike that they like each other?” Ryeowook asked.


“No! I kind of love the fact” I said.


“Then what’s the problem?” Kyuhyun asked as I sat on his bed Sungmin sat beside me.


“I’m just a little jealous is all” I admitted.


“Do you like one of them?!” Ryeowook gasped.


“NO!!!!” I said quickly. I could tell they were all relieved.  “It’s just that I could have something like that” I said secretly taking Sungmin’s hand in mine.


“You will someday” Ryeowook smiled at me.


“Or she’ll relise that Sungmin is a perfect man” Kyuhyun teased us.


“Not you too!” I pointed at him. He just laughed at me and turned back to his computer. I couldn’t even look up at Sungmin but he just thought something to me


“It’s hard to hide out relationship huh?”


“Has it even crossed your minds?” Ryeowook piped up.


“Huh?” Both me and Sungmin said at the same time.


“You too being together. I always see you two holding hands and smiling at each other. Is it really impossible? Havn’t you ever thought about kissing Sungmin, or any other of our members?” Ryeowook confirmed. I blushed wildly as I thought about it. I haven’t really thought about it before, sure it would be nice but with us in secret it would never happen. Plus we would get to attached, what would happen when I leave in a month?




“Do I really need to go too?” I asked Heechul.


“You know I don’t want you there as much as you don’t want too” he told me.


“waa~” I wined. I really didn’t want to go on this camping trip…. There’s bugs out doors, And worse... no internet.


“Hurry up” Heechul told me leaving my/Leeteuk’s room. I slowly packed up a few of my things and my blackets. I pulled my things into the living room where I was greeted warmly.


“You don’t look pleased” Kyuhyun pointed out.


“Neither do you” I said pointing out the fact the kyuhyun was more than likely sneaking his laptop in his bag.


“You know me too well” he said rasing his eyebrow like he was reading my mind. Ryeowook jumped up from behind me making me jump just about a mile.


“Sorry” Ryeowook chuckled “I brought snacks for the ride!”.


“it’s too early to deal with you” I sighed making my way to Sungmin. I turned around to look at Ryeowook and stuck out my tounge teasingly. He just rolled his eyes and turned to Heechul.


“Good morning!” Sungmin said cheerfully.


“Good morning, are you looking forward to this trip?” I asked.


“it will be a new experience that’s for sure” he told me.


“you have a horrible sence to fashion” I said poking his chest. He was wearing a ugly brown camping sweater.


“hey!” he said kind of grumply.


“Sorry” I smiled and kissed his cheek. I watched as his eyes widened and touched his cheek well blushing.


“You guys are dating aren’t you?” Yesung said talking up to us. he was wearing black pants and a red coat. He was always attractive like this.


“What are you talking about Oppa?” I lied hit his chest lightly.


“I saw that, want to kiss my cheek too?” he teased. I could hear Sungmin laughing from behind me.


“Why would i?” I said sitting beside Sungmin who was sitting on the back of the couch. I was more friends with the less popular guys from Super Junior since they didn’t have as many secguals to go to.


“Because you’re in love with me” Yesung mocked me.


“Not even” I hit him hard.


“OK everyone” one of the 3 managers called out interrupting our conversation, “get into your cars were heading out” everyone started to head out.


“exsuse me what car should I go in?” I asked the manager of Heechul.


“our car has one extra seat, you can join us” the manager said. So I followed him to the car. Inside I saw Heechul, Ryeowook, Siwon, Sungmin, and Shindong. I crawled in and sat beside Heechul and Sungmin in the back.

After the long boring ride we were finally at our camping site. 


"Jiran were here" Sungmin whispered to me. It ended up that I was asleep on his shoulder. 



"Sorry" I said rubbing my eyes. Sungmin just smiled at me as we all piled out of the car to meet the others.  Heechul swong his arm around me making me let go of Sungmin's hand unwillingly. 



"The camera people will me here in 1 hour so you can all play until they come" a manager told us. I tore away from Heechul's grasp and walked to the beautiful lake. Behind me from a distance I could hear the boys being loud and roudy like always. I could see Kyuhyun on the dock a ways away. I sighed loudly 'mom, dad, I wish you were here. I've made some great friends, and a really great guy I think I mite love. I wish you could meet them all'



"Jiran!" I heard Ryeowook call braking my chain of thought "look at all the red apples" he said pointing to the tree beside me. 



"Oh there's a latter! Shall we grab one?" I asked catering to his happiness. 



"Sure" he said happily. The latter was really old and rickady as I climbed it. I was glad Ryeowook was at the bottom of it because I started to fall. He cought me as I fell wrapping his arms around me taking the hit instead of me. We landed on the ground with a hard thump. With out realizing it our lips were stuck together. Me and Ryeowook were kissing. I wasn't sure if I was suppose to pull away or enjoy this, because his lips were pretty nice. I could tell he relised what was going on because he froze. For about 3 seconds we did nothing, then quickly pulled apart.



"I... Um.." Ryeowook mumbled.



"Sorry" I said 



"Yea, sorry" he said sitting up rubbing the back of his neck.  So I guess that was kind of our first kiss. I bit my lip and look at him embarrassed myself. That wasn't how I expected a first kiss to be like. "Did you feel anything?" He asked.



"No, you" I asked nervously. 



"No" he sighed. 



"This never happened ok" I said embarrassed. 

“ah… right” he mumbled, “so um, were planning on starting a fire before the camera crew shows up” he said.


“OH! Do we have marshmellows?” I asked exsitedly getting what just happened of my brain.





“Who are you?” Bom asked. He was the MC for this show. I remember my mom use to be his fan.


“Jiran, Heechul is my um..” I looked at one of the managers. I was told to pretend like I was his sister. “” I lied


“Jiran Kim?” he questioned.


“Yes” I smiled well lieing threw my teeth. My last name was really Baek.


“Well it’s nice to meet you, I hope we’ll get to talk lots on the show” Bom said walking off. I instantly fell on the floor.


“I can’t do this!” I wined to myself as I looked at the camras pointing at the tents and fire. Sungmin turned away from the make up artest and smiled at me, kneeling down to my hight.


“You don’t need to be worried” Sungmin said taking my hand into his secretly. “I’ll be with you every moment alright” he told me threw his thoughts.


“if I could hug you right now I would” I thought to him. I saw a smile creep up onto his face. I rested all nurves to how any more skinship as I saw the director find his seat.


“Were rolling in 10- 9- 8” the director called down. I watched as everyone ran to there spots.


“Fighting!” I cheared Sungmin on.


“Fighting!” he said as he got on the set.




“Heechul I heard you bought a guest onto the show with you” Bom said turning to Heechul.


“I have!” Heechul said happily, “she’s a little shy though”.


“it’s a girl?” Bom asked clearly acting. They all nodded. “let’s inviter over” he clapped. That was my que. I walked out onto the set. “Aigoo! She’s really pretty!” Bom said. I giggled a little flattered by his complament. My mom would be so happy right now. I sat beside Heechul and Bom as they went on to the interview asking me a few things. “Are you friends with any of the memebers?” Bom asked.


“Yes. Ryeowook-shi, Yesung-oppa, Sungmin, and Kyuhyun” I said.


“Do you have an ideal type is Super Junior?” Eunhyuk asked like we haven’t been through this before.


“Yes…” I said acting shy.


“Oh! Who is it?” Bom asked. I held my hands out to Sungmin.


“Sungmin-shi” I said acting embarrassed.


“Are you alright with this Heechul?” Bom asked teasingly.


“Not really but I did know about this before” Heechul said. My eyes rounded as I slid further away from him.


“REALLY?” some of the members said turning there eyes to Heechul.


“I’ve seen them hold hands” he said. Instantly both me and Sungmin blush.


“Heechul~” I wined.


“we’ll end this here for there privacy” Bom declarded, still on very high alert.




The intereview went until very late at night. I learnt more about the memebers skills and talents. The sun was gone and so were all the cameras and crew. Only Me, Donghae, and Siwon were left eating marshmellows by the fire well everyone else was asleep.


“I’m turning in” Siwon said stuffing a the last marshmallow into his mouth.


“Ok” both me and Donghae said at the same time.


 “Sleep well” I said waving him off. “I’m going to head off too” I said standing up. Donghae did so too.


“Before you go to your tent you should say goodnight to your lover boy” Donghae teased me heading to the water fountain. I followed him,


“Were not lovers” I told him.


“Whatever you say” he said chuckling, Wipping the marshmallow off my cheek. I rolled my eyes and washed my face and brushed my teeth. Maybe I would take Donghae up on his offer. I walked to Sungmin’s tent and ped it quietly before sneaking in closing it behind me. Sungmin was asleep but ever so slightly sitting up. I crawled closer to him. He looked a little disconfortable. I crawled closer so I could see his long eye lashes.

‘He’s so beautiful’ I thought to myself. My eyes glanced over his lips. ‘it wouldn’t be wrong to kiss him lightly right? He is asleep after all” I thought. It felt a little weird leaning over him but I lightly put my lips on his lightly closing my eyes. I heard a slight gasp and my eyes flew wide open. His eyes were now open with a small sleepy gaze in them. I pulled away extreamly fast. He only took a second to look at me and register at what just happened. He sat up quickly and put his hand of the side of my head and pressed his lips firmly against mine. It took me a long time to know what was happening, when I finnaly kissed him back. The kiss was so sweet I melted right into his lips. He lifted me up and sat me down on his lap for a better angle and deepened the kiss. I hesatenly put my fingers on his sholder as we kissed. He broke the kiss and looked at me keeping his forhead on mine.


“That took way to long to happen” was all Sungmin could say before kissing me again and again.


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in chapter 5, don't miss understand. Kyu is alright with her using him to get Sungmin jelous


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