
Love Never Dies

you and YongGuk are in a relationship. You guys have known each other for so long. You guys have been a couple for more than 3 years. Students in your school all thinks that you guys are like the cutest couple ever.

One evening, you guys went out for dating. You guys eat your favorite ice cream. You had so much fun cuz he not just take you to eat ice cream, he even took you to the theme park. You play happily. You feel like you don't want this day to end. You wanna be with YongGuk much longer. But, it's already time to go home. Weirdly, YongGuk would force you to take the bus. He always says, "walking are tiring!" But that day, he ask you to walk with him. When you ask him why. He only answers, "cuz I wanna spend more times with you." You just smile cuz you thinks that YongGuk is so sweet.

While you guys are walking together, holding hands, YongGuk suddenly stops.

He ask you, "what will you do if I'm gone?"

"What do you mean if you're gone? Do you mean if you're not beside me?" You smile,

"I'll wait for you. I'm gonna miss you for sure!" You thought this words can make him smile and laugh but he didn't!

He got upset. You can see by his face reaction, he's upset. You wanted to ask him why, but you're scared. He just walk you home then left without a word.

The next day, at school during recess, while you guys were eating together. He suddenly starts to speak. He says, "look at him" he was pointing at a junior in your school "he's Zelo. Remember his face well!"

You're a little awkward to here this. But you just nodded to him. He smile. You were so happy cuz you misses his smile. After school, he took you to a park. He plays the guitar while singing and rapping. You felt so happy cuz this is how you guys met in the first place. 

When you're going home, once again, YongGuk ask you to just walk instead of riding bus. You just agree to him. Few days pass. YongGuk haven't been attending school for a few days. You went to his house to meet him but he's not home. His mom tells you that he's in the hospital.

He have been hospitalize. She told you that YongGuk are having cancer. You're so shock to hear this. You went to the hospital right away. When you're in the hospital, you heard the doctor who's treating YongGuk conversation with YongGuk's father. The doctor says, "there's no more chance. He can't live much longer. His cancer have been really bad.

" You fell down once you hear that. Zelo, the junior which YongGuk told you not to forget his face catch you. He prevent you from falling to the floor. Tears drop through you cheeks. You ask permission to visit him.

As you look at him, you can see his pain. You're so upset. You even says that you're stupid for not realizing his condition. You hug him while crying. But he tells you with a really sweet voice, "don't cry. I'm always with you. I promise!" His words makes you cry harder. You can't take it.You don't have the heart to see him in that condition so you left.

The next day, when you went to his house. You see many peoples in his house. You tried to ask peoples around. But you're scared. When you get inside his house. You see that everyone are giving respects to a picture. And it's a picture of YongGuk! You cried loudly in the ceremony. You're so sad.

You even say, "please tell me that it's just a dream! Please tell me that this is not real!" You cried out. Everyone tried to calm you down but failed. They can't imagine just how sad you are. Days past. You still can't forget him. You went to school alone. You felt so lonely.

At school, you feel like sitting at YongGuk's place instead of yours. Then you found a letter. It was written your name on it. You didn't open it cuz you felt so sad to open it. It's too precious. You can't open it. You've tried but your hand stop by the drop of your tears every time you tried to open it. 

The next day, Zelo keeps on following you. You ask him why but he didn't answer you. After a few moments you ask again but this time he answers you.

He says, "YongGuk hyung ask me to protect you. He wants me to keep you company." He smile.

You just roll your eyes and walk away.  Day pass by, and Zelo still following you.

This time, he's not just following you but he also talks to you. You feel more comfortable with him. He make you feel a lot better. He loves to do jokes.

One day, he ask you to go to the park. He knows that you love to go to the park. In the park, Zelo play guitars while singing and rapping just like what YongGuk does. He reminds you to YongGuk. You tried to hold back your tears.

Once he's done, he ask you to be his girlfriend. You can't take it. Tears dropping. You run away from him. You rejected him just because he reminds you of YongGuk.

At home, you think many times. You even think, "why should I accept him? He's even younger than me!"

This whole thinking and crying things makes you tired. But wanted to sleep but you still have homeworks that you haven't done yet. So, you went to your studying table to finish your homework. When you're done.

Your eyes were pinned at the letter you found under YongGuk's table. You feels like you need to read it. 

He says, "when you read this. I'm sure that I'm not in this world any longer. Do you remember Zelo? I ask you to remember him. Look, there's no other person that I think I can trust. There's no other person can protect you other than him. I really want you to be well protected since I can't anymore. Zelo is the one! He's the only one who I trust on. Though he's younger, but you can rely on him. He can protect you. You can only be with him. This is my last will."

After you read this, you realize something. YongGuk has planned all of this. He planned this for you. He don't want you to be alone. He have planned the perfect guy who can protect you. He wanted you to live a good life. He don't want you to be sad because of him.

Tears falling through your cheeks. You're sobbing. You called Zelo. He's shock to hear that you're actually sobbing. When you ask him to meet you in the park, he went right away. You show him the letter that YongGuk left for you. You ask him to read it.

When he finish, he just smile, he says,

"so you've just read this? I've known it before. That's why I've around you. He knows that I'm on love with you. That's why he wants me to take care of you."

He starts to blush. "I've in love with you longer than you thought. Since before YongGuk left us and he caught me. I'm agree to his will because loving you is my everything!"

You suddenly cried. He hug you. You're so touched that there's so many peoples around you who love you. You started to accept Zelo as your boyfriend though he's younger. While you're walking home with him. You see a shadow that looks like YongGuk. You can see that he's smiling.


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truthfully, this is one of my favorite. i took more than an hour to finish this. i locked myself and finish this. i hope you'll enjoy this story though it's sad


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Chapter 1: *sniff sniff* :'(
Sweetboo #2
Chapter 1: beautiful yet sad. its a perfect story. daebak
Chapter 1: This is really sad. But i love this oneshot. It's great!
Chapter 1: great feeling reading it... thank you...
SurmiiK #5
this is so sad :( but i liked it :D