chapter 1

Changing partners

jaejoong's POV

it's almost midnight i locked my office door after a tiring day of work. I'm so exited to spend my night with yunho.While walking in the lounge some loud music from the empty gym attached me so i went closer to figure out who's listeneng to such music at this late hour.i sneeked a peek from the glass wall and i saw a young man dancing professionally . OMG he was so hot and y ! I tried to get the idea out of my mind and focus on my yunnie.The dancing auditions in the company hit my head so i tried to not disturb him and entered the gym. after he finished his dance he came towards me so i applaused saying "wooah !! bravo!!that was great !" he srubbed his neck and smiled gently "thank you"

"I'm wondering.."

"About what?"

"Are you here for the auditions?"

"Exuse me! what audition?..I'm just wasting time"

"Well..someone talented like you should attend the SMauditions"


"Here's my number"i said and handed him a peace of paper"I'm jaejoong let's go register your name tomorrow caus i'm busy now."

"Okay! i'm hangeng"

"I have to go see you tomorrow"

End of jaejoong POV

Jaejoong walked towards the door as he felt a hand on his shoulder"Be careful a beautiful man like you shouldn't walk around in the night alone how about a ride?"

"No it's ok i can go by myself"

"You owe me for the audition thing let me drive you today ! "

"aah ok why not!"

"Alright let me bring my bag" 

Both of them are out of the building .. wrode hangeng's sport car .

After a moment of silent jaejoong's phone rang:


"Yoboseyo jaejoong-ah why are you so late"

"Nothing just work"

"Have you finished ? should i come pick you up?"

"No that's fine i took a taxi!" and hangeng chuckled

"Taxi ! why you are not used to !! "

"Don't worry i 'll be there soon "

"Ok baby i 'll be waiting for you " 

"Ok i love you "

"I love you too bye "

"Bye !"

When they reached their destination hangeng ran quicly to open the door for jaejoong after the door was closed he pushed him to the car and bumped their chests together than said 

"Taxi man remember!! you have to pay me?" jaejoong started to look for money in his pockets but hangeng shook his head naughtily and crashed their lips together.

Changmin's POV

Is jaejoong hyung cheating on yunho hyung?  I saw him kissing hangeng with my innocent eyes ... Nobody should know about this .

As they separated Jaejoong hyung ran frightened toward the door and hangeng left with a smirk on his face!! i shouldn't have stayed in the balcony aiiiish this will get me into more troubles!!



yay first chapter completed tell me how do you think so far

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Wow!! U finally back!!! Its worth to wait you:)....fighting^^
Chapter 1: hanchul yunjae and jaechul
but now i see hanjae
Its sound amazing:)) as I want seriously to read yunjae vs hanchulfic;) I hope u will make a great job,fighting:))
So plz update soon,i will subscribe u ,k;)
Its sound amazing:)) as I want seriously to read yunjae vs hanchulfic;) I hope u will make a great job,fighting:))
So plz update soon,i will subscribe u ,k;)