
Dry Cleaning


              I crashed into a person as I was running to catch the bus. I fell flat on my , and saw a man with a suit on the ground. “Watch out where your going!”said the man with his shirt drenched in coffee. “I’m so sorry! I would pay for dry cleaning but I’m in a hurry.” I said out of breath as I scrumbled to get up. The man then grabbed my arm and yelled “Hey, do something about this I have a very important event to go to! Do you know who I am?”  I finally took a second and looked at his face. I thought he would be an older man but I pretty sure that he was about my age. He was wearing a expensive looking suit (which was ruined by the coffee), with a golden tie, also he was quite handsome. He looked like one of those pretty boyband I saw on TV, I bet they have better atittudes then this guy. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know you. I really need to go.” As I looked at my watch, indicating that the bus was going to leave in about fifteen minutes. My eyes widened and I bolted out. “Hey!!!!” the guy yelled as a ran. “Sorry again!” I yelled back.


                   “Great, I’m late for the fan signing and I covered in coffee. Today is not my day.” Kris murmmered as he wiped off the coffee off his shirt. Kris was a member of the most famous boy band named EXO. Today was their fan signing after their hiatus for two years. Kris woke up late today and was the last member to get dressed by the stylists. The other members were already at the venue when he got a call from the manager to walk to the venue that was a little more then ten minutes away. Kris decided to stop by a local cafe to grab some coffee to wake him up before the fan signing. He intended to drink it on the way, not spill it on his white shirt. He had no choice but to show up to the venue looking like a mess. When Kris arrived not a lot of fans were there yet, he smiled and waved at them. He then sped to the back and saw his manager talking to the other members, probably prepping them for their fan signing. The members then turned around and saw Kris coming in with a stained shirt. “Kris! What happened to you?”  asked Kai. “This girl ran into me and spilled my coffee, don’t worry about it.” Kris replied. Then the manager ran in telling all the members to get ready because the event was about to start. Kris quickly asked one of the stylist to get him a new shirt. He changed quickly and ran out to catch up with the others. The venue was so packed that security had to hold the fans back. As EXO was getting ready for the fan signing, Kris looked into the crowd and saw a famliar face. It was the girl who bumped into him that morning.  “So she said she doesn’t know me and yet she is in the fan signing.” he whispered to himself and shook his head. 

“Victoria slow down!” I yelled to my friend who was dragging me. “I’m sorry Nana, but I’m just so excited! I’m finally about to meet them!” Victoria said as they arrived at the venue. “So this is the reason why you wanted me to come? So you can get an autograph?” I said “Uhh.. Yeah, anyway you know the plan right Nana? You get Kris’s autograph while I get Kai’s. Okay?” Victoria said in a serious tone. “I know. But why can’t you just get both the autographs? Why did you have to drag me along? I don’t even like them.” I pouted. “ I told you already! They’re only letting one member per fan!” Victoria said. “Okay, okay.” I said.  We finally got to the front of the line, Victoria handed me one of the album for them to sign. After ten minutes I finally walked up to this ‘Kris’ guy. He looked some what familiar, and then I remembered what happened this morning. He was the guy I bumped into, my eyeswidened as he looked at me. “Um.. your name miss?” He said. “ Um.. Nana, my name is Nana.” I responded nervously. He signed the album and shortly handed back to me. I was lead out by the security, but before I left he looked at me and smirked. On my way out I met up with Victoria. “I can’t believe I saw him! Nana!! Can you believe that I,Victoria saw Kai from EXO!?” Victoria squealed. I just smiled and nodded. I then opened the album to the page where he signed. My eyes widened, I immediatly closed it and blushed. “Nana, whats wrong with you?” Victoria said in a worried tone. “I’m okay.” I smiled back as she turned back around. I couldn’t believe it he actually remembered that was so embarrassing, I opened the album again and read what he wrote. ‘So do you have time to dry clean my shirt now? -Kris’

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Chapter 1: LOL. THIS NEEDS A SEQUEL. you can't leave us hanging like that :P
Chapter 1: HAHAHAHA Loving the story, pls have a sequel :)
bunny0131 #3
Chapter 1: Loll this is good
fantasydesire #4
Chapter 1: bwahahahhaa...
Chapter 1: hahahahaha~ very cute~
Chapter 1: Lmao I loved it ^^