i loved you the most

just a small moment



Never thought I'll hear that voice again. Wished, prayed that I wouldn't.


Yet, when I turn around, there you are. You're taller, more masculine. It makes you even more beautiful than you used to be, if that's even possible.


And there she is, by your side, holding your hand. I shouldn't be so surprised, so heartbroken. I heard that you got married a few years back. But seeing you together, hand in hand, her other hand over her pregnant belly, it kills me all over again.


"Hey, Taemin. Long time no see"


"Yeah, whose fault is that?" you lean in to give me a tight hug, and I pray you wouldn't let go.


"You never met my wife. Minho, this is my Heeyoung. Heeyoung, this is Minho". Your Heeyoung… I can see why you married her. She's beautiful. Never as beautiful as you, though. No one could ever be.

"Nice to meet you, Minho. Wow, Taemin never told me you were so handsome!" Did he ever mention me? Or did he forget me, like I tried to forget him, unsuccessfully?

"Well, not as handsome as you are beautiful", I compliment her. She laughs, sweet adorable laugh…

"Hey, stop flirting, you two. I'm still here, you know", you fake annoyance. We laugh, although mine is bitter.

"Oh, I see Kibum and Eunjung, I'm gonna say hi, let you two catch up!" don't go, don't leave us alone, together…


"Congrats, about your marriage, and the baby"

"Thanks. She's amazing, isn't she? Don't you dare think about stealing her, you hear?" Never. She's not the one I want to steal.

"So, how about you? How have you been?" we step out, to get some fresh air and "catch up". "Where's your girlfriend? Wife? Is she here? You should introduce her to Heeyoung"

 "No girlfriend, or wife, unfortunately. My spouse and I broke up a few months ago". I'm not lying.

I broke up with my last excuse for a boyfriend not long ago. No one can take your place, and they're getting tired of trying. Honestly, me too.

"Oh, I'm sorry. But I'm sure a hot-stuff like you will get another girl on his arm in no time, right?" you chuckle. You just don't get it, do you?


"I tried to contact you, you know? But you didn't answer or return my calls, or my letters. I even sent you an invitation for the wedding. Didn't you get it?" you sound a little hurt. I never meant to hurt you.

"I'm sorry, Tae. When I moved, my phone got screwed; I lost my contacts, yours too. And I never got your letters." I'm sorry. I had to leave everything behind. I had to forget you.



"So tell me, what have you been up to, Tae?" my lame attempt to change the subject.

 "Well, I work as a math teacher in one of the elementary schools here, and Heeyoung stopped working for now. You know, until the baby comes. She used to work as a secretary where I work, that's how we met"

 "wow, it's like a romantic comedy"

 "yeah, that's what she says, too!" you laugh, that amazing laugh of yours, I wish I could make you laugh like this, forever.


"I heard that you're some big-shot manager in some huge company in Seoul. Don't have time for us little people, huh?"

''Busy, busy... You know". If I could have you, I would have never left.

"Well, you should come visit sometimes, we miss you here." Not as much as I miss you, Taemin.

"Yeah, I'll try… Well, I should get going, early flight tomorrow morning,"

"Yeah, I should go find Heeyoung, Kibum must have driven her crazy by now. Hand me your phone." I do it, I don't even know why. "Here, now you have my number, give me a call sometimes, don't be a stranger".


You go in for another hug, and I hug you as tight as I can, for the last time. "It's great seeing you again" you say into the hug.

"Yeah, you too." I love you, Taemin. Right, like I'll ever have the courage to say that out loud.


"Good luck, Minho"

"Yeah, to you too, and congratulations, again"



I watch you start to walk away from me, slip through my fingers again, this time for good. I turn around and head for my car. I take my phone out of my pocket, and scroll down the contacts list until I reach it.



Lee Taemin. Options. Delete.



Goodbye, Teamin. I'm sorry.









my first fanfic. i can't believe i wrote this, i'm gonna puke from all the kitch... blaaaaaahhh. sorry for the grammatical mistakes. hope you enjoyed!

coments are dreams coming true! LIVE, LOVE AND LAUGH, my lovelies!


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Chapter 1: taemin why u so oblivious...T_T
poor minho... =(
shirokuroi #2
Chapter 1: *sob* poor minho DX
Chapter 1: -sniffles- I loved this so much!
-crawls on the floor-
Chapter 1: OMG! I just wanted to cry all the time! Seriously! This is gorgeous!
Poor Minho~ my baby! This is so sweet! I loved it!
Amazing story! <3
I want sequel!!!This was so beautiful ç.ç