




His warm arms tightened around me…


Key snuggled closer to his blanket.


…and then we…hugged…


Key breathed in deeply, a smile forming onto his normally emotionless face.


“...and all this is going to end soon.”


A voice broke into his dreamy train of thoughts, causing him to jerk his head up, startled. Who he saw next made him mentally groan. What is he doing here at this time? He cursed inside his head.


“Maybe because I’m the king, and I can do whatever I want,” the man in front of him scowled in reply, obviously unhappy at the unwillingness of his only son to see him.


“Um, hi dad,” Key scratched his head awkwardly as he bit his lip nervously.


“You know he’s not supposed to do it,” his father spoke, ignoring his son’s greeting, his voice cold and hard.




“And he did it, and it’s a crime. A very serious crime.”


“Dad, I allowed him t…”


“You know what’s the price of touching the body of a sacred prince.”


“Dad, stop!”


“It’s death.”


Silence fell over the duo. Key opened his mouth to retort but all that escaped his mouth was empty silence. His dark eyes bore into his father’s as the truth slowly sank in. Jonghyun was going to die. He was going to die because he hugged me. He was going to die...


"Oh, and by the way, Key," his father's voice shattered the deafening silence of the room. "Your mum wasn't very happy about this. She was crying because her only son's purity has been tainted by the physical touch of another being. From another dimension, I might add." He wrinkled his nose, his eyebrows raised in disgust.


"I'll wait for you at home. You are supposed to go back in another..." He checked his pocketwatch. "...1 hour and 15 minutes, anyway. I'll go back after I'm done with the job. See you later."


Key stared after his father's diminishing figure, his jaw dropped slightly in utter shock. When he finally snapped back into reality, the truth completely sank in.


His father was going after Jonghyun. Jonghyun was going to die.




Key had sprinted out of his rented house dressed in only a robe, ignoring all the curious stares and looks he was getting from the passerbys as he ran towards Jonghyun's house at full speed. He knew he probably could not outrun his father's car, but he had to take every single chance to save his boyfriend. His lungs burned and his face flushed, but to him, nothing mattered at that point of time. He just knew he had to get to Jonghyun's house - before his father kills him.


Snatching out his phone, his fingers danced over the buttons at an amazingly fast speed to dial on the number he had already memorized by heart. Pressing the small device to the shell of his ear, the continuous ringing of the phone induced the fear and despair in him to increase every single second.


Sorry, the number you have dialed is not available. Please tr...


Disconnecting the call, he tried again and again, but to no avail each time. By now, his fingers were already numb from the coldness. The wind bit at his skin mercilessly, his legs losing their strength gradually. 


Please be okay, Jonghyun. He prayed mentally, tears blurring his vision. He was panting, he could feel his chest slowly giving in to exhausation. 


Run, Key, run.


He could see Jonghyun's house in the distance.


Run faster, Key.


He could see his father's car in front at the porch.




Panic overtook him as he dashed into Jonghyun's house, just in time to hear the sound he dreaded to hear.




He stopped in his tracks.


Drip. Drip. Drip.

At times like this, he really hated his gift - ultrasonic hearing. If that meant having to hear the whole process of your lover being murdered by your one and only father, he'll rather not have that gift.
"May you rest in peace. I'm sorry I had to end your life this way." He heard his father's voice distinctly through the screams and cries in his head. His father sounded cold and emotionless - he didn't sound sorry at all; not even a little. Key's lips quivered. The first tear rolled down his cheek.
No, no, no...
"Goodbye, Jonghyun."
A broken sob left Key's lips, his hand flew over his mouth in shock. He dropped to the ground instantly, his knees hitting the carpet with a loud thud. His chest heaved even more than before, his tears multiplying endlessly as they completely blurred his vision. He didn't care if they could hear him loud and clear; he only knew his boyfriend was dying in the other room - and yet, he still did not have the courage to go over to see him one last time. He could sense the presence of his father walking past him, stopping for just a split second before exiting the house. But he didn't care. He didn't care anymore.
"K...Key...?" He heard Jonghyun call out weakly. Still sobbing silently, Key didn't reply.
"C...come in." 
As strange as it sounds, just those two words from his lover pulled him up from the ground, his feet inching their way towards the room. As he entered, another sob escaped his lips. His hands covered his mouth in shock and horror.
Jonghyun was lying in a pool of his own blood, the knife still stabbed in his heart, the metallic smell invading into Key's nose as he inched nearer and nearer to his dying boyfriend. 
"J...Jonghyun!" Key wailed as he ran towards Jonghyun, dropping down beside him and desperately covering the stab wound as though that would help.
"I'm sorry Jonghyun! I knew this would happen! I knew this would happen and yet I still..." By this time, Key was shaking so much he could hardly speak. Still sobbing, he fell into Jonghyun's bloodied arms.
"Shh, Key," Jonghyun's voice cracked as he gently carassed Key's hair. "It's not your fault."
"It is! I..."
"I knew, Key," Jonghyun's nearly inaudible whisper caught Key's attention.
"I...I knew the consequences of hugging you, and yet I s...still did," Jonghyun breathed heavily, his eyes shut tightly in pain.
"B...but...why?" Key whimpered.
"Because I...I love you."
Key froze. Time seemed to stop for both of them as they stared intensely into each other's eyes, accompanied by Key's occasional sniffing. Jonghyun blinked a few times.
"Key, I..."
Jonghyun was cut off by Key's lips suddenly crashing onto his. He whimpered a little, but that went unnoticed by the diva deeply engrossed in his first kiss. Key could hear Jonghyun's heartbeat thumping nervously against his chest, and he could not help but break into a small smile. At other times, his gift did come in handy. Jonghyun's breathing became more and more unstable, but still, he did not break the kiss. Gradually, Jonghyun's heartbeat slowed down, until Key could not hear anything but his own beating heart mourning for the death of his first and only love.
Finally breaking off the kiss, Key's lips twitched into a smile. 
"I love you too."  He whispered, kissing Jonghyun one last time on his forehead. 
To be with somebody in the afterlife...
Sighing, Key lifted himself up from Jonghyun as he slowly pulled out the knife from Jonghyun's chest.
...coat a knife in your lover's blood...
Smiling creepily, he twirled the knife around his fingers as though it was not a dangerous item.
...hold your lover's hand...
His other hand grabbed onto Jonghyun's hand tightly.
...and plunge it into your own heart.
Coughing out blood, Key gazed at his lover's deathly pale face one last time.
"It's okay, Jonghyun," Key muttered as he smiled faintly at his dead lover. 
"I'll be coming to join you soon."
Haha sorry! I didn't promise a happy ending (: But hey, at least they died together. I wrote this twice beforehand and the whole thing just keeps crashing, and the third time I just kind of...lost the feeling. So it might not portray the emotions very well, haha. Still, hope you guys like it! (: Comments are very much appreciated! Thank youu!! (:
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shinee26 #1
Chapter 3: awwww the ending was so sweer!!
Jenkeey #2
Chapter 3: Omg JCDILD can you write a sequel for that? ;-;
RegineChua99 #3
Chapter 1: Another sequel ? ☆.☆
Chapter 2: Oh my god, crying ;~; where are my tissues... /sob
2gether4ever_jongkey #5
Chapter 1: good job. sequel? :D
Chapter 1: Going from a very fluffy story to a very sad story, hmmm... It was very sad, I started crying when Key heard Jonghyun get stabbed. So sad. Thanks for the sequel though.
Chapter 1: as long as they're together it is a happy-ending for me author-nim.Nice shot!