
KyuHyuk - Lost


Quebec, Canada


“Kyu? Kyu, where are you? That’s not funny… Kyuuuuu…”


I sighed. Man, where could that guy be? I knew he liked to “abandon” me, not for real, of course, and then let me believe he had left me alone, but this time, it wasn’t funny at all. I had been searching for him for an hour now, and somehow I was hesitating between the fear of being lost in a big unknown city, and the fear of giving up and finding out Kyuhyun had simply been making fun of me.


But, as time went by, I wasn’t really hesitating anymore. Where was he? Why had he left me while I was trying to read the summary of a book in that English library? Why? He knew that, though I was not that bad in English, I couldn’t understand French at all. And this city was mostly French. I didn’t know where I was, people I met would never understand my English, and there was no way I would find a Korean person here.


“Kyu, where are you, it’s not funny anymore!”


I was about to cry. Yes, to cry. I really wanted to do so. I didn’t know where I was, I had been walking for now two hours, my feet hurt, and nobody could help me. Horrible.


Horrible city.


Horrible life.


Horrible Kyu.


We had decided to come here, now that we had a few days off. Why the both of us? Well, we were a couple. Yes, a real couple. Our ELFs didn’t know, of course, and I was always careful on stage. I would always make everyone believe in EunHae, and nobody believe in KyuHyuk. Yes, KyuHyuk, because yes, he was on top. Of course he would be. Maknae on top, as he always said.


But see what my lover did to me. ON THE VERY FIRST DAY. Why… why had he left me alone?


I sighed and sat near a building, depressed, hoping somebody would end up helping me. But there was no way they could, right? After all, this city was French and…


Hold on.


All around me, nothing was in French. Instead, it was in Mandarin. What the…


Oh, right. Kyu had told me this city had a Chinatown. I was probably there… if so, then, maybe I could somehow manage to find my way back to the hotel…


I started walking around, trying to find someone who didn’t look too busy to help me. In the end, I entered a little shop and decided to ask someone in there. Why this shop? Well… because our music was coming from it. How could I not recognize Oppa, Oppa? It was our song after all. And maybe someone who knew who I was could help me better than someone who didn’t. I could give them something in exchange. An autograph, maybe. Or a photo with them, if they’d like to. Or even a kiss on the cheek if that was necessary! I just wanted to find my way back…


“Oppa, oppa! Tokyo, London, New York, Paris, oppa, oppa!”


Uh. Words I knew! I carefully looked at the people inside the store. The seller wasn’t there at the moment. A bit further, three girls were singing. One of them suddenly spotted me:


“Oppa… OPPA?!”




At least they knew who I was. Yes, those three girls had now spotted me. One of them had – I could see that from where I was, don’t ask how or why – a Super Junior ring, a Kyuhyun ring, a Super Junior necklace and also Super Junior shoelaces. Not sure, but I was mostly positive she was an ELF. I’m being sarcastic here of course.


One of the two other girls had Super Junior pins on her bag and Super Junior wristbands, and the other one had… oh, looking carefully at her, I could see a “Teuki” pendant she had probably made herself. So she was an Angel. The first girl was probably a Gamer, but the second one…




Oh wow.


Someone help me.




I was almost sure she would jump on me and me or something. I was prepared to fight for my life. But nope, she didn’t even approach me. She hid behind the first girl – who was, like, 15 cm smaller than her – and looked at me like she would be looking at Superman.


“Oh mah God… it’s really him… AAAAHHH…. KYAAAAAAAA…”


I opened wide eyes. Um. Ok.


“Um… help?” I tried to ask in English.


Before I could say anything more, the three of them walked in my direction. The Gamer one took out something from her bag, and I smiled when I saw it was a SPY album. She opened it at “Now” and gave it to me with a pen. So she wanted an autograph. Okay, I could manage this. And, if they could help me find Kyu, I could make him sign too. But that would be later. I signed, added a little “help °.°” beside it and gave it back to her. She kyaa-ed and bowed softly before letting the two other girls have access to me. The Angel one took out a book she had probably bought earlier and made me sign it, and the Jewel one... was completely red and ran to hide behind the Gamer girl. Oh well. Maybe she was shy. I always kept a few Super Junior photos with me in case something like that would happen, so I took out one, signed it and gave it to her before repeating my request in English:




“What do you need?” the Gamer girl asked in the same language.




I didn’t remember the name of the hotel. But I did remember how it looked like, and how to go there from the metro. “Um, metro? Where is?” I awkwardly tried to ask.


They smiled, laughed softly. “Um, we can show you!”


I nodded and followed them out of the store. They were kyaa-ing a lot and always making sure I was following. But, before we could reach the metro station – we were only 50m away though – a voice stopped us.


“Yah, Hyukjae!”


That voice…




I really wanted to run and jump into his arms, but there were fans… oh well, that didn’t matter as long as they would keep that for themselves. I ran to Kyu and hugged him tight. “Kyu, where were you?! That wasn’t funny! Why did you leave me?”


He hugged me tight too. “I didn’t want to, I thought you’d be following, but then, you weren’t, and I went back to the library, and you weren’t there anymore! Babo!”


He kissed my forehead. “Hold my hand and never let go now…”


I softly pushed him away and looked at the girls, who were about to have a heart attack from seeing two of us in the same day and from so close. The Gamer girl had stars in her eyes and she was holding on her SPY album tight. I smiled, softly took it from her hands and put it in Kyu’s hands. “Sign it.”




“Sign it, they helped me finding my stupid boyfriend who abandoned me, so sign it! And sign that girl’s book, and that other girl’s photo, too. And that Asian girl is a Gamer, so maybe you’d like making her like you even more.”


“Will you let me hug her?”


“Yep, because I know you’re mine. And you’re gay.”


He chuckled, smirked, signed everything, and approached the Gamer girl. He hugged her softly, kissed her forehead, and also hugged the two other girls before coming back to me. He put a finger in front of his mouth so they would know not to spread our relation everywhere, and smiled to them before taking my hand and walking away. Before going too far, he ce more and bowed. “Merci beaucoup,” he said with his horrible accent, still making them squeal.


We left, waving them goodbye until we couldn’t see them anymore, and when we were far enough I sighed. “Kyu…”






I pouted. “I was scared! I was alone and…”


“I know.”


“Let me finish!”


“No. I know, and I’m sorry. This is why I really want to make up for it. C’mon, let’s go.”


He made me follow him until we reached our hotel. Once inside our room, he kissed me passionately, holding me tight. I moaned softly when his body pressed against mine. A few seconds later, he slowly moved back, smirking. “I bet you know how I’m going to make up for it.”


I laughed softly. “I sure do.”


“Is that a good way to apologize?”


“Sure it is.”


He kissed me again, his hand touching my abs. A soft chuckled came from him between two kisses. “Tonight, you’ll get lost again.”


An evil smirk appeared on his lips. “Lost in pleasure, of course.”







Yeah, in the end, it turned out to be more like a KyuHyuk + the stupid crazy fangirls my friends and I are... ^^' Sorry >.< I wanted to write a ty end... but I really don't feel like writing T.T Sorry :/

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Chapter 1: you don't always have to write . in my opinion, a good story doesn't require it. it can be good enough on its own, and if there is any, it's just a bonus :) this was really cute. thank you for writing ^^ ♡
Chapter 1: kyahh what a lucky girls!! If i saw them ill kidnap n locked them in my house n let them being lovey dovey infront me.. Kyahhh
michikokasiumi #3
meeting kyuhyuk in my real life while i'm walking around city . . . >0<
EunHaeShipper #4
Chapter 1: i'd prolly be like that jewel xD
i'd prolly just stood there and gaping at Hyuk like an idiot not daring to do anything but still squealing like crazy xD
Chapter 1: kekekeke. omg the jewel!! what a pabo jewel!! just hug him!! it won't kill him. kekekekeke. kyaaa!! you made me imagined the scene! i mean the scene when the 3 fans met hyuk not the 'make up' scene. kekekekekke.

thanks for the update ^^
Chapter 1: If I saw Eunhyuk, oh god I would probably be in between running up to him or wondering if I'm seeing things or not. I love the Kyuhyuk couple, and Kyu leaving Hyuk I can imagine that happening. And the end was cute too, in a Kyuhyun way of course. That sneaky maknae of theirs~
Ju-Bee #7
Chapter 1: *dead*



That... that... that's...




You dead.

Kyu hugged you : you dead. Chibi-Ama squealed too long without breathing, fainted and died.

Chibi-Val died the moment she saw Hyukkie.

And Chibi'Na... I don't know her enough to tell xD
Chapter 1: This
I love this
Kyaaa~ ♥