Chapter 3

Spoilt Sister

 chapter three 

 the confession




Yoona dont understand why is Luhan blushing while he just receiving the cake from Yoona.But,without realized, Yoona also blushing.


"i wil just eat this things..but you need to learn more about cooking."Luhan says nervously as he  blushing and look away from Yoona.hmm maybe Luhan is the boy with a soft heart.He did that just want to thankful maybe..?


"yes!" Yoona replied as she show him her angelic are so kind ..


Luhan blush as he see her gorgeous smile."Hm...Yoona.."He says and lean closer to her.

" i want to see my brother!!!!" Yoona shout as she saw her `beloved` training.She then take out a pretty packging of perfect cake out of her pocket...

"eh..why did the cake..pretty? and" Luhan dumbfounded as he saw the perfect own-made cake by Yoona.

"of course! this is for my brother!! i must do it well" she says as she run to her brother and give the cake to him.

Luhan was shocked as the sudden susprised and he fall down."haizz,that kid..when will she stop being obsessed to her own brother."


Luhan was on the way home , after school and suddenly found Yoona. "what are you doing here ? its weird i dont see you going home with your `beloved`? " Luhan approach Yoona and ask her.

Yoona just smile happily."its because..." Yoona smile again in really happy mode. " its Donghae-oppa birthday~!!!" Yoona shout as she jump around.

Luhan expression when saw Yoona jump around were just like `what-the-heck-is-this-girl?` 

" i want to buy a present for him."Yoona says while smilling happily to Luhan.

Luhan stare Yoona for a while as he is worried about Yoona."I will join you." he says.

"Eh!! thats okay! you will bother me!" Yoona rejected the request.

Luhan pats Yoona heads and say " Its late now..Dangerous for a woman to walk alone .." Luhan says in concerned tone.

Yoona was amazed by how Luhan treat her lately as she keep staring Luhan with a red cheek. wh..what is this? is he worried about me?Usually the words that come out of his mouth always the annoying word..the jerk Luhan suddenly change to the kind Luhan...?He makes me panic.....


At The Shop

"I Found it!!"Yoona shout happily as she found a unique strap.The strap was shaped T and had lot of fancy decoration.its made of steel.Yoona took the strap."For the sake of buying this strap i bear myself from eating at school`s cafeteria...i want oppa to have a good birthday present" Yoona cheerfully says.

Luhan was supsrised to see that the strap YoonA bought was that strap."This is not good.."he says suddenly."Your taste  was horrible."Luhan snatch the strap from Yoona hand and look at it closely while giving an anooyed face to the strap. " Its not suitable at all to Donghae-sunbae...Why dont we pick the other strap?" He says .

"Dont play with that strap!! i want to buy that one and only that!!" Yoona shout to him. 

Luhan feel irrated as everyone in the shop were looking at them . Yoona voice were loud too.

" calm please..acctualy this strap..your bro-" Luhan cannot sasy his word as Yoona cut out his word.

" brother wont this stupid thing to me like you...!"Yoona says unbelieveable towards Luhan sudden attitude.

Luhan was hurt again by Yoona words."This is not the worst" Luhan says angrily as he leaned closer to Yoona."this strap is not for your `beloved`" he says and whisper to Yoona ear"i will just buy this strap myself.. Luhan says and walk away from Yoona.why..?why?why is he this mean to me?

i..have look through him closely...when i know Luhan was kind to me..i was really happy about that..

But...why did he make me hates him so much ? Yoona wonder as she keep crying .


Luhan was walking at the town holding the strap that Yoona want to buy the most..he hold the strap tightly as he kiss the strap and a tear fall down from his eyes.He keep kiss the strap and crying when he thinks what he had done towards Yoona.


Yoona`s House

"Donghae oppa..."Yoona walk to his brother awkwardly..with a moody mood."Happy Birthday.." he says while crying.

Donghae was confused why is his sister crying when she want to celebrate his brithday.."why are you crying,Yoong?" he ask because of concern

"Acctually,i want to buy the best gift to oppa..but..."Yoona say with uneasiness

Donghae smile as he pats Yoona heads."If i receive gift from you..whatever it is i will surely like it.."Donghae keep pating Yoona heads and smilling happily.

Yoona feel realieved to Donghae statment.i know it..I really love you,oppa~!! ♥you are so different to that jerk~! -.- Yoona suddenly realized that her brother were wearing a strap that Yoona want the most to buy for him."oppa..that..strap..."Yoona says while pointing at the strap Donghae were wearing..Donghae made the strap to be his necklace

"oh..this strap.Oppa buy it after school yesterday with my fellow club`s friend.  

no..thats no way.. "that time..does Luhan tagging along with oppa?"Yoona ask her brother

"eh..of course he is with me too"Donghae replied.

ah..thats why Luhan dont want me to buy that strap...because oppa already have the same strap..but i, says mean thing to him again..Yoona panicked."oppa ! i want to apologize to Luhan."Yoona say while running toward the front door.Luhan...where are you? shop?home?

When Yoona open the door , she saw Luhan infront of her gate. Luhan was quiet supsrised as he didnt expect that Yoona was here.He is acctually thinking about giving back the strap that he buys.Yoona then walked to the gate and open the gate.

"um..Here!"Luhan hand yoona a strap that he buys at the shop while ago."i think..i will just give this strap to you.."

Why?i was the one who want to apologize..yet he is the first one apologize to me..Yoona start to feel touched by Luhan attitude and she start to teary.

Luhan was shock when Yoona start to sobbing."That enough! you dont have to cry .like i say..i will give this strap to you back!" Luhan says in panicked."You..dont have to cry.."Luhan pats Yoona head.

His..hand were not warm as Oppa hand..but his sincerity clearly reflected.its not annoying at all.."Luhan..i am really sorry" Yoona sasy as she bowed to Luha.

"All the mean thing you say to me ..was acctually for my good sake..i was really wrong to you.." Yoona give him a smile"So, we cant fight again,okay? how about we become a good friend from now on?" Yoona ask Luhan.

Luhan was hurt again by her word."NO!"he shout." we cannot be bestfriend!hear this carefully,spoilt sisterr!!"Luhans says as he hold with both his hand on Yoona shoulder.then he shake her."we cannot be..because i like you.."he lean closer to her."no..i acctually love you..always" he says and he let go of his hand.

He left Yoona dumfounded and walk away  with a blushing face.

eh? he is just gimmick right? lied right? its not true right? he says...he like me...Yoona were frozing infront of the gate as her face blushing heavily.





 author's note 

» picture credit to the tumblr
» Sm have a new girl group...that is going to take care by EXO Q.Q  -crying-
»  Typo..grammar not an author..sorry

» Thanks for reading :3


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Chapter 5: Lol i hope luhan win hehe update plzz
LuYoonDearCouple #2
Chapter 5: The best <3 Update soon !! I'm really spazzing right now . LuYoon !! Fighting !
Chapter 5: update pleasee :3 fan ~~ haha
Chapter 3: best :D update soon :D
yoonda #5
Chapter 5: luyoon :-) update soon
Chapter 4: will yoona win? i wonder what will happen next..
k_nana #7
Chapter 3: Eating - thinking of luyoon: spazz~
Dreaming- thinking of luyoon: spazz~
School - thinking of luyoon: spazz~
crookedgemini #8
Update soon!!! Im spazzing!!