Peace Treaty Prince Version

Royalty Love

Summary: The Korea and Thailand Royalties decided to stop the war that was happening by making their daughters and sons to get engaged. The six haven't meet each other thus they were very reluctant on accepting it. Luckily their parents gave them 1 year for the six to spend time together so that they can get to know each other or luckily fall in love.


Nichkhun and his siblings was currently having a dinner with their parents.

Junsu, a very childish person but when it came to serious discussions he always had a matured aura and expression, he decided that it was way too awkward so he decided to change the atmosphere "Father and Mother, why did you invited us to eat lunch together? Surely it wasn't only because of family time" he said with a serious expression

Their Father, Jay Park smiled "As expected you noticed it.. but I think it is much more understandable if your mother explain it" he said

The three then look at their mother with an expectant look in their faces

Their Mother, Jessica Jung laughed "Well, we decided to create a peace treaty with Korea"

The three nodded

"And we decided by making the seal.."

The three now has their own guesses on what kind of treaty was it

"with a marriage since all of you are on the marriage age and the Royal Family from Korea also had three elegant, smart and beautiful princesses"

The three now has a shock look

"Really?" Junsu asked

"Why?" Nichkhun asked

"A Marriage? I can understand if it was only one but three.. are you kidding me!" Taecyeon said as he gripped too hard on his glass that it broke into pieces

Jay was now shaking in anger "Silence such words are not fitting on princes, and with this it was like killing two birds with one stone! Why? Because with peace with Korea we can finally have transaction with them then you three will have well bred wifes!"

Jessica only watched in amusement as the four started to argue when things got a little ugly she decided to stop it "You know... me and your father also got married for a peace treaty and now look at the two of us we got three handsome sons in front of us.. come on, marriage treaty is not bad.. besides I was originally from Korea so I know those girls" she said

The three look at their parents then they broke into laughter

"So that's why the two of you got married" Taecyeon said

"I should have known it since I should have known Mother will pick much more hansome husband!" Junsu said while rolling on the floor

Nichkhun on the other hand was so deep in thought

Nichkhun Point of View

An arrange marriage for treaty and mother was originally from Korea.. she said they are beautiful.. and I know mother has a great judgement with girls she acknowledge 

Why not? I mean... This will be a new experience

Then I heard mother continue "Also we will give you six a year to get to know each other since you six never met each other"

I nodded my head then looked at my siblings Taecyeon was still reluctant but his face said that he was reconsidering it while Junsu smiled already accepted the fact that after one year they will be having a fiance and wife

Then father said "You will also get to choose on which princess do you like.."

Then Taecyeon ask "What if we all three or two chose the same princess?"

Good question.

Father smiled "Then you two will court her after some time when she finally chose between you three or two the others will be courting the other two princess"

"You mean forcefully" I corrected father

I saw father nodded

"Then.. what are they like?" Junsu asked

Mother smiled "Finally your interested with them!" she said

"I will introduce them oldest to youngest ok?" she said

We nodded

"Then first Yoona she was the eldest in the age of 22, she is very.. funny.. but you don't wanna be on her bad side.. I do not know a lot about her personality but the was the most least popular because of her personality... But she is very beautiful though in my preferences of beauty she would be the last with the ranking of the three princesses" she said

After hearing this I suddenly don't want to court her but hearing about personality I was a little bit curious but then mother said she was the last place within the three princess in her over all ranking.. 

Then mother continued "Seohyun, she is the most matured within the three, she was very straightforward has a clam attitude she was on the middle place of popularity within the three, She was also very shy with guys and likes to read for me... I think she will pair up with Junsu very well! She is also kind! I like her" 

Seohyun.. with what mother said she was like an innocent angel.. I can tell that I can tolerate her since mother said she has a calm attitude

Then mother smiled "I know all of you think she is the best but their youngest is the best!"

"Really?" Taecyeon asked

Mother nodded "She likes to call herself in the initial IU since she said it was much more easier to call, she is a very good singer and loves to play piano and guitar. Like Nichkhun she appreciates nature and animals. Like Junsu she love kids. Like Taecyeon she likes to hear music I think she is perfect! I really like her as my daughter in law. Other than that she rank the best as the best bacheloress in Korea and the world!! other than that she can tolerate you all! She was the closest princess I have ever encountered!" mother said as she ended it with a dreamy sigh

IU.. are you really that great for mother to go this far on introducing you to us..? I am very curious to see you..

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CRAZYinlove16 #1
Chapter 2: i wish its khunseo or nickhun and junsu will fight for seohyun
KhunForever #2
I hope it's KhunSeo~ =)
I was hoping Nickhun and Junsu to fall in love with Seohyun ;)
diahlicious #4
Chapter 2: when you will update :-(
Chapter 2: Sounds great! :) I hope it's Khunseo.
Chapter 2: can't wait till they meet each other . Hopefully on nickIU
It's Interesting ..
SeoKhun please ...
diahlicious #8
Chapter 1: well,, i love khuntoria. but its okey if khun with someone else. :-). update soon yaa :-D
Chapter 1: wow.. It's sounds very interesting . So, update soon :D