The start

My past , my present and my future




" Kyuhyun!! jump quickly "

"Omma!! Appa!! , I can't leave you "

"I said JUMP!!!"




Blood.                                                                                                                                                                                                              .......

This dream , this DAMN DREAM again. I woke up panting with a pale face and body soaked with sweat....My heart was beating frantically and my cheeks were wet from tears.

I wiped my tears and tried to steady my breath so I inhaled and exhaled but everytime I closed my eyes I saw it , there was blood , a lot of it to be exact.

Those memories , why can't I get rid of them ? it's already 3 years since this accident took place , I've got a chance to live again thanks to my parents and I got a new life but why can't I get used to it ? I should have adjusted to it by now but why Am I not ?!  why this dreams keep coming again and again ? and why I feel that something is wrong whenever I think about the accident ??! there is something strange about it , it can't just happen like that , can it ? ....*sigh* I've many questions but most of them are still unanswered , however I've a feeling that they will be answered soon.


"Come in " I ordered knowing who was knocking the door.

"mister!! " The servant called with a bow.

"What is it ? "

" Mr and Mrs Jung are waiting for you in the dinning room..the young mister too "

" Tell them to start without me , I'll take a shower first then join them "

"Anything else ? "

" No , you can go now " the servant bowed and exited the room.

Now that I think about it , it's always the same..Me dreaming about the accident waking up drenched in sweat and tears , the servant asking me to join the Jung family to eat breakfast and after that I'll go to school , study all the day and then sleep.

No going out ,No parties , No meeting with friends. well it's not like I've friends anyway ,the only friend I've is Donghae, my childhood friend no more,no less.I'm more the lonely type than the social one or as some people call me I'm a nerd, A Hot and y one indeed.

Well enough talking about my 'Perfect life' ...Perfect ??!!. I've to chuckle at my own thought..who Am I kidding ? it's not perfect and will never be again.

I got up and grabbed some cloths to change into after showering and then I went to the bathroom . After a good 15 minutes in the shower , I got out , dried myself , wore my cloths and went down to join them.


*At the dining room*

"Good morning " I greeted entering the dining room.

" Oh..good morning , did you sleep well Kyuhyun-ah ? "....don't you have anything else to say ?

" Yes Oncle!! thank you for asking " I said with a forced smile.

" Kyu!! sit here beside me and let's eat " Mrs Jung offered smiling warmaly.

" Yes , Auntie " I smiled back and sat beside her.

" Yunho!! won't you greet Kyuhyun too ? he is your future husband , you should treat him nicely " Oncle Jung scolded his son who looked at me then back to his food and muttered a low 'good morning' .

"Good morning to you too , Yunho-hyung " I said politely and started eating...I wonder why Oncle wants this marriage so badly when he knows that neither me nor hyung are interested in it...I mean it's not like I hate him or something , we used to be friends when we were young, we played a lot together but he somehow has changed a lot since I moved to live with them . he became very cold towards me and didn't talk that much to either me or his be accurate he distant himself from the other people

"Thanks for the food " I said getting ready to leave to school.

" I finished too , I'll go now " Yunho-hyung said calmly putting his chopstickes in the table ready to leave as well.

"Take care of yourselves kids " Aish ,I'm not a kid anymore.

" Bye Oncle and Auntie "

" Bye Kyu!! "


" Hyung!! please wait for me " I said running quickly to catch Yunho-hyung who was ready to get in his car.

" What do you want ?! " he asked coldly.

"I'll go with you today because my driver is sick  "

"......." he was silent for a moment as if he was thinking about something , then he just got in the car leaving a place beside him for me to sit .

As the car continued to move , I heard my phone ringing.


>Kyu!! , how are u today ?<

"Are you calling to ask about that ?"

>No ,I wanted to tell you that I'll be a little late , can you tell the teacher about that for me ?<

"Why will you be late ? "

>I don't have time, I'll tell you when we meet.I've to go now<

"Hae!! wai...." Aish , he closed the line, what a troublesome friend *sigh*

I looked beside me curious to see what Yunho-hyung was doing. he was reading his book like always not minding what is around him...I still remember the times he begged his father to let him tag along to play with me , he used to smile a lot ,I kind of miss his smile.

After a long staring session I decided to avert my eyes and focus on playing with my PSP..not really noticing what happened I found myself in Yunho-hyung embrace when the car suddenly stopped.

"..S-sorry.." I muttered with a slight blush from the sudden closeness.

" Just get off me ,I don't want to be late " again with his cold tone that ran a shiver down my spine and made me get off him immediately.

He then got down leaving me alone in the car watching his figure disappear slowly. I wonder how can people change over a day and a night ?!

I walked slowly to my classroom after bidding the driver goodbye and was deep in my thoughts when suddenly I felt a pain creeping out .






" Where Am I ??! "

I'm very sorry that I didn't update any sooner but I had exams last week and I still didn't finish it beside many other reasons .I hope you like this chapter though it's just an introduction .and lastely I'm very thankful for your comments and subscribing. ^^  *bow*

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OnlySjELF #1
Chapter 1: Still waiting for the next update u know:(
Chapter 1: don´t abandon this story pleaseeeeee update soon
jersheylei_10 #3
Chapter 1: can u continue this story authornim... i mean all of your story.... pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....... fighting....
Chapter 1: update soon :D
Chapter 1: Why did Yunho acting cold all the way with Kyu-Kyu...?? Update soon author-ssi.. I will wait.. ^^
Chapter 1: I really like it ..please update sooooooooooon^^
Chapter 1: Good job kiddo... It's nice to see you writing again~