~~ Chapter One ~~

American Girl


I got woken up by Wham's song 'Wake me up before you go-go''. Call me old fashioned and cheesy but I absolutely love 80 pop hits.  Actually I’m obsessed with them.  I also adore Michael Jackson, the Spice Girls and Madonna! I recently moved from the small state in America named Missouri to Seoul in Korea.  We moved to Korea because of my Dad’s promotion with his job as team leader at a Samsung company in Korea. I was reluctant to leave at first but my Dad insisted it would be a good opportunity as there was a private school scholarship there so I could attend there. The academic reviews were really good so I couldn’t refuse even though Korea would be full of cocky show-off kids who were obsessed with the latest trends such as ‘Gangnam Style’. I knew I would stand out but I wasn’t going to through away this golden ticket to an once in a lifetime education so I agreed to leave. So here I am lead in bed not wanting to get up for school. Eventually I got the energy and turned over to read the clock and it said ‘6 am’. I didn’t even know it was possible for me to wake up so early. I pulled myself from my bed and stretched for a while, before making my way to my bathroom. I began to brush my teeth steadily whilst gazing at my reflection in the mirror. I wondered what everyone would think of me and what they would be like. I stripped out of my cuddly red onesie and got inside the shower.

When I finished, I wrapped myself in a towel and left the bathroom. I got out some black skinny jeans and a loose red woolen jumper. On my feet I wore knee-high lace up boots. I quickly chucked my wavy brown hair up in a messy bun, then I added a black clip to accessorize, I wanted to make an effort I mean first impressions count don’t they? I even went to the effort of pulling out my untouched box of make-up and applied some thin of red eye shadow and added mascara and eyeliner for effect. Then I found some pink lip-gloss and quickly smothered that across my small lips. I looked in the mirror at myself quite impressed with my transformation and smiled.

I slowly walked down the stairs, I could feel butterflies in my stomach attacking me. The thought of not being accepted of liked. I would be the new kid.....the new kid...it stuck in my mind until I heard Mum shouting ''Breakfast is ready.'' I rushed across the hallway in anticipation at the smell of bacon and syrup on pancakes.

''Good morning darling, are you ok?'' Mum greeted me happily with a fake smile across her face. I knew she was worried about me as I was nervous. I tried to put on a convincing voice and answer ''Good thank-you.'' She seemed to buy it. My eyes lite up with joy when I saw the breakfast which had been laid out for us to feast upon. I grabbed a plate from the side and placed on it a variety of different foods. I had toast with butter, 2 poached eggs, bacon, hot chocolate with cookies, sausages, pancakes with lots of syrup and harsh browns which were so yummy and crispy.  I couldn't possibly eat it all I was stuffed. I now felt even sicker with nerves and food. Great. I drank the rest of my orange juice and left and headed to the bus stop to wait for the bus to arrive.


When I got to school I scanned the place up and down. Oh yeah by the way I'm Jessica Jung. My eyes are the color of dark chocolate and I have average length wavy brown hair. I am new to this school and I have know idea what I am doing. I was just looking around and then I heard someone running fast behind me. Suddenly I fell to the ground. I let out a squeal in annoyance as I dropped all of my text books. ''Opps I'm sorry, I didn't mean to urm make you fall.'' The guy said apologetically. He had brown hair with a flawless pale face which was complemented by his brown styled hair failing just above his sparkling big brown eyes. He had the most charming smile.

''Oh no, it's alright. It's my fault.'' I said whilst picking up my papers, we then locked in gaze then I broke it realizing we just met.

''Hi, my names Lee Jonghyun.'' He said holding his hand out for me to shake it.

''Hello, I'm new and my name is Jessica Jung.'' I replied anxiously shaking his hand.

''Oh awesome, welcome to Cheonwa High.'' Wow....his voice voice so gentle and calming.

''Thanks.'' Was all I could get out before the bell rang and it was first period. So me and Jonghyun walked together before a bunch of squealing teenage girls came excitedly surrounding Jonghyun in a mob. I guess he was popular not that I'm surprised.








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BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #1
Chapter 1: YAY! I like this story :) Cute start and nice first impressions of both Jessica and Jonghyun...
I actually never heard of this pairing before but this is cute :) unusual? Yes... but I want to know more!
Hope you update very soon !!!