
Hard Time

After what he said to you, you stayed silent and downed your head. All his words to you were true, you should behave yourself and have some space between you and Kyungsoo. Guilty covered your body but you feel ashamed to say another sorry to him. You always feel that you burdened him yet he still wanted to keep you. You didn't realise how much he love you but you kept flirting with another boy. You looked out the window so he can't saw your tears, you wiped them silently. He tried concentrate to the street but actually his mind is all about you.

Suddenly, your phone rings.

"Yeoboseoyo?" Your voice was so hoarse.

"I'm on my way home, oppa. Wae?"

"No, I'm fine.. 10 minutes and I'll be there.."

"Seriously, I'm fine.." "Yes, okay. Bye."

"Who's that?" Yixing asked you.


"Oppa?" He glanced at you but back to the street.

"Soryong oppa." You whispered. You quickly bit your thumb, kept your tears away. You heard him sighed.

Yixing parked his car in front of your house. You undid the safety belt and murmured thank you to him. He really wanted to talk to you but he knew that your mood is unstable, he afraid you will mad at him. He wanted to say sorry after talked to you like that, he didn't realize he yelled at you. He just wanted you to understand that he loves you, damn much. You stood up and he pulled down the mirror.

"Go in, it's getting cold. Good night." You nodded and he drove the engine.

"Yixing!" You called him and he stopped the car. You ran to his car and knocked the front window. He pulled down and shocked when you pulled his face out.

You palmed his cheeks and kiss him softly. No tongue inserted. You just want to tell your feeling to him from the kiss. He kissed you back and your upper lip. Your tears ran down through your cheeks.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry for everything. You were right, I should had some space between me and him. I have you and I didn't think about your feelings. I'm sorry I was so bitc..." He kissed you again before you completed your words.

"No more sorry. We still learning about each other, please, no more sorry, okay? And no, you were not that kind of girl. Don't think too much. I love you..." He looked at your eyes, telling the truth about you. He hundred percent totally understand you.

Your tears fell more and you sobbed. You finally realize how much he loved you and you felt so stupid. He took your hand and kissed your palm, your temples. He smiled while caressed his thumb in your cheek.

"We're in an awkward position and you should sleep now, it's getting late, baby. Go in..."

You laughed a bit and pecked his lips one more time. "Okay, good drive? I love you..."

"I love you too...everyday. Bye, baby. Good night." He waved at you and leave you. You walked to your house and entered the house.

"And here she is..." Soryong sat on the couch, waiting for you. "Where have you been? It's late!"

"I'm sorry..."

He approached you, lifted you chin. "Were you crying?"

"Having a hard time with your boyfriend?" You nodded. He kissed top of your head. "Okay, explain tomorrow. Now go to your bed, you have school tomorrow. Go."

"You go to sleep too, you have work tomorrow. Good night, oppa." You tiptoed and kissed your brother's cheek.

"Good night, sissy."


Thanks for reading n___n

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Chapter 1: Woah ~ so amazing !
its_lyuka #2
amazing story! and amazing yixing!
kima #3
Chapter 1: So warm..yet beautiful short story..
Niya23 #4
Chapter 1: sequel, for the note i see no fail here.