Kim Myungsoo

PSS, I Love You


► Suzy POV


"he looks so peacfeul"

"his long eyelashes cloded his perfect blemish-free skin"

"his lips slightly parted and were breathing softly, sweet, warm breath. He's look perfect in any angles."

His hair looks incredibely soft. I don't know why but my hand was moving towards it.  I can fell my heart was about to explode when I realize two balls of eyes suddenly open staring at me. It was so sudden that I wasn't expecting it. Only at that time I saw my hand was only a few inches to his hair. Floating lifelessly. 

And that's when I really realize that only a few inches that separate our face at that moment. I was squating infornt of him shamelessly. I can feel a flush of hot burning fire at my face. I never thought I will be this brave. The only way to escape from this awkward scene is run away. I was about to back off and stand up to  move away when I lost my balance. How worst can it be?

When I was about to fall behind, he took my wrist forward and hug me tightly from bumping to the cold floor . My eye's widen at our current possition, we were so close.This didn't help slower down my heartbeat either. I can fell his hand wrapping around my waist neatly. I never been in this situation before, it feel safe. I bet if strangers saw us like this they will think in inappropriate way.

I try to escape from his hug when he move his hand around me slowly to let go me. We both get up and fix our uniform. I straighten my bangs to cover my face and keep looking down to avoid his face. It was awkward for me, or both of us.

"I'm sorry if I scared you just now." he said with an apology voice that make me feel guilty.

It's not like that. It's me who the one that stalking you. If only I say that words to him. I'm the worst who can't let things out. I'm the one who supposed to pologize to him. All I can do is give him creeping stare through my bangs.

I have to say something. Let it out suzy!

"by the way, what are you doing here? you're not going to cafeteria?"

what should i do? what should I say to him? what if I say somehing stupid? should i ran away again from him? but isn't this what i want? meeting him? faster suzy!

"no." atleast I did say something. Relieved.

"not feeling hungry?" his the one who always make a conversation here. I feel thankful

"no." I guess that's gonna be my favourite word for now.

I can see his starting at me weirdly while I try to keep my best to calm down. Avoiding his gaze.

"you didn't like to talk much huh?"  he asked curiously.

I keep silent. 

"or maybe you scared of guys?"

My eyes grew widen as he get the reason why i'm being like this. He lower his head down try to at me.

So close.   

I try to act like i'm okay where's i'm not. It feels like he can read my mind well.

"so it's true?" our eyes meet. 

I was about to jump and think for a good reason to proof him wrong. But I just can't. He get it right. He know why i'm acting like this. He probably know that i'm nervous right now. This is all my fault for not run away from him earlier. Now he know my weakness point. All I can do is keep silent keep my face down. Avoiding him again. Maybe his going to make a fun out of me. I breath deeply.

"it's okay." I get shocked.

"it's a normal thing I guess. You know, my sister is just like you. She smaller than you though" I heard him giggle.

what? his not going to make a fun of me? really? I feel so eased. I get some confident to look at him. Slowly I lifted up my face only to be greeted my his perfect smile. Are all boys got that kind of smile? I can feel something weird in my stomach. It's like a buttefly flying gracefully. 

"you are not feeling well?"

"huh?" I answered him automaticly.

"your face are red."

Without thinking anything I lift both of my hand to my cheeks. It feels hot. I did blush. This is embarassing for him to realize it first before me. It always me who gonna know it first. I try too keep calm by breath in and out. I look at him back waiting for him to approach me first.

 No words fall from his mouth, only our eye's that connected. Silent that accompany us. We're having a staring contest without we realizing it. I can only heard the sound of birds chirping from the outside. The whisper of student in the library, the scrabbles of pencil and the pages that flipping. It was like, we're in our own little world. I didn't realize how long we stayed like that but after a minute I heard him cough to break this peaceful silent.

"you really love books aren't you?"

"how...did you know?" I answered him in a small voice.

"You always carry along books with you. Like always." he chuckled at the end of it. I found it..what we call? cute?

Something puzzeld me up when he say always. "You saw me?when?"

I don't know why but he look like his avoiding my question. He scrathed his neck and turned around. He began to look at the bookshelf instead. Leaving me cluelessly. I could only blink at his action.

His finger ran through all the books one by one. He tilting his head trying hard to read name of the books. Something tell me that he looks like he got interested with books. Does he like it?

"ermm...." I let out small curiousity trying my best to get his attention. I was nervous and keep playing with my finger when I saw his finger stop at one book and begin to look at me.

"did you say something just now?"

I nodded.

"well, you don't have to be scared to let it out. Just act normal with me okay?" he gave me the most sincere smile ever.

My heart beating fast upon hearing his word.

"so, what is it?" He said while facing me.

"do you like books?" I can now talk with him more confidently.

"I know it's weird for a boy this day to like a book when all of them should be playing video games." he shrugged

He does like it. But does he hate to play videos games?

"Oh and if you wonder if I hate playing games, no. Infact I like it but I'll choose books over games at anytime."

My eye's once again widened. Did he got a magic of reading other's mind?. And did he always like this with everyone? so carefree. It make me feel comfortable being around him and to think this is only our second meeeting. He somehow got a warm vibe around him. and I like it.

"what about you? what else did you like to do during free time other than reading books?" he chuckled

"go to the bookstore to find a new book, or to the library." I replied him bluntly

He laughed, but then he keep silence for a minute.

"we can go there together sometimes." he said in a more serious tone.

what did he say? together? I look at him with a confusing face trying to find his real intention. 

"where to?" I try to confirm it before start to daydreaming about it.

"a bookstore ofcourse." still in a serious voice.

does he serious about it? his voice seems to be though. But why me? judging from his personalities I can know he is a friendly guy. Why didn't he ask someone else rather than a girl like me? a simple plan girl that don't know how to talk with guy properly. I look at him trying to figure it all out.

"it's just..we both loves books right? we can go there together. That's it....yeah that's all."  I can see him talking to me nervously? I don't know but he keep on avoiding my eye's and he just can't stand still. 

 Truthly, I was excited when he ask me to go with him. But to think that only both of us that will go, It creep me out. What if I cause trouble to him? and how should I react when i'm around him!? but he did say that I should be comfortable around him..should I accept it?well...

I cleared my throat "ermm mabye.." I whispered not sure whether he can hear me or not.

"seriously!? we can?" he spined his body to me while showing his excited face just like a kid found her lost mum.

"thanks. I've never expect that." his big smile still plastered on his face.

He looks happy.

So do me.

 All I did is looking at him while trying my best not to blush. The reason is his smile. It bothered me, not me but my heart is keep beating furiously upon seeing it. Was it a bad sign? I don't know..

I blink a few times to clear my vision. A hand?

I lift up my face. His straching his hand toward me. Is it for me?

His eyebrows goes upward giving me a weird look. I still blinking my eyes at his hand then to his face.

"Shouldn't we shaking hand by now?"

My eye's widened at his word. Shaking...hand? It's not that I've never shake hand before, but he is a guy.  A guy. The person that I shake before is all girls including my mum. It's my first time since high school...

I strach my hand out slowly, nervously towards his hand.

It reached and it fits perfectly. 

I feels like electric shock when we're shaking hand. I got this kind of sparkle sparkling  above my head. Why i've never felt this when I shake chorong, eunji and mum's hand? It feels so right. 

He look straight into my eye's. I think I also like his eye's just like I love his smile. Is it too much?

"Kim Myungsoo." he said while moving our hand from up to down..then swing it playfully.

So, his name is kim myungsoo.




"did you say something?" 

"huh?" I look at him

"your lips are moving but I can't hear any of it." He laughed.

Oh no. Did he saw I'm playing with his name? I found his name cute though. I giggled in my mind.

"ermm.." He look at our hand. Still holding with each other.

"sorry..." I quickly pull it off. But it can't be pulled off? I look at my hand again. He was holding my hand tightly not letting my it go.

I look at him smirking at me. 


"you didn't tell me your name yet." still smirking at me. It was kind like naughty smile to me. I like it too. 

"suzy, bae suzy" I said with a cracking voice. I was too nervous.

"I know" he giggled and letting go our hand.

"you... know?"




"time's up. We should go now." he quickly said to me while grabbing all the books and put it back on the bookshelf.

Did he not gonna answer my question? well.. maybe he just jokking. Let just forget it.

I help him with the last book. We both walked to the entrence and reach to the hallway.

"it's nice talking to you suzy. Let's meet up again okay?" 

"okay" was all I got to said. I wanna meet him again too...

"still not comfortable? well, you should be by now." he patted my head softly. Leaving my heart beating faster again. I just can't count anymore when i'm with him. It constanly beating fast.

"goodbye suzy-ahh" he wave his hand while starting to walk a way from me.

"goodbye.." I said when I saw his body is out from my sight. 




"Kim myungsoo" his name won't came out from my mind for that whole day.





sorry for the late update. This past few weeks was a stressful weeks for me. Just a lot of problems and I find it quite unfair if i haven't put my all effort while writing this fanfic. So I've made a choice to wait for all the problems solve till I start to write again. So here I am! Thank you for waiting :')  Thank you for the people that comment my previous chapter. It made my day(seriously)


Thank you to the all new subscribers :) *saranghae

Do comment for this chapter too!  okay silent readers?

Lastly thanks for reading this chapter ^^




















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Chapter 7: Update soon~ I really love MYUNGZY. This story fits with their. Very ROMANTIC. <3 *HWAITING~!*
shumz456 #2
Chapter 7: Plz update soon!
Chapter 7: Update! I'm waiting!
sekaibaekarelife #4
Chapter 7: Plz update soon!
Myungzy! ^_^
Chapter 7: So cute and sweet!! :)
Chapter 7: super cute :D
i can't help but keep smiling while reading this chapter keke...
Chapter 6: vvery cute dear <333
but whahhaaat?! you lost your myungzy feels?
nooo >O<" how can this be, so horrible /sobs
maybe some pretty edits or vids would help?
shumz456 #8
Chapter 6: plz update soon!
hope you get your myungzy feeling back!
fighting author-nim!!
:) <3
suho_S2_suzy #9
Chapter 6: i think u should see their moment to make ur myungzy feel come back.5ting and don't never be tired of myungzy.plz author