
Meet My Family

It's important for this story that you remember the different language colors ok? :)

Korean | your language


"______-ah~ I'm nervous." Ryeowook was clinging on my hand tightly.
We were on our way to meet my aunt and uncle, because it was the 1st Christmas day. We used to spend the 1st Christmas day with the family of my mom and the 2nd with the family of my dad. So it was the same this year, just that my boyfriend was coming along this time. My family, mother,father and brother, already met him on Christmas eve. My mom only learned Korea that she could talk to him a little, so he won't feel left out.
I was a little nervous, because I wasn't sure how my moms family would talk to him...if they would talk. Somehow I had the feeling that I was more nervous then Ryeowook, but I think he wasn't nervous. He was scared. He was so quiet the whole morning and noon. And closer the time came, that I annouced as our arrival date, he wasn't even talking to me anymore. He was frowing and biting his lip, till it started bleeding and I scolded him. Ryeowook stopped biting his lip but still didn't talk at all. I tried to make him more comfortable with the situation, but miserably failed.
"There is no reason to be nervous." I looked at him from the side.
He was slightly pouting. The hair that came out under his hat were covering his forehead and a bit of his eyes. I reached out and removed some bangs, that were covering to much, so he could se better. Ryeowook glanced over to me and sighed. He grabbed my hand, placed a soft kiss on my fingers and let it fall down together with his hand.
"How can you be so calm?" he asked, turning fully to me.
"Oh believe me. If you could see me on the inside you would see the huge battleflied." I the back of his hand with my thumb.
"That's not really encouraging you know?" he chuckled softly.
I shrugged and continued walking, pulling him along with me. There was no way that we wouldn't go, so why keep on postponing it even more. Let's get over with this right?
After some time of walking, I didn't even know why we didn't take the car maybe because we wanted some alone time together, we arrived at the front door of my aunts house. Ryeowook were even more tensed as before. His grip on my hand was even tighter and he started biting his lip again. I sighed, grabbed his shoulder and turned him that he had to face me.
"What did I say about lip biting?" I frowned.
"_____-ah. It's just...I'm nervous and...and scared." he whined, wiggling with his shoulders.
"Like I said my beloved boyfriend~ there's no reason ok?" I smiled at him.
"The won't bite you, I promise." I added an squeezed his hand softly.
"Fine." he sighed.
Ryeowook leanded forward and softly pecked my lips. I smiled happily and reached out for the doorbell. My finger pressed the iron button and the happy melody resounded. We could her steps coming closer and after a few seconds the door opened and my aunt smiled widely.
"_____! You're finally here." she exclaimed, pulling me away from my boyfriend and gave me a bone-crushing hug.
"A-Aunty...c-can't breathe~" I squeaked.
"Oh oh sorry." she realesed me and patted my shoulders.
Then her gaze fell onto Ryeowook, who stood quietly behind us.
"Oh who's this handsome man?" she asked smiling.
"Aunty. Meet my boyfriend Ryeowook." I grabbed his hand and pulled him next to me.
Ryeowooks eyes widened.
"Introduce yourself." I smiled at him encouraging.
He softly nodded.
"Mrs. ______(name of your aunt LOL). I-I'm Kim Ryeowook. Nice to meet you." he stuttered a bit and a Korean accent was noticeable, but it was understandable.
"Such a charming young man." your aunt praised.
"Can we come in?" I asked.
It was really cold. About -8°c. Both us of were wearing thick jackets, scarfs and glows.
"Ah of course of course! Aish~ where's my head these days. Come in kids." she stepped aside to make space for us.
I pulled Ryeowook in with me. We went through the corridor towards the hall-stand. We peeled us out of our warm clothes. Ryeowook helped me to put my jacket on the catch along with my scarf. Then he hung his own jacket over mine.
"I'll go to the living room already. I don't want you parnets to be alone this long. You know your uncle and your mom easily start arguing right?" she giggled and left the corridor.
She was right. My mom and uncle often fight, but since they're siblings we didn't worry much. I always fight with my brother too. It was just one time, the argument escalated and they didn't talk to each other in 3 weeks. After they finally decided to apologize to each other, they called each ither at the same time and the over line was always busy, so it took 1 more week.
I looked at Ryeowook. His facial expression got more worried. I sighed. This boy never would stop worrying right? But that is his personality. Cute, loving, caring and a lot more traits that I loved him for. Just sometines, I wish he would be careless, don't worry about me or himself or anything else. That he would just live.
"Smile." I demanded.
"Huh?" he looked aver to me with a clueless expression.
"Smile~~" I pushed the corner of his lips up.
"Oh~ right." his smile wasn't definitely forced.
I face-palmed myself. 
"Just come with me." I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me towards the living room. 
And there were my family. My mom, dad, my brother, my aunt and my other aunt, my uncle (the older brother of my mom) and my 2nd uncle (the younger brother of my mom) and 3 of my cousins.  One of the already moved to Canda along with his girlfriend, but they would marry soon so this would mean, we were going to Canada to attened their wedding. 
Ryeowook was standing behind me, again holding my hand tightly. His hands got sweaty. Aish how can he be so nervous. I decided to introduce my family to him, so he would know who was trying to talk to him and which language ever. They all looked at us and a let out one of my rare eyesmiles. My older cousin _____ was the first on to aprroach us. She hugged my tightly.
"_____. You should come over more. I barely see you." she pouted.
Though she was older, she is really cute. And if I'm honest she's the cutest girl I ever met.
"I know~, but you know too that I don't have much time." I replied, but still smiled.
"Yeah yeah." she stuck her tongue out.
Then her gaze fell on Ryeowook, who was a bit surprised by my cousin's high. Well, she's really tall. About 1.78m, so she was clearly taller then me and Ryeowook. She always was tall. Compared to her Ryeowook was a darwf, but still he's taller then me, so let's say he's medium sized alright? 
My cousin reached her hand out for my boyfriend to shake. Ryeowook slowly let of my hand and grabbed hers.
"Hello~ I'm ______(Your cousins name). ______(Y/N)'s cousin. It's nice to meet you." she said in Korean with a clear accent.
She learned to say that. Waah~ I'm so proud. 
"I'm Ryeowook. It's nice to meet you too." he replied in our language.
Ryeowook really seemed revealed and I was too.
"You learned Korean?" I asked my cousin.
"Yup. So he won't feel left out to much." she said proudly.
"Or do you just want to steal my boyfriend away?" I asked jokingly.
"Of course." she giggled.
I slapped her arm lightly.
"Ya!" I playfully glared at her.
"Just kidding ____." she rubbed the spot were I hit her and left us.
My boyfriend tapped my shoulder. His expression was confused. I giggled and dragged him with me towards two empty chairs between my mom and my brother. Ryeowook shook hands with everyone and introduced himself in ______(your language X'D). I was so proud of him. Though he was really nervous and scared they wouldn't accept him, he managed it pretty good.
~Around 2 hours later~
"_____, can you help me in the kitchen?" my aunt asked.
I looked to Ryeowook. He was in a conversation with my brother and one of my uncles. I don't know how, but the found a way to comunicate with each other fastly. I shrugged and nodded towards my aunt. I left my seat and followed her into the kitchen. Ryeowook didn't even noticed that I left my spot next to him.
"You're boyfriend is really cute." my aunt stated, while she was cutting the cake.
"I know." I giggled and got the plates out of the cupboard.
"You can be really happy to have him. I can see he loves you more the you know." she smiled and looked to me.
"If you believe it or not. I know that." I gazed at him lovingly through the opened kitchen door.
"And I love him more then he knows." I added and his head turned towards me showing a big, cheeky eye-smile.

Oh my gosh, guys...what do you think of it? I tried to make it cute and fluffy, but I amazingly failed right? X'DDD
Please tell me your opinion of it >___<

Now you see how much I get bored at family celebrations .___. I end up daydreaming about random things LOL X'DD

ANYWAYS~~ thanks for reading <33



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Chapter 1: Hehe ryeowookie
Chapter 1: Aigoo!!!! Ryeowook Oppa is so cute!!! It's really cute and sweet story! Author-nim is daebak!!! ♥ XD