The Ball: Part 2

Not So Much of a Fairy Tale


Kyuhyun was tapping his feet impatiently as he waited for his grandmother to arrive. He was already at the hotel lounge and every minute, he would check outside if his grandma’s car already arrived. Her grandmother really knew how to annoy him. She knew very well that he hated waiting; that he was the “shortest-tempered grandson” but still she was doing it. Of course, Kyuhyun could not complain.


Meanwhile in Madame Cho’s car…


“Kyuhyun-oppa must be very impatient right now.” Seohyun commented. She looked at the time on the digital clock on the car’s dashboard. It was already 15 minutes past eight. According to Victoria’s message, Kyuhyun arrived at the place at around 7:45 which would only mean that he had already been waiting there for thirty minutes, just enough, well more than enough to irritate him.


“Let him wait once in a while. Don’t spoil him much. Besides there was no more contract so you do not have to worry about punishments. He is a man. He does the waiting,” Madame Cho said.


 Then the car pulled over and Seohyun saw Kyuhyun pacing back at forth at the hotel lounge. Kyuhyun soon noticed the black Sedan car parked in front. Seohyun could sense his irritation when she saw his two eyebrows meeting at the middle and he was glaring at their direction.


Madame Cho was the one who got out of the car first, assisted by her butler-slash-driver.  Seohyun was astonished when she saw Madame Cho greeting Kyuhyun’s glare with a wide smile. He never saw Kyuhyun sending dagger looks with that intense fierce. If she were in that position, she would definitely want to scram off. Of course Madame Cho is his grandmother, thus she had the higher authority so she really had the guts to face him. Lesson learned: Never ever make Cho Kyuhyun wait for more than 15 minutes unless Madame Cho is with you.


“Sorry to make you wait, grandson,” Madame Cho said.


Kyuhyun’s mood had already been bad throughout the day. First, there was this event that he did not want to attend. Second, despite knowing how impatient he was, his grandmother still made him wait outside the lounge. Lastly, here was his grandmother standing before him still wearing her office dress and that infuriated him more.


“Why are you still not in a formal dress, grandma? Do you know what time is it already? Do you know how long I have waited here, grandma?” Kyuhyun asked trying to sound as respectful as possible.


Madame Cho was never shaken by Kyuhyun. She seemed to enjoy watching him instead.


“I am sorry grandson, I am so busy I am afraid I cannot come with you,” Madame Cho said.


So I am coming alone now? Just my luck,” Kyuhyun said. How can he endure himself alone at that boring function, faking smile with everyone and mingling with them as if he wanted to be there in the first place? That was what he asked himself.


“Of course, I will not allow you to be alone and lonely. I provided a date for you.” Madame Cho replied with a smile.


Okay, that was worse than he expected.


“Grandma, I thought we have talked about this already. I don’t need a new date! You will stop setting up dates for me, remember?” He whispered loudly.


“Who told you I am setting you up for another date? Of course, I chose someone you are comfortable with.” Madame Cho said.


Kyuhyun knitted his eyebrows once again. “Who?”


Madame Cho motioned her butler to open the back door of the car. His mystery date got off the car very carefully and in a very ladylike way. Madame Cho stepped aside and Kyuhyun got a full view of her. He could not believe his eyes. Is that really Seohyun? He gaped at her.


It felt like everything went into slow motion when she started walking towards him. Her soft locks that bounced in rhythm with her every step, her eyes that added a sparkle to the starry evening, and her small shy smile that’s so pure… these are the things that got him so mesmerized. He was completely captivated by her elegant charm.

Seohyun was already a beauty in her plain clothes and now that she was all dressed up, she had transformed into a princess.


“Oppa, your mouth is hanging open,” Seohyun said pointing at his half-opened mouth. Seohyun chuckled at his expression, waking him up from his trance. He did not even notice that she was already right in front of her. She was simply stunning. On the other side, Seohyun took the time he was spacing out to observe him. He was wearing a perfectly-tailored black suit with a white polo underneath and a black velvet tie. He had undeniably become more handsome than ever, a prince charming in her dreams.


“Oh… uhm… yeah,” Kyuhyun stammered with his words while his mind was still comprehending her statement. Then he closed his mouth when his brain was finally able to process her words. 


“Kyuhyun, did I not teach you some etiquette? What are you doing still standing there? Seohyun inside,” Madame Cho told her grandson.


“Oh… yeah… right.” Kyuhyun wanted to mentally hit himself. What happened to him? Why was his brain working so slow tonight? Snap back to your senses, Kyuhyun. He told himself.


Kyuhyun lent a hand to guide Seohyun climb the last step of the staircase. He offered his arm to Seohyun for her to hold. Seohyun then linked her arms with him and together they climbed another huge spiral staircase and walked towards the hall.


“You look great,” Seohyun said quickly. Kyuhyun took a short glance of her. “Thanks,” Kyuhyun replied to her compliment. “You, too. You look wonderful tonight.” He muttered bashfully which made Seohyun flush.


They reached the hall. There were two ushers dressed in navy blue Chinese-collar suit standing on the either side of the two-door entrance. Kyuhyun showed them the invitation and Seohyun followed suit. They opened the door for them and as soon as they swung the door wide, Seohyun was completely enthralled by the magnificence of the hall. Numerous golden chandeliers were suspended from the ceiling and it gave the place a dreamy glow. Glass-paneled wall that spanned from the floor to the ceiling surrounded the place. Not to mention, the other guests who wore their most glamorous wardrobe. This was a modern-day ball and never did she expect that she would be able to attend a formal party like this. A girl like her who grew up in an orphanage thought that this would stay as only a dream forever.


“Shall we go in?” Kyuhyun asked her. She simply nodded. The moment they stepped in, a hundred of heads turned toward their direction. Seohyun was surprised.


“Why is everyone staring at us?” she asked in a hushed voice. “It’s not us. It’s you they’re staring at,” Kyuhyun told her.  Now that he mentioned it, Seohyun finally got what he meant. They were all eyes on her. Of course, who would not be dazzled? Her simple radiance just added more glow in the hall. She was a headturner anywhere they went even though she did not quite notice it.


However, Seohyun saw something beyond their stares, particularly from the female guests. They weren’t staring at her. They were glaring at her, the murderous kind. She could not help but tug at Kyuhyun’s suit. “Scary…” she muttered under her breath. Kyuhyun looked at them. He presumed, more than a handful of female guests would get heartbroken tonight.


“Never mind them. They are just not used seeing me attend this party accompanied by a girl except for grandma. Usually, I came with Yesung-hyung if grandma was not available. It just breaks their heart to see that one of Madame Cho’s bachelors was already quote-and-quote taken,” Kyuhyun said.


Kyuhyun turned his attention to the male guests. If Seohyun was bothered with the female guests looking daggers at her, Kyuhyun, on the other hand, was bothered by the male guests who kept eyeing Seohyun. For those who arrived as couples, their partners were already getting irritated because they all had their attention on Seohyun. They were looking at her with the desire to be in Kyuhyun’s place.


“Stay closer beside me,” Kyuhyun whispered to her.


“Won’t that be-“ Seohyun tried to protest (she feared for her dear life; those girls… they were really scary) but Kyuhyun cut her off.


“I told you, never mind them,” he said to her. Seohyun looked at him hesitantly. Kyuhyun got impatient. He lowered his arm and went for Seohyun’s hand and he held it, his fingers interlocking with hers. With a quick tug, he pulled Seohyun closer to her, her dress and his suit rubbing against each other.  He smugly smirked at those guys as they walked past them hand in hand as he greeted the other guests and introduced Seohyun. Seohyun could not help but turn into a shade of rosy pink whenever Kyuhyun introduced her as “his lovely friend”.


“Just a lovely friend eh? Not a girlfriend or a fiancée, perhaps?” The older attendees would .


“Who knows?” Kyuhyun quipped. “But it depends upon her approval of course.” He looked lovingly at Seohyun (who was blushing harder than ever) and held onto her hand tighter. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see the jealous faces of both the ladies and the gentlemen. After several more hi’s and hello’s, a few more introductions and mingling, they decided to take a seat, Kyuhyun still not leaving her side except for the time she excused herself to go to the comfort room. It was too late for her to realize the reason behind Kyuhyun sticking to her always.


The moment she stepped out of the comfort room, she stumbled upon a foot, a foot which was purposely put there for her to trip over. She felt her ankle twist as she tried to break her fall. Good thing, two hands reached her back and caught her. She looked up and saw the face of Kyuhyun, his eyes were frightening like he could hurt someone right there. The girl who had caused her fall cowered to the corner and was mumbling her apology.


“Mianhae, Kyuhyun-oppa. It will never happen again,” she said.


“You better stick to what you say,” he said grimly.


Seohyun stood unsteadily beside him with her hand on his shoulder for support. Kyuhyun put his arms around her to guide her. However, her foot hurts everytime she took a step. Kyuhyun perceived it and he carried Seohyun in his arms in bridal style.


“Just a little accident,” he muttered to the persons that they passed by. They proceeded outside into the balcony, the only place which was deprived of the party noise. Kyuhyun let Seohyun sit on one of the unused chairs stored hidden behind the walls of the balcony.


Seohyun settled herself on the upholstered chair while Kyuhyun, with the assistance from the caterer’s staff, put a cold compress over her ankle and massaged it.


“How are you feeling now?” he asked.


“The pain has subsided already, I think I’m okay now,” Seohyun answered.


“Are you sure?” he asked worriedly. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure. Just a little hungry, maybe.” Seohyun smiled at him. She bit her lip; her stomach was quite beginning to grumble. Kyuhyun chuckled at her. He looked around but the staff member who helped him was nowhere to be seen. They were too busy entertaining the guests inside the hall.


“Okay, I will get some food, but are you sure you will be fine to be alone here?” He asked Seohyun. Seohyun could understand his reluctance. The last time she was out of his sight, which was not so long ago, she got into trouble.


“The guests are all busy inside the hall. I guess I will be fine here. Don’t worry much.” Seohyun said. Kyuhyun was now half-wishing his grandmother let them have at least one of his security personnel.


“Okay, but if something happens, don’t hesitate to scream. Shout my name, okay?” Kyuhyun told her. He gave her a soft pat on the cheek before he went back inside the hall.


Outside the balcony, she could hear the faint sound of the orchestra playing. The lights of the hall started to dim and tiny soft-colored spotlights wandered around the room. The dance was already about to start. She walked near to siderail, still slightly limping. She heard some footsteps behind and thought that it was Kyuhyun.


“Oppa?” She whirled around only to see a different man standing there. With a glass of wine in his hand, he sauntered towards her. “How come a beautiful lady is not enjoying the party inside?” he asked her. The scene with the drunken man from before suddenly flashed in her mind, that very scary rainy night when Kyuhyun came to rescue her and she had to agree to be his fake girlfriend in return. She also hoped that this time, Kyuhyun would also arrive in time.


“I am completely fine here,” Seohyun nervously said as she sidled along the siderail.


“Want to have some drinks?” he asked, also edging closer to Seohyun. Seohyun kept hobbling backward until she reached the other end of the balcony.


“Thanks, but no thanks. I don’t drink,” She said, faking a smile. He did not look like a harmless guy to her. If only her foot was in perfect condition, she could have kicked him already. As long as he did not get near and laid a hand on her, it would be fine.


“I’ll just provide you some company, then,” the guy said.


“Sorry but I already have a companion,” Seohyun answered but the guy did not seem to be listening to her. The guy leaned closer so that his face was only inches away from hers. She could not move farther because she already reached the dead end. He ran his fingers along her bare arm. She was about to scream when…


“Excuse me,” a guy said loudly, his voice could not contain his contempt for such an act. He saw him ogling at her and he knew by the way he looked at her that it was not just an innocent admiration.


“Kyuhyun-oppa,” Seohyun breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing him. The guy looked at him with enormous dislike.


“I will just ruin your moment,” Kyuhyun said, “because… that girl is mine.” He clearly put an emphasis on the word ‘mine.’ He gave him a piercing look as he walked forward. The guy backed off when Kyuhyun reached beside Seohyun.


“And don’t you dare touch my girl,” Kyuhyun said, putting his arm around her waist. Seohyun looked at the arm that was wrapped around herself. Her heart skipped a beat when he pulled her closer.    


“Fine,” the guy said as he left. Seohyun’s eyes traveled from Kyuhyun’s face to the arm that was still wrapped around her.


“Oppa, you can let go of me now,” Seohyun said and Kyuhyun quickly lifted his arm off her. “Thank you,” she added.


“Sorry, I took so long. There were a couple of girls who asked me to dance. I had to get away from them.”  Kyuhyun said.


“It’s okay, oppa. You arrive just in time.” Seohyun told him. “I am still very grateful.” There was a long pause with them just looking into each other’s eyes with the moonlight beautifully illuminating them. It just ended when Seohyun broke into a laugh. Kyuhyun looked so serious and so deep.


“You lose,” Kyuhyun said.


“So is that a game?” Seohyun asked.


“Okay, that was just random,” he said.


“I know,” she replied. Silence again.


Although there was just only silence, their glances to each other kept sending secret messages to each other, messages that their heart easily understood but their mind could not quite relay into words.  


“Let’s get out of here,” Kyuhyun suddenly said.


“Where?” Seohyun asked.


“Just… somewhere. Let’s escape this party.” He held out his hand and Seohyun grabbed it and together they ran to the backdoor unnoticeable by the guests.



End of The Chapter

Next Chapter: The Sweet Escape

Happy Anniversary WIres!!!

High-10 for SeoKyu!!!

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Chapter 1: share more please
ikaelf #2
Chapter 46: AMAZING AMAZING AND AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!
ikaelf #3
Chapter 44: OMG I'M SPEECHLESS *grinned* all that I can say is AMAZING ! omgggg thank you so much for making this beautiful seokyu fanfic, I really really reaally love it. and you know what. I can smile and cry at the same time just because reading your fanfic! OMG SERIOUSLY YOU'RE JJANG AUTHORNIM ({})
ditarizky11 #4
Chapter 46: i just found this fanfic. omg its so great fanfic :)
Chapter 46: Just finished re-reading this for the 5th time *grinned* still amazing and mesmerizing....
And now I can sleep happily ever after XD
yulyoonhyoseo #6
Chapter 46: wahhhh~ finished Re-Reading it !! i swear i never regretted to read this again !! this is soooo Amazing !! keep up the good work Author-nim !!
SeoKyu and YulSung Daebak !!
yulyoonhyoseo #7
actually this is the Very First Fanfic i've ever read here at AFF and this ff is the reason why I'm so addicted to all fanfics here at AFF and I've already finished this ff along time ago and whenever i'm listening or watching SEOUL mv i remember this ff so i decided to read it again and this ff is also the reason why i shipped YulSung and shipped SeoKyu more !! ^__^v
Chapter 46: Woww!! This is just so good! This is the first time i read this, and i'm sure i will re-read this fic tomorrow :) love this!
Chapter 46: all i can say to this story is WOW!!!! :)
This is the 4th time I read this, lol. Everytime I hear seoul song, I ALWAYS feel want to read this again and ended up going to aff and read this fic again and again. This is the bestest best seo-kyu FF FOREVER. So realistic, romantic, fantastic elastic, lol. Btw, thankyou for making such a wonderful story author-nim.