Start of Something New

Not So Much of a Fairy Tale


Yesung woke up the next day only to find Kyuhyun preparing his luggage at the living room. He was also all-dressed up with his coat on and ready to leave.


“What are you doing?” Yesung asked Kyuhyun.


“Can’t you see? I’m packing and I’m leaving. I’m going back to Incheon or better yet I’ll just rebook my ticket so that I can leave for Europe today,” Kyuhyun replied.


No way. Yesung would not allow Kyuhyun to do such a stupid thing. What did he do to have such a stubborn cousin? He walked immediately to the door and stood there with outstretched arms, thus blocking the way.


“What the heck are you doing?!” Kyuhyun yelled at him.


“Can’t you see? I am stopping you from leaving, stupid!” Yesung said. Kyuhyun responded with a death glare. “Step out of the way, you backstabber! Double-crosser!”


“I WON’T!!!” Yesung replied.


Kyuhyun ruffled his hair in frustration. “Why the heck are all the people insisting Seohyun to be with me?!”



“BUT I’VE ALREADY TOLD YOU SHE HATES ME! Seohyun’s tired of me hyung… “ Kyuhyun sank on the couch, his eyes were both teary. “Just like Gyuri…”


Yesung could not help but symphatize with his cousin. He sat by his side and tried to console him. “She never said that she hates you. You might just misunderstand what she really feels. Seohyun is not Gyuri. She’s a different person.”


“But I can’t allow myself to fall in love again. I’ll just leave…” Kyuhyun said as he pulled himself up and started walking to the door. However, Yesung stopped him by holding on to his arm.


“You are not going anywhere. You have to tell Seohyun your feelings!!!” Yesung said.


“Let me go hyung!!!” He said annoyingly while trying to escape from Yesung’s grip. “She already has Yonghwa! He will be more suitable for her… not like…” He faltered not finishing his sentence.


“What are you so afraid of?” Yesung asked. “You are just giving away Seohyun without a fight? What happened to what you said last night?! That Seohyun is the girl that is able to make you feel what it’s like to live a life… that she is able to crack inside your shell and that she is able to make you appreciate life and… love. WHAT HAPPENED TO THOSE WORDS?!!! WHAT IF SHE FEELS THE SAME WAY TOO?!!! WHAT IF SHE IS JUST WAITING FOR YOU?!!! WHAT IF SHE’S HURTING TOO? DON’T YOU REALIZE THAT POSSIBILITY?!!!”


“They are all what if’s…  All uncertainties.” Kyuhyun said.


“Nothing is really certain with love,” Yesung answered.


“… and that’s what I’m really afraid of… You can call me coward but I’m sorry hyung, I’m leaving… I’m better off on my own.” Yesung loosen his grip knowing that Kyuhyun has already found his resolve and will not listen to anything more that he will say. He just watched his dongsaeng walked out of the door. Yesung felt a great burden in his heart but he knows that what Kyuhyun was feeling now was many times greater than what he felt.


“I don’t understand if he’s a masochist. He just keeps hurting himself.” Yesung muttered to himself.



Minutes later…


“Yeoboseyo,” Yesung flatly answered his phone.  “Yesung-ah,where’s Kyuhyun?” Madame Cho asked him.


“He left like he always does…” Yesung answered with a sigh. “What?!!! YOU DIDN’T STOP HIM!!!” Madame Cho screamed on the other end of the line.


“I tried to but he just won’t listen,” Yesung cried in frustration.  Toot…toot…toot


… and then there was silence.


Yesung looked at his phone and there were the words “PHONE CALL ENDED” written on the screen.


“Thank you grandma for hanging up on me without even saying goodbye,” Yesung said as he placed his phone back at the table and lie back on the couch.



Madame Cho quickly set aside her files and piled them at the corner of her desk. Just in time, Victoria arrived and entered in her office to submit her resignation letter.


“Madame Cho, here is my resig-“ Victoria said, handing the single sheet of paper to Madame Cho but she ignored it.


“Victoria, please, call the driver quick! Tell him that we will go to Incheon Airport.” Madame Cho said while she grabbed her shoulder bag.


Madame Cho was getting more and more uneasy with every minute that she spent staying inside the car waiting for them to finally reach the airport at the fastest time possible.


“Go faster!” Madame Cho ordered her driver. The driver stared back at his employer. It was the first time that he had seen Madame Cho panicking like this. She usually had that calm composure.


“But Madame, we have reached a campus zone, we must slow down,” he replied.


“But we need to catch up K-“ Madame Cho was not able to finish her sentence for suddenly, a figure passed by their car. They were both distracted that they did not notice that there was a person crossing the street.




The car gave a sudden jerk and made a full stop.


“What happened?” Madame Cho asked.


“I think… I think… we h-hit someone, Madame,” the driver replied. He was getting pale and cold sweat was slowly trickling down his forehead.


“Go check if that someone is okay…” Madame Cho told her driver who was now starting to tremble. The driver got off the car, his whole body nervously shaking. He was worrying if that person was severely injured.


“Excuse me miss, a-are you o-okay?” he asked with a shaky voice. Deep inside his thought, he told himself, “Of course, she isn’t okay. She cannot even manage to stand on her own.” Madame Cho soon followed her driver out of the car. She looked around and one by one, people were starting to gather, curious of what had happened. She shifted her eyes to the young lady who has fallen to her knees at the middle of the street. “She’s very familiar,” she thought. She stepped closer and then she finally realized who it was.



Kyuhyun watched the buildings rapidly fading away on the background as he sat on the backseat of the cab on the way to the airport. He wished that his memories will also just fade away like that. Suddenly, a phone call distracted him from his thoughts.


“Kyuhyun, something happened to Seohyun!”


“What?” Kyuhyun couldn’t believe what he just heard. In an instant, all of the pride that he had held on, he let it all go. All of the fears of loving someone, he left it all behind for it was replaced by another fear, greater than the latter… the fear of losing someone…forever.


“Excuse me,” Kyuhyun called the attention of the cab driver. A sense of urgency could be found in his voice. “Can we go back please?”



Seohyun slowly opened her eyes and the first thing that she saw was a blinding light. When her sense of sight had finally recovered and got used to the brightness, she looked at her surroundings and then she realized that she was in a private room of a hospital. She closed her eyes again trying to recall what happened.


Her Yuri-unnie was scolding her about how she had not taken any breakfast that day. They were at the canteen and Yuri was urging her to eat something but she refused everything. “I am not hungry, unnie,“ she said. But Yuri was not convinced. Yuri had noticed that these past few days, Seohyun had been losing her appetite for food. “You are not eating well recently. Where is the health conscious Seohyun I know?” her unnie said to her. “You might get sick with what you’re doing.”


“I’ll be fine, unnie. Just don’t worry about me, okay?!” she replied. She walked out of the canteen. She wanted to be alone and there was only one place in her mind where she could possibly go.


She remembered crossing the street. However when she was in the middle of the road, she was beginning to get dizzy. Everything seems to be spinning around her. She closed her eyes but it did not stop the sensation. She was not able to take it anymore… her legs gave way and she fell down the pavement.




…a car abruptly halted behind her.


An old man approached him but she could not see his face properly for everything was a blur to her. He asked him something but she could not catch it up because all she could hear was the buzzing in her ears. Then another person came out of the car. She seemed to be familiar but she couldn’t quite make it out. The old woman stepped closer and just when she was about to realize who it was, she passed out.


 “Seohyun-shi, do you remember what happened?” The door opened and Madame Cho went inside. “I’m glad that you woke up.”


“How are you? We almost run over you… My God, I’m really glad that you’re safe,” Madame Cho approached her and took a seat next to her. “Are you feeling okay now?” She looked at her with overflowing concern in her eyes as she held her hand.


“I’m fine, Madame,” Seohyun answered softly, looking away. Of all the people that could possibly passed by that street at that exact time, of all the people that could possibly run over her, why must it be Madame Cho? Fate really loves picking on her. She could not help but feel guilty while seeing the care in her eyes knowing that she had to push her away. She looked away thinking of the possible lines that she would unwillingly recite as an excuse for Madame Cho.


“Madame Cho,” Seohyun turned back at Kyuhyun’s grandmother. “I guess you already know the situation that I and your grandson are in. We have already ended our—“


“Contract,” Madame Cho answered smilingly. Seohyun was shocked hearing that from her. She wondered how and when did she know.


“I know the truth for a quite some time already. I actually played along your small skit. It’s actually quite… interesting,” Madame Cho said. Seohyun stared at her in disbelief. She never thought that Madame Cho could be this scheming. “I can see through my grandsons’ actions. I am their grandmother, after all,” she added.


Before, Seohyun was worried that if Kyuhyun’s grandmother would know the truth, she would get mad. However she was wrong. Grandma seemed to enjoy them watching their pretense. “I’m sorry for lying. We did not mean to make a fool out of you, halmeonim.” Seohyun bowed apologetically at her.


“You don’t have to say sorry, I think I am the one that should apologize for my grandson for dragging you into this,” she said although deep inside, she was actually thankful that he did. “Your friend Yuri is the real blind date of Kyuhyun, right? Coincidentally, she is also the childhood friend of my other grandson Yesung and is now his girlfriend. Isn’t it amazing how a streak of fate can bring two persons together? I believe there is always a reason behind every fateful meeting.” 


Seohyun wondered where this conversation was going and what exactly Madame Cho was trying to point out. She also wondered if Kyuhyun also knew. As if reading her mind, Madame Cho said, “Kyuhyun already knows that I know. I am kinda hoping that you and Kyuhyun can renew your relationship. I mean you can begin as friends and treat the contract as null and void. You can be friends instead of just being “partners in crime”. My first impression of you was really good. To be honest, I was disappointed when you started to act differently and when I found out the truth, I was really relieved that it was all just a fake.”


Renew their relationship? Begin as friends? Impossible. That’s impossible. The damage has been done. They both hurt each other and if there was ever a probability to restore it, it would be the least percentage possible. How she wanted to cry again during that time if only Madame Cho wasn’t there.


“Can you do me a favor?” Madame Cho asked. “The doctor said that you will be release today. Can I ask if you could stay at our home even for one night? Take it as a way for me to make up for Kyuhyun and for what happened earlier.”


“But- But- you don’t understand Madame, we had some misun-“


“Misunderstandings? It’s better then, I can call Kyuhyun to talk with you.” Madame Cho held her hand. “Seohyun, I insist.”



As soon as Kyuhyun arrived at the mansion, he dumped his luggage on the floor and climbed up to the second floor taking two steps at a time. He barged inside his grandmother’s office only to find out that Victoria was the only person there. “What happened to Seohyun?! Where’s grandmother?” he asked.


Victoria chuckled at the sight of Kyuhyun panicking. “Looks like somebody is really worried,” she said.


“Don’t tell me you are just joking.” Kyuhyun gave her a warning look.


“No, I’m not. Grandma’s car almost hit Seohyun while she’s on the way to catch you up in the airport,” Victoria replied.


“So… is it… my fault?” Kyuhyun mumbled as he looked down.


“No it isn’t,” Yesung interrupted their conversation. “But you’re free to feel guilty,” he added sarcastically. He was still obviously irritated of what just happened that early morning.


“Just ignore your cousin. Don’t worry, Seohyun is safe. In fact, any minute they will be here by now.” Victoria said while Yesung went away.


They?” Kyuhyun asked her. “Yes. Grandma and Seohyun,” Victoria answered. “Oh! Here they are now.” Kyuhyun turned around and found himself face to face with Seohyun.


“What is she doing here?” he asked his grandmother. “I invited her to stay for the night. By the way, she already knew that I know about the contract. How about you? What are you doing here? Are you moving in? I saw your luggage downstairs,” Madame Cho said although they both know what was the real reason behind the luggage downstairs. Kyuhyun stood there, unable to say a single thing. Of course, knowing Kyuhyun Madame Cho knew his grandson would not admit it. He would be too embarrassed to say it.


“So if you would excuse us, I have to introduce Seohyun to Victoria.” Kyuhyun stepped outside and heaved a big sigh. This will be a long day. He was trapped.



The day passed by with Kyuhyun playing hide and seek with Seohyun. During mealtime, there was always an awkward silence between them. Kyuhyun was always trying to focus on eating his food to avoid eye contact with Seohyun who was just sitting across the table. There always seem to be an imperceptible wall between the two of them.


Then night came, Seohyun, who was not able to fall asleep, decided to go to the balcony which was overlooking to the vast and beautiful garden below. The moon was shining brightly that night surrounded by the glittering stars. The scent of the flowers from the garden lingers in the air as the wind softly carried them. Everything was very serene. Seohyun could not help but wished her heart would be as calm as this evening. Unexpressed emotions kept stirring in her chest waiting to explode. It just frustrates her that everytime she took a step forward, Kyuhyun would step back and avoid her.


“Can’t sleep?” Someone asked her from behind. She turned around and it was Victoria. “Are you worried about Kyuhyun?” she asked. “He still has not talked to you yet, has he?”


Seohyun shook her head. “Let me tell you something. I’m sure he did not want you to know about this.” Victoria walked toward her and stood next to her. Both of them looked at the garden. “He was really worried when he heard of what happened to you. Did you know that he planned to leave today, however upon hearing that some sort of accident happened to you, he immediately went back. You know, I have never seen him panic like that.” Seohyun looked at her doubting if this really happened.


“You can’t believe it, right? He might often show his cold side but he is really caring when it comes to the person who is special to him. You must understand that hidden beneath that stone façade is a very fragile heart.” Victoria said as she smiled at Seohyun and put her hand on her shoulder.


Unknown to the two ladies, two persons were also watching them secretly. “I don’t know what happened between the two of you after that incident, but the two of you deserves to talk.” Madame Cho told her grandson.


“What’s the use?” Kyuhyun asked. “You both have shared some moments together. You can’t just throw it away. Kyuhyun, I will not allow you to escape this time because I know that both of you can still work things out.” Madame Cho answered. Victoria left Seohyun and when she was leaving, she saw Kyuhyun and Madame Cho talking. Madame Cho saw her and both of them signaled Kyuhyun to go to her.


Seohyun ran her hand on the cold handrail when suddenly her hand met another’s hand. She looked up to see the owner of that hand.“I’m sorry for insulting your friend, for insulting Yonghwa.” Kyuhyun said. Seohyun could see the sincerity in his eyes.


“I’m sorry too for the things I’ve said to you.” Seohyun answered. “I did not mean to say those things. I was carried away by my emotions at that moment.” Tears started rolling down her cheek.


“You… do not… hate me?” Kyuhyun asked. Seohyun bit her lower lip and shook her head. “Not at all…” Then she looked at him and smiled a little. “Or… maybe a bit,” she said.


“The first answer is enough already,” Kyuhyun whined. “Will you stop crying like a child?” He said as he wiped her tears away and Seohyun could feel shivers down her spine at his light touch.


“What’s wrong?” He asked as Seohyun froze in her spot. “No-nothing. Perhaps I just miss my evil master.”


“Shall we start again… Seo?” Kyuhyun said while offering his hand.


“Ne, Kyu-oppa.” Seohyun replied taking his hand into hers.


APPLAUSE!!!! For Grandma and Vic's job well done!!! 

I'm sorry for the late update because I was busy spazzing with SeoKyu NY duet!!! OMO!!! It is just like a wedding/engagement picture...

credit as tagged.

About the preview I posted on the last chapter. I decided to put it on the next chapter... The grand ball is coming... 

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Chapter 1: share more please
ikaelf #2
Chapter 46: AMAZING AMAZING AND AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!
ikaelf #3
Chapter 44: OMG I'M SPEECHLESS *grinned* all that I can say is AMAZING ! omgggg thank you so much for making this beautiful seokyu fanfic, I really really reaally love it. and you know what. I can smile and cry at the same time just because reading your fanfic! OMG SERIOUSLY YOU'RE JJANG AUTHORNIM ({})
ditarizky11 #4
Chapter 46: i just found this fanfic. omg its so great fanfic :)
Chapter 46: Just finished re-reading this for the 5th time *grinned* still amazing and mesmerizing....
And now I can sleep happily ever after XD
yulyoonhyoseo #6
Chapter 46: wahhhh~ finished Re-Reading it !! i swear i never regretted to read this again !! this is soooo Amazing !! keep up the good work Author-nim !!
SeoKyu and YulSung Daebak !!
yulyoonhyoseo #7
actually this is the Very First Fanfic i've ever read here at AFF and this ff is the reason why I'm so addicted to all fanfics here at AFF and I've already finished this ff along time ago and whenever i'm listening or watching SEOUL mv i remember this ff so i decided to read it again and this ff is also the reason why i shipped YulSung and shipped SeoKyu more !! ^__^v
Chapter 46: Woww!! This is just so good! This is the first time i read this, and i'm sure i will re-read this fic tomorrow :) love this!
Chapter 46: all i can say to this story is WOW!!!! :)
This is the 4th time I read this, lol. Everytime I hear seoul song, I ALWAYS feel want to read this again and ended up going to aff and read this fic again and again. This is the bestest best seo-kyu FF FOREVER. So realistic, romantic, fantastic elastic, lol. Btw, thankyou for making such a wonderful story author-nim.