Dear Luhan,

To Luhan........ From: An international fangirl


How are you? I hope you are doing fine. An idol life isn't easy.. You can no longer live normally, you have to dedicate your almost everyday life to practice and to entertain people.

It must be tiring, a little frustrating and sometimes, heartbreaking. So with that, I hope you are still able to take good care of your health. Eat in time, have a good night sleep, stuffs like those.


Oh well, it's really crazy that I had been asking and telling you these things in this letter when in the first place, I'm not even sure that the existence of this letter and the writer of it would be known to you.

I don't even know if there will be a chance you would.

All I am sure of and do know right now is that thousands of miles separates us and all I can do is sit here, write this letter while wondering where you are right now, and daydream about you. Though I bet you're probably asleep considering it's about 2 in the morning there.

The truth is, i really like you.. a lot.

We haven't met personally but I know few good things about you. Things that made me fall for you harder.


I mentioned a while ago that Idol's life is hard. Well it's not easy for us fangirls as well.

It's not easy to stare at someone something you wanted so badly but you don't know how to have them.

It may sound simple but it's  heartbreaking. Same as seeing you laughing and enjoying with other girls while we sit in front of the laptop and wish we were them. So as imagining you having a girlfriend or dating anyone. I know we don't have any right to be jealous or anything, and if that we truly care about you, we then should be happy of whatever your choice in your life. But, we're humans too. Those feelings are hard to shrug off.


It's also sad that we do differ in many things.. well, almost everything.

The timezone,

our nationality,

probably our beliefs and traditions..

And many other little things that I don't know at the moment.


But still, as I look outside the window to the beautiful starry night sky out there, I can't help but smile.

Oceans may separate us, undefined number of distance keep us apart and my existence is yet unknown to you,


We breathe the same air.

We walk on the same earthy ground and..

We are under the same sky. Staring at the same clouds, admiring the same stars..



Besides, we'll never know what could happen, right?

Because dreams do come true..

Who knows? When someday my prayers could be granted and God would make you mine..

But until then, I'll be here and watch you shine :)


from: an international fangirl










for guys who were able to read this fic, well more like, letter of mine, thank you.

So let's all work hard, trust God and keep the faith. Because the wonderful things might sometimes take time but it's worth the wait,



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serafina91 #1
Chapter 1: =) beautiful
Chapter 1: I, like, really like this letter!
It's something any fangirl can relate into, you know? :)