Merry Ho Ho Ho U-KISS Christmas [DRABBLE]

Merry U-KISS Christmas!


HO HO HO, Merry U-KISS Christmas!

“Guyzz! It is almost Christmas!” Kevin squealed to his bandmates, who I suppose isn’t even paying attention.


“DUHHH we need to decorate! And have presents under the Christmas Tree!” Kevin said with enthusiasm bursting out from his angelic face.

“I do not want a tree. AJ might choke on green things again.” Hoon said and sighed.

“The lemongrass is very tempting, thank you very much.” AJ defended himself. Dongho snorted.

“Who had ever eaten a lemongrass before?”

“My grandma and father.”


“What a weird family you have hyung…” Dongho complimented.

“Do not want a tree. AJ and Eli might do something stupid again. Like set it on fire.”

“It would be fun though.” Eli said out loud.

“We could just hang Kiseop’s pants from the ceiling and pretend it’s a tree,” AJ suggested. The guys look at AJ who just blinked innocently.

“You’re weird, AJ.” Kiseop said and threw a pillow at him.

“I take that as a compliment.” AJ said.

“Stop taking sarcasm as compliments, AJ.”

“I see a better side of everything, Dongho. That is my nature.”

“Well, your nature stinks.” Eli said as he threw a pillow at AJ.

“I also take that as a compliment.”

“AJ takes anything as a compliment because he’s been lacking fans lately.” Dongho said as the living room erupted in giggles. AJ crossed his arms on his chest.

“Not funny, guys.”

“Sure. It’s not. It’s hilarious.” Soohyun said.

“At least I am smarter than you guys who doesn’t even know what is the 5th letter of alphabet.”

“Easy, it’s the letter E.” Kiseop said. AJ sighed.

“No, its not. It’s the letter A.” Kevin sat up at his hyung.



*Goin Tree Shoppin*

“Tell me, why do I have to go again?” Eli groaned.

“Because, we need someone to carry the tree on the van and all.” Soohyun reasoned.

“What? You guys are sissies to carry it yourselves?” Eli snorted back as he was nudged on the ribs by Kevin.

“Get in mood, Eli.” Kevin said. “It’s Christmas, so don’t ruin it like the Halloween party.”

“In fact, I was wondering. How did you get pumpkin smushed all over the living room anyway?” Dongho piped in. AJ and Eli smirked.



“No, Hoon. This tree is too-“ Before Soohyun can finish what he was saying, he was cut off.

“Expensive?” Kiseop finished.

“No, it’s too-“

“Big and AJ might choke on small parts?” Dongho said and yawned.

“Or Eli would find something to tease on Kevin with the tree?” Hoon guessed. Soohyun made a face.

“You guys are losers.”

“Hyung! You said that like after 10 rows of freaking trees. This is the last row.” AJ groaned. They were all bored and tortured… Except for Kevin who insists on buying little santa hats for everyone.

“Guys! You have to be festive!” Kevin said cheerfully. Kiseop snorted.

“You are the only one who’s excited to see our suffering, Kevin.”

“Yeah, and that is my job as the maknae.” Dongho said. Kevin huffed.

“But the santa hats looks cute and-“

“Look, if we agree, could you please stop bugging me with these stupid reindeer antlers?” Eli asked as he groaned.


“Here’s my credit card and you go pay whatever you girls do to smell pretty.” Eli said as he shoved his credit card to Kevin.

“Yay~ Eli, you are the best!” He sang as he frolicked into the hats shop. AJ blinked at him.

“You know you just singed a death note?”


“Just buy the friggin tree already!” Kiseop whined. Hoon already sighed at the hesitating Soohyun.

“Look, hyung, lets just buy the tree so Kevin can stop torturing Eli and Dongho torturing poor Kiseop and AJ with his whines.”

“But its gonna cost me a lot.”



“So… why is this thing here?” AJ questioned as the leaves of the fake tree poked his nose. “The dust is making my nose itch.”

Since they can’t strap the tree on the roof , Soohyun just stuffed it in the van, suffocating everyone who sits at the back.  Hoon who was sitting at the passenger seat glanced pitifully at his friends.

“Sorry guys. I know it’s a tight fit.” Hoon said.

“No you don’t. You are sitting on the passenger seat. You shall never know our pain.” Kiseop said and groaned. The only one happy in the back seat of the van is Kevin.

“Eli~ I bought you the reindeer antlers!”

“No. There is no way I am going to wear that piece of junk.”

“Eli!” Kevin insisted.

“Look, I’ll wear it when the pigs start flying.” Eli assured him. Kevin pouted.

“But that will never happen.”

“Exactly. Smart boy.”


“So… How exactly are we going to decorate it?” Dongho mused. The 7 of them stared the tree that was standing proudly in its height, towering over everyone.

“Put pancakes all over it and pour maple syrup.” AJ said.

“Hyung, no, I do not want ants crawling over the place and, where should we get maple syrup? It’s not America, hyung.” Dongho replied.

“I think we should hang up cute angels and stars!” Kevin said as he clapped his hands. Kiseop eyed him.

“You know, at first it was just cute. But now,” He raised an eyebrow. “It’s just freaking annoying seeing you are the only one who enjoys this.”

“You know what, I think I’ll just start on the cake.” Hoon said as he shuffled into the kitchen.

“I’ll help.” Soohyun offered.

“No, you’ll burn down the whole place.” Hoon said as he popped his head out of the kitchen door. “I’d rather have a messy kitchen than a burnt one.”

“That wasn’t nice.”

“Who had ever said I was nice?” Hoon rolled his eyes and disappeared into the kitchen.

“Okay so who wants to hang decorations with me?” Kevin asked happily as he pointed at a box filled with decorations.

“I do. Better than watching omma and appa fight.”Dongho said as he raised his hands.

“Count us in.”

So, for the next 30 minutes, the U-KISS boys were climbing chairs and sofas to hang up paper streamers and fluffy things etc.

“Yah!” Kiseop waved the sudden waterfall of glitter on his face. “AJ, what the heck?”

“Eli said it needs glitter.” AJ shrugged as he once again poured glitter all over the tree.

“. I said ‘the damn tree does not need any glitter!’” Eli shouted. AJ stopped.

“Oh? Really?” He looked at the tree. “Well, I made it halfway. There’s no harm in continuing.”

“YAAAA Kevin hyung! You can’t tug on it so hard! You might break it!” Dongho wailed as Kevin tugged on the paper streamers hard.


“Whoops my . What if it breaks? Then I’d have to make a new one.”

“That will do you good. You could start on your homework.” Soohyun piped in.

“Shut up. At least I am smarter than you.”

“May I remind all of you that I am the smartest around here.” AJ said.

“Who says?” Eli snorted.










“Hey guys.” Kiseop called them. He was in the bathroom that night, shaving.


“I’m Santa.” He said and came out, his chin is messed up with shaving cream.

“Go and get a life hyung.”

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Chapter 1: Omo daebak!!
Chapter 1: haha nice fresh drabble~

Chapter 1: hahhaahha.....So cute and cool awesome...

I really love this ...

Kiseop is so funny at the end..
Chapter 1: Hahahah omg that was pretty funny :) Kiseop at the end though, hehehe. What a dork.
MIRaclebiased #5
Chapter 1: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL at the last sentence xD Omg xD funny story x3