
Hate is love, somehow...


2, 000~ Words



Hate is Love,





“Kyungsoo-ah, why aren’t you talking to me?” Jongin asked, seating next to the said guy around breaktime in the cafeteria. It’s just one of their typical days were Jongin would sit next to Kyungsoo and he won’t leave him until the class bell rings.

Kyungsoo just sighed and shakes his head, not even bothering to give a word or two to Jongin.



It all starts when Kyungsoo helps Jongin on cleaning the classroom; it’s when they’re in middle school. When Kyungsoo laughs, it’s all like music in his ears, and he feels happy, too, it’s like Kyungsoo is the happy pill for him. Kyungsoo will teach him all about geometry, and it’s sometimes an excuse just to have Kyungsoo all by himself, pretending not to understand their lesson for the day and ask Kyungsoo for help.

High school comes in and everything started to change, Kyungsoo starts to be busy, striving to get into the over-all top students in their school, and Jongin, he learned how to be a rebel, he learned how to have relationships, he learned how to break hearts. And Kyungsoo starts flowing out of Jongin’s grip. They both changed completely, but Jongin’s attraction to Kyungsoo never did. It’s perfectly the same. But he can’t understand why Kyungsoo starts to ignore him.

And now, he will try to get Kyungsoo back in his grip.

“Kyungsoo-ah, what happened to our friendship? Our relationship?” Jongin asked one day, spring wind blowing through their hairs as they sets to walk back home.

“Jongin, number one, there’s no us, and number two; we don’t have a relationship…”

And that’s the saddest thing Jongin heard in his life.





Jongin, slash, Kai, never gets tired of pestering Kyungsoo. The elder don’t know if he should shove him away or just let him be.

But he’s Kim Jongin, Kai. He’s perfectly impossible.

“And he’s really ridiculous.” Kyungsoo mumbled during music classes with Baekhyun, his face propped up with his hands.

“I know,” Baekhyun responded, trying to focus on his music sheet, just one more damn line and I’m done. “You don’t like him?”


“I feel you’re in denial stage.”

“Pfft. You have your Chanyeol already that’s why you speak like that.”

“Because when you’re in love, it’s love, obviously. But when you hate someone, it will short circuit your brain and the next thing you know you’re in love.”

“You’re not helping, really.” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and sighed.




Jongin is in love. Madly in love. This is the first time they see the almighty Kai of Dae Guk High madly in love. He looks like a lovestruck middle schooler.

“Yah! Kkamjong!” Chanyeol called, grinning slyly.

Jongin’s dreamy eyes are trained outside the window, not giving a little attention to his friend.

“Kyungsoo’s here!” the taller of the two shouted suddenly, making Jongin jolt out from his daydream and look around.


“Just kidding buddy~” Chanyeol said and chuckled, patting his friend’s back before sitting beside him.

The younger guy sighed, “Yeolyeol hyung, everyone’s in love with me, one-sidedly of course! But me, I’m one-sidedly in love too.”

“Then your sentence is wrong, it should be ‘most’ not ‘everyone’.”

“What should I do? I’m in love with him ever since middle school. But, I never had a chance to… He’s always annoyed when I’m around him.”

“You should confess soon Kai, maybe, he’s just denying his feelings, or he don’t have any fee—“

“Shush.” Jongin glared at his friend, “I don’t do—“

“Kai-ssi!” a girl called, “Please accept these!” she said, holding a box of chocolate and a pink scented envelope on top of it. Chanyeol looks at him, waiting what he’ll do.


“Kim Jongin!” a familiar voice shouted his voice angry. This gave Jongin an excuse to slip away from the girl and runs for the door.

“Kim Jongin, are you making fun of me?” Kyungsoo asked, holding up a basket of briefs. “They say it’s from you!”

“I’m not the one who did it! I swear!”

The elder just throws the basket to Jongin and walks away, but immediately stopped when Jongin caught his wrist.

“Wait! Why won’t you believe me?”

“Because you’re Kai.”

“What about Jongin?”

“You ask yourself. You changed. Now I hate you. Stay away from me. Please.”

“Kyungsoo! Please! Let me explain!”

“You can be cocky to other people Kai, not me.”

“Why can’t you understand the fact that I like you?  That’s why I’m sticking around you than my friends!”

“Like me? Kai, do you even know what you’re saying? Yes, fine, let’s say I gave you a chance, but little do I know that the Kai that I’m dating is chasing skirts behind me. I’m different! “ Kyungsoo sighed almost tiredly, “In freshman year, you got my hopes high when I heard that you like me, but, the next day, I heard too, that you and that little miss popular are dating and they say, ‘oh look they look so perfect together!’ and ‘look how happy they are.’” He sniffed, “So yeah, I learned that you’re not trustable especially with a heart.” Kyungsoo’s voice cracked, he walks away finally, leaving Jongin behind him.

He likes me too, back then. And I’m chasing him, when I lost him already.



Pi, theta and square roots are completely far from random name scribbling of Do Kyungsoo written in rather, messy handwriting of never-interested-in-physics Kim Jongin. How can he possibly focus in physics when he broke his heart days ago? He can’t even walk over to Kyungsoo and hold him close anymore, just the longing and heartbroken glances like a teenage girl who broke her own heart.

“Gosh Jongin you’re actually a drama queen!”

“Thanks for the nice comment Sehun.” Jongin commented half heartedly.

“Just go and talk to him you ! You’re missing the chance! Look, Suho-sunbae is getting on Kyungsoo’s nice side, and by means of nice side, he’s hitting up a chance!”

“Wait— What?”

“You heard me brother~” Sehun said and winked, “time to ditch physics, there’s two minutes before bell anyway.”

Then Jongin thought that Sehun is being a , useless friend, as always.



“Good morning students!” Suho greeted with his awfully nice smile that can light up the whole classroom. The girls squealed when they saw Suho standing in front of them. “I’ll be here to occupy Mr. Shim’s absence.” He said formally, “Rule number one, no riot, number two, no unnecessary noises, number three—“

“Suho hyung! Mr. Shim said that they should do activity number 6 on page 95!” Kyungsoo announced.

Jongin snapped up his head when the familiar voice waltzes into his ears, but he rests back his head on his arms, Kyungsoo won’t talk to me anyway.

“Yah, Kim Jongin, wake up and do the activity! Lazy student.” Kyungsoo said, looking at him.

“Uhm.. I-I…”

“No excuses!” The elder of the two pulls out the book from Jongin’s bag and places it on his desk. “All you have to do is to answer.” He smiled.

He smiled at me.

At me.

“Are you sick hyung? You hate me the other day and—“

“I’m not into hate, . Just do—“

“But, do I have a chance then?”

Kyungsoo smirked, “Maybe…”

Jongin turns to look at Suho, who just winked at him. He thought that he’s being delusional but when he turns back to look at Kyungsoo, he’s gone and now aiding a girl who gone all cutesy at him. Jongin heaved in a handful of air, trying to calm down, trying not to pull Kyungsoo away from her and say an insult that will surely burn her. Kyungsoo won’t like that.



The shady umbrella tree just behind the school’s basketball court is Kyungsoo’s hideout. Painting cherry blossoms and the smile he loves the most with words and adding some rhythm with it makes a wonderful music but he’ll just keep it to himself.

He stopped and sighs, putting down his music notebook and pencil beside him. Kim Jongin bugs the hell out of him and he can’t understand why his brain keeps telling him not to forgive him while the other tells him to forgive him already. Because he loves him and all and he— Oh crap. He never likes the subject that concerns his feelings for Jongin. Why? Because he already swore under his mother’s name he’ll never be a fool out of love. And he swore that he’ll never fall in love with a jerk. But this jerk is too hard to resist. And the butterflies in his stomach flap their wings when Jongin is around.  That is no good.

“Well then, I guess it won’t be bad for my healthy life if I let J—“Kyungsoo stopped talking to himself when he heard a soft sound coming from just behind him.

“You noticed me didn’t you?” the all too familiar voice asked from behind the tree.

“Yes. But if you didn’t talk maybe I didn’t.”

 Jongin facepalmed, “Can I… sit beside you?”


“Hyung, I’m really sorry about being like, this.” The younger of the two said, pulling up his knees and resting his head on it. Kyungsoo didn’t utter a word; Jongin is being an adolescent Jongin. “If you hate me that much, you can hit me!”

“Jongin, I don’t hit people.”

“Then, then… It’s the only choice I have in mind. I can’t say that just hate me forever because I deserve it, geez, that’s so common and I won’t like you to do that anyway.” The elder of the two chuckled, getting amused, “And… hyung, can you just, forgive me?”

“Jongin, if you just know that my stupid brain keeps on telling me that I still like you. But, I keep refusing it because—“

“I became an .” The other guy nodded, “But, I can change! You know that hyung!”

“I know Jongin, that’s why I won’t hate you forever because; I still like you even you broke my heart.” Kyungsoo mumbled the last sentence, blood rushing to his cheeks due to embarrassment. “And that’s what I hate about you, making me think of you without my permission.”

Jongin smiled, looking at him, “Hyung, please, don’t suppress your feelings, it’s killing me!”

“You killed me a long time ago…”

“I’ll be better this time.” Jongin said with a serious expression this time, “I promise.”

“You’re scaring me…” Kyungsoo joked and scoots inches away.

The younger guy pouted, “Hyung! I’m being serious here and you’re being like that!”

“Keep your promise first.”

“I will!”



“You’re serious, right?”


“Should I trus—“


“Ok ok! I’ll stop!” Kyungsoo raised his hands in surrendered, chuckling a bit.



A week passed and the two guys became inseparable, another week passed and the feelings are mutual, another week, Jongin asked Kyungsoo to be his, but Kyungsoo asked for another week to think. Jongin agreed. Then the whole month of April passed, starting a new one with March, then after the first week of the said month, Jongin asked Kyungsoo again, then he asked for a moment, then he said, “Yes.”

Jongin described this day as one of his best days, and then he remembered that the 10th of March is when Jongin said that he’ll marry Kyungsoo, when they were 7 years old.

Icky romantic but he loves it.

Kyungsoo smiled, Jongin presses it with a soft kiss. The elder blushed and slapped Jongin on his shoulder.

“I thought you don’t hit people!”

“I now do thanks to you! We’re on the corridors Kim Jongin!”

Then the taller guy just smirked.


Everyone is happy with Kyungsoo’s relationship status; from bitter to I’m in love. And it’s with Kim Jongin, a dumb as but adorable like a puppy.

Jongin’s relationship status is like written on a neon sign; I’m in love with Kyungsoo since day one, but still in love with him, and it will be till forever.

The younger guy seems to be more a romanticist than everyone had expected. Kyungsoo is plain, but he does appreciate Jongin’s romantic stuffs. Who wouldn’t? A playboy turns into a romanticist is common in movies but rare in real life.

“I thank Suho hyung for making me realize that Jongin is not a forever .” Kyungsoo giggled.

“Thanks Suho hyung.” Jongin said half-heartedly, rolling his eyes lopsidedly.

“You’re welcome Jongin~” Suho chimed, making their friends laugh, except Jongin who will never like Suho’s annoying presence.

“Oh come on! Don’t tell me you’re jealous of Suho hyung?” Jongdae grinned.




“Oh look at them—“

“Shut up!”

Then everyone laughed, loving the annoyed Jongin and annoying Jongdae. This can go on through the whole day. Kyungsoo can only grin when Jongin clings on him like he’s afraid of loosing him.

"Hey, where's Sehun?" Baekhyun asked suddenly.

"Probably in the newly opened pastry shop again." Jongin said. "Probably visiting the cute pastry chef he keeps rambling on about." 






A/N: Tired, blank, is me :))) A short KaiSoo to feed my feels. keke~ Aah seriously~ When I made this fic, im full on KaiSoo feels -w- it's like, exploding and gull I cant explain what I feel. X)

Sorry for the awfully late update >< but I hope you like it! It's1am and I'm tired. But the love for my subbies dominated keke~ do comment bbies! <333

I smell a HunHan here... Hmm... Sequel? 


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Chapter 1: feels!!! My kaisoo feels ;__; asdfghjklagskalla so cute and fluffy. I really love their relationship- and HunHan sequel :) *dies*
This is really cute. But still... it's not real. Damn haha
Chapter 2: This was so fluffy. You can never find a playboy turned to a romanticist in this world. Well there maybe a few but not that many.
I love Kaisoo so much. Hardcore shipper here~
Oh. And off to the sequel.
Chapter 2: This was so fluffy. You can never find a playboy turned to a romanticist in this world. Well there maybe a few but not that many.
I love Kaisoo so much. Hardcore shipper here~
Oh. And off to the sequel.
Chapter 1: Okay, this is just freaking adorable. Kaisoo is just so...icantevendescribetheperfectionofthisship. Off to the next sequel, lol.
Chapter 1: Omg, Kaisoo feels = over 9000. DEFINITELY checking out the sequel.
Chapter 1: This was so adorable!!! ^^
Coldsun1996 #9
Chapter 1: Loved it <33
And HUNHAN sequel pwease:))
Chapter 1: honey senpaiiiiii!