
Love Between Us


“Oh gosh… it’s not about banana ice cream anymore…” Donghae whispered.

  “I know… It’s worse…” I sighed.


Author pov

Donghae and Euna was still in schok after reading the tabliod. They were standing there staring at the page frozen, just then a fan saw them and screamed "it's Donghae and that girl he was hugging". All the shoppers attention was on them now. "" Donghae thought. He grabbed Euna hand and tried to run out but euna would not move "Lets go" donghae urged euna. Euna snapped back to realitly and ran out of the shop with the fans following them. They turned into a dark alley and hid there. The fans ran past the alley and was shouting"where are they?". At the dark alley donghae and euna was breathing hard from all that running.


Donghae pov:

"Aish" he muttered. "Kinchana  euna" He asked

"De oppa" she said breathing heavily

"umm...I'm so sorry about this" He said looking at her

"It's okay" she said


Euna pov

*I saw the picture of me and donghae hugging then suddenly some person shouted "it's donghae and the girl he was hugging" for an instance i was just frozen there and didnt knew what to but donghae grabbed my hand and tried to run but my feet didnt move. Donghae urged me to run so i ran  with the fans following us. we turned into a dark alley and stayed there until the fans disapperead.

"Aish" I could hear donghae mutter *he'll probably get into trouble because of me* "Kinchana euna" He asked me. *How can he worry about me when he'll get into trouble. I wasn't fine but I dont want him to worry.

"De oppa" I said breathing heavely.

"Umm...i'm sorry" he apologised to me *I should be the one to apologise to you oppa*

"It's okay oppa" I replied

"so....." Ring ding dong ring ding dong went donghae mobile


Phone conversation:

D: Yobosaeyo hyung

MH: Yah where the hell are you right now? Do you know you're in load of trouble?

D: De... i know I'm in trouble umm i'm in an alley near the Gamearcade with Euu..nnaa

MH: Good then bring her along and we'll deal with this trouble.

D: ~Arasso~ *He hanged up. he must be really angry to tell me to bring euna with me*


Author pov:

As donghae and his manager were having conversation on the phone. you could hear his manager shouting at made you feel more guilty. Donghae helped you stand up and told you that they were going to see his manager.




I'm the co-author xinee16.

this chapter since  I didnt have any idea what to write so i asked elfishy dongsaeng and she gave me this idea but I couldnt write it nicley so the chapter but i will do my best in the coming future....


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elfishy #1
Chapter 1: thanks for commenting. I'm super busy here that I can't update anything yet. Thanks a lot guys :D @-qrownie @eunhxette @xAnnieRyeowookx
love this story
Chapter 12: Update plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I really like your story plzz update soon but for my advice its better if it has more jelousy moments I like that..that's all saranghae
elfishy #5
whoa~ my co-author did it well :)<br />
I like it so much. maybe just need some fix in the punctuation mark like dot, comma, question mark, exclamation mark, etc..<br />
for reader: comment often please and thanks to @hotkey for comment often :)
Awwww Don't be guilty :(
elfishy #7
@hotkey & @wildbubblerificster thanks for read it and comment ^_^ hope you will continue reading :) thanks <3
Awwww I really wish their problem would be fixed soon~<br />
<br />
wildbubblerificster #9
- i'm a new reader , and i say this story is COOL . <br />