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Review; Felicific

Story Title: [5/5]

Felicific. The title sure looked appealing to me at first sight, though your story only has two chapters so the meaning might not have been woven into the story yet! Hopefully, the 'causing happiness' parts will come out soon! This will make your title more real!


Appearance: [3/5]

To be honest, I don't really like the main graphic. It does not look like a proper poster at all. Maybe you could request for one at one of the graphic shops! Posters can help you attract readers to your story because that is sort of the first thing people see when they click on your story!

As for your organization, the font and font size used is alright but I don't like your layout. The sparkling story borders you used is quite distracting. Without them, your story looked perfectly fine too!


Description/Foreword: [7/10]

It's not wonderfully perfect but not it's not horrible. I find that there's something wrong with your organization. The colors you used make your story looked a little kiddy. Try not to use too many colors.

Also, you don't have a summary for your story. A short excerpt (if that is) is not enough. People cannot infer much from that. I suggest you put in a summary. You can add in descriptions for your characters too!

Lastly, I don't get the heartbeat scan picture. Maybe the reason will come out later in the story. I hope it will! Do not put irrelevant pictures or words in your story!


Characters: [6/10]

The characteristic of each character in your story are not in depth yet. Maybe it's due to the fact that this story has just began. Don't worry! Just make sure to focus on your characters' personalities when you are writing! This part is also when the characters' description in your foreword comes to help though it is totally optional.


Originality: [5/10]

This story is not original. It's very hard to score for this section because comparing stories to stories sure have their similarities. I supposed this story focuses strongly on the and rated scenes where Taemin tries to make Onew like him? This kind of plot is widely seen. I'm not saying you are copying. It's just common. You should add a twist or something to make your story special!


Plot: [14/20]

It's not very amusing. Perhaps because the story only has two chapters for now. It has not even reached its which is the best part of the story. However, I can see you are developing quite well, taking things step by step. That's good! Do not rush your story. Write properly and make sure to proof-read before updating/posting a chapter. Although readers like updates but an update with many mistakes may annoy them too!

Just a little tip on writing stories: make sure you complete them. Don't abandon your story. Look at the subscribers and readers you got, they are increasing. You won't want to disappoint them right? If you don't plan on completing the story, must as well not start on it.


Grammar/Spelling/Punctuation (Language use) : [16/30]

Firstly, your paragraphing. Please make a new paragraphs after every speech spoken. It makes everything more neat and this is also proper English.

Next, you have some grammatical and typo errors. I suggest that you could proof-read your chapters before publishing like I've said before. Maybe even now, you can read the two chapters and correct the errors since it's only two chapters. If the errors continue, you will have more to correct in the future.


Style: [3/5]

Your writing style is only average. There's noting special or extremely good about it.


Enjoyment: [2/5]

This did not spark any particular interest in me. As I was saying, maybe it was due to the uncompleted story but don't worry! You can send in another request when your story is completed!


Total scores: [61%]


Thank you for requesting!(: Don't forget to leave a comment when you pick up and credit in your foreword! 

Click here for story link.


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Username: musikseoul

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Anything else: thank you ;)

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Anything Else:
HEHE thank you in advance :)

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Anything Else:
Um... it's rated in some parts for violence, , and yeah.. but if you can't read stuff liek that, there's a chp summary at the bottom of the "M" chapters :P
Oh and THANK YOU! :D
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