Who are you?

My Love Adviser


The walk to your home had never been this sad and long, you walked and walked but it was like if you were going on circles, you always arrived at the same place. Since you were getting tired, you decided to take a shortcut, something very unusual of you.

You stopped and titled you head, just when you were about to take the shortcut it look like if your way home had shorten, you could see the Chinese restaurant, something that wasn't there about  a minute ago. Was that possible?

Since your usual way to home was much closer now, you decided to go for the safer. 

Suddenly the Chinese restaurant started to go farther and farther, you tried to run and reach it, but you were tired, you could feel your feet aching and you needed a break, you stopped on your tracks and breath. 


You yelled like you had never yell.

You were usually a calm person, tantrums weren’t part of you, but today you were mad.

You kicked the ing garbage can with all your might and continued screaming, you felt the tears rolling down your cheeks, and nothing could stop you.

YOU WERE PISSED OFF, all your feelings were now exploding but the sad part was that you were angry at yourself. For not being strong, for not taking the lead, it was your life but you had never done something for yourself or for anyone else, it was like if your existence didn’t meant a !

Why were you here? In this big universe?

You had found bliss for a second and you let it go, without even trying to hold on.

“Did you finish your tantrum, little girl?.”

You turned your head and saw a man leaning on a wall.

“Excuse me. Are you talking to me?—you replied, you couldn’t help but smirk, who the does this man think he is?

You were still angry, breaking stuff didn’t help a lot, maybe breaking an arm will.

“I asked you something motherer.”

You were surprised by your language. You didn’t usually swear, something was changing, and you were certain that something was you.

“I heard your question, I was just wondering if I should reply”

The man stepped out of dark and came closer to you.  He looked at you and smirked.That smirk, you wanted to rip his face just so you could never see that stupid smirk again.

“What do you really want, baby girl? Have you ever thought that?”

“Don’t talk like if you knew me, okay!?”

“Oh I know u baby girl, but that’s not important right now. What is really important is that you fight for your love”

“How the do you know about that?”

“I know everything”

“ you, I’m going home.”

“Fine, let’s go”

“Excuse me?!”

Okay, now you were freaking out.

“You really don’t have any idea who am I?”


“I’m your love adviser, sent by the heavens.”



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sunset812 #2
Chapter 6: Uh, isn't she supposed to be looking for her soulmate? Who apparently isn't Seunghyun? More's the pity...
sunset812 #3
Chapter 5: The bubonic plague? Really?
Chapter 5: Lalalaaaa supossed to be sleeping who cares right? Jajajaj amazing updatee
sunset812 #5
Chapter 4: I'm laughing again. The backstory on her love advisor seems interesting. What's the competition that he has to win?
Chapter 4: "Hunt the mother____er down" amazing! Hahahahahahahah please update soon
sunset812 #7
Chapter 3: Bwahahahahahah!!! He's a love advisor? this could be either really funny or really tragic. What's it going to be?
Chapter 3: Awsomeeeee !!!
Chapter 1: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay updatee
musicloverk10 #10
Chapter 2: Seunghyun <3 Waiting for updates!! ^^