In the Eyes of the Beholder

Drowning in Your Eyes


Seungri POV

I wake up in the morning to find that no one has awaken yet, which is weird because I'm always the last person to get up in the morning. As I go to grab some cereal in the cabinent I see a note on the refrigerator. 

"Hey sleepyheads, I decided to go work on the new album at the moment so you have the day off today. From your great leader Jiyong ps. I took Daesung and TOP with me." 

I'm thankful that we have the day off, so I can keep some peace away from the group. The past month has been really hard for me. For some reason I feel something strange everytime I see Youngbae. Everytime he is near me, my heart starts to beat fast, like it is going to explode out my chest. Some people would describe it as love, but it can't. I can't be in love with a guy, especially Youngbae of all people. As I went to sit down on the table I hear a door open in the dorm and of course no one other than Youngbae. He is shirtless, showing his choclate abs as he rubs his tired eyes. 

"Good Morning Hyung" I said slightly arwkard. Youngbae yawned as he waved at me. He looked around the dorm as his face lit up with confusion. 

"Where is everyone?" He said as he rubbed his head

"They are working on the new album, we have the day off." I said with a smile

"Well thats great, I guess I get to spend the day with you, Panda." I blushed a little bit. He actually wants to spend time with me today, even if he could hang anyone he wanted. "Well, excuse me I'm gonna go take a shower." As he walked away, I went through everything in the house, trying to make him something special to eat. As I was cooking for him, I started to think about him, showering in the steaming room, I could almost feel how hot it was. I smacked myself. "What the hell am I thinking. This Youngbae, you should be thinking about y girls like CL." But I couldn't stop thinking about him. I couldn't stop thinking about his nice smile, his y body, the cute way he yawned in the morning, I was totally lost in the hotness of Youngbae. I felt a pain going through my hand, I looked down and noticed my hand was on the hot stove. My hand was slightly burned but I withstood the pain and kept cooking. 

"Hey, Seungri!" I heard Youngbae scream from the bathroom.

"Yes, Hyung?"

"Can you hand me a towel, I forgot to grab one."

"Yes, Hyung"  I ran to the door and gave him a towel, not realizing that I opened it so wide, that it exposed Youngbae. I dropped the towel in the bathroom and ran away  with my face lighting up bright red. “Sorry Hyung” I said screaming at the top my lungs in embarrassment.

“Sorry about what, it’s not like you haven’t seen me like that before.”

“Right.” I said  breathing heavily. He walked out the bathroom  with only a towel surrounding his wet chiseled body. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. My eyes were obsessed with his godly body.

A few minutes had passed by before Youngbae came out of his room again, wearing tight skinny jeans and a sleeveless shirt exposing his huge biceps. “Oh my...” Youngbae said while he sniffed the air. “Whatever you cooked smells delicious.” He went and sat down at the table.

Minutes had passed by since we both started eating and we had spoken any words at all, but it didn’t bother me. I could see him smiling as he ate my food and in return it made me happy.  His smile made me feel like I have been locked out of heaven. As he ate all I could think about was what it would be like to kiss those beautiful lips of his.

“That was great Seungri” Youngbae said “That was the best meal that I’ve had in my life thank you.”

“Thank you” I said blushing.

“Hey, what happened to your hand?”

“I burned it while I was cooking.”

“Let me see it.” He went and grabbed my hand. His hand was so soft, like a baby. My heart kept moving faster and faster. I felt like I was going to die. Youngbae was talking to me, but I couldn’t focus on the words he was saying. Then he started to move closer to me, and I eyes started to meet. His eyes were beautiful, like I was staring into the sun. His eyes were what I was missing in life. It felt like I was drowning in his eyes. I wanted to swim in his eyes forever. But now I had to focus on reality, the reality that Youngbae was inches away from my face.

“Seungri” Youngbae said

“Yeah.” I said as I closed my eyes in curiosity. I heard his phone ring and he backed away.

“You have a little something on your face.” He said awkwardly. “Excuse me, while I take this call outside.” As he left the dorm I felt a little bit of sadness hit me. I thought he was going to kiss me or confess his love to me, but I guess I was just imagining some chemistry between us. Tears began to fall out my eyes and I didn’t want to keep them back.

Youngbae’s POV

“No, Jiyong I didn’t tell him.” I said with a sigh while on the phone. “I was going to tell him but then you went and called me on the phone.” I hung up the phone in a rage. I was so close to telling Seungri and now I don’t think I have the strength to tell him that I am madly in love with him. Maybe its for the best though, someone as cute as him could never love me back.


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youngbeezzys #1
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl this is so cute. please make them together!!
Chapter 1: Re-reading this amazingness all over again because it just appeared in my mind and I had to hunt this fic down to find it. Going for the sequel ^^
JagiyaBunny #3
I didn't realized you finished the that case...SEQUEL!!!!! PLEASE!!
JagiyaBunny #4
Chapter 1: I agree with onepenny!! What the hell ji?! You fantastic c-o-c-kblock!! HAHAHAHA!!! Update soon!! Can't wait!!
Onepenny #5
Chapter 1: Damn you Ji and your crap timing!!!
DigitalPounce #6
Chapter 1: Whaaaat?! No, no this needs more! Not just a oneshot!
Chapter 1: Nooooo! I need a sequel!!! That was so heart wrenching. TT____TT
but good job!
Chapter 1: Why did Seungri ran away????
If I am Seungri, hmmmmmmmm
maybe I'll just stay there....
Nice story
Good job!