A New Life For Ahn Subin

Of Friendship and Trouble




Subin lightly bobbed her head and swayed her body to the beat as she recorded her favorite band performing with the hand phone that L.Joe gave her. It was a bit crowded at the gig; people were pushing here and there as they jumped around like drunken people, enjoying the gig as well. Smell of sweats stung her nose but nonetheless, she’s having fun.

Suddenly, someone’s arm knocked hers that was recording the performance. She gasped and froze for a bit. The culprit took her hand phone that was on the ground and apologized “I’m sorry!” His friend that was beside him nudged him with his elbow “Kris, be careful will you?!”

Subin was in dazed as she stared at Kris- what his friend called him. She admired his exotic beauty and she suddenly feels like she wants to run her fingers on his jet black hair. (JUST IMAGINED KRIS HAS BLACK HAIR HERE JUST LIKE HIS PRE-DEBUT HAIR.) But then she snapped out of her daze and snatched her hand phone from his hand “You! Give me the phone!” She shouted harshly and checked her hand phone as she walked away from the crowd. “I’m sorry!” Kris apologized again but she didn’t hear him. He grumbled and rolled his eyes at the rude behavior from the girl.

His friend, Chen, elbowed his arm and frowned “What a rude girl!” Then he smiled cheekily “But she’s cute!”

“Cute or not but she’s still rude!” Kris rolled his eyes again. Chen just shrugged and continued watching the performance, bobbing his head like crazy. Kris shook his head at his friend and joined him as well.






Subin’s POV






As I unlocked the door with my key, I noticed my mom’s shoes at the door.

“Eh, she was supposed to be working today, right?” I mumbled to myself. I just shrugged to myself and as I went inside my home, I can smell a good aroma from the kitchen. I grinned and skipped to the kitchen after locking the door.

“Umma, are you cooki-“ I stopped talking as I found out that Umma is not in the kitchen. “Umma?”

I walked to my mom’s room. I was about to open the door but my worries heighten as I heard sobbing from inside.

“Umma, are you okay?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in worry. She was sitting at her bed, crying heavily. My eyes widened in shock as I saw the things that my mom was clutching. It’s the drugs that I hid under my clothes.

“Umma..” I said, speechless as I kneeled beside her. “I- I … I don’t take drugs, Umma..” I stuttered.

“You don’t take it? Then what is this?” Her voice was croaked as her tears was continuously running on her cheeks.

“I swear Umma, I don’t take it!” I cried.

“Then what?! You sell it?!!” She shouted. I bowed my head in guilty. I just couldn’t take it to see her cried.

“You really sell it?! Why? Because of money??! Why? If you want money, you can just ask me. Why??...” She hit my shoulder weakly.

“But Umma.. I don’t want to burden you by asking you money for me to study or buy books..”

“This is my fault, right? I want you to study hard.. But I can give you nothing. I’m such a useless mom.”

“No, Umma-“

“I have decided to take the job that your uncle offered me at Seoul. The pay is quite big. There, we will forget everything that happens here and start a new life, okay sweetheart?” Umma hold my hand. I nodded weakly. If this what my mom wants, I will do whatever it takes to make her happy again. I pulled my mom in a hug.










“L.Joe, I can’t do this anymore, okay?” I said to L.Joe. “You said this is my last week!”

“Okay fine. Give me the money.” He sighed harshly. I take the money from my bag and give it to him. Truthfully, I stole some of the money. He counted it and glared at me.

“It’s not enough.” He spat.

“What? This is all the money that I get from selling all the drugs.”

“Did you take some of the money?!” He shouted and grabbed my wrist tightly.

“No! I didn’t take it!” I lied and tried to pull back my hand but he was too strong for me.

“Liar!!” He shouted and pushed me on his bed. “You ! Don’t you dare lying to me!” He slapped my face and I screamed in pain. He took my bag and rummaged through it. “Yah! Where is the money?!!” He threw my bag away, not finding it in my bag. I cowered away from him. He harshly grabbed my hair and smacked his lips on mine. I slapped his shoulder but he didn’t even budged and bit my neck. I screamed in fear as he ed my shirt.

“No!! Get off me!!” I cried. He pushed me on the wall and shouted “Shut the up!!”

As he my neck, I shivered in disgust. I quickly kick his crotch with my knee as reflex. He shouted in pain and fall to the ground, clutching his crotch. I kicked it again and grabbed my bag, running for my life, away from his house. Away from him. Away from this sick place. Away from my old self. To start a new life.



When you make a mistake, don't look back at it long. Take the reason of the thing into your mind and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.
-- Hugh White

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